
A man is the architect of his own destiny. It is an oft quoted proverb which is literally true. A man can control his destiny to a great extent by true self knowledge and deep self introspection. There is always a cause to an effect and this universal law of cause and effect applies in all aspects of ones life and nature. If we understand the cause and control our thoughts, actions and behaviors with our knowledge, willpower and imagination then we can also control the effects. In other words one can say that by sowing the seeds of good habits one can reap the harvest of good actions, strong character and a bright destiny eventually.

Metaphysics which is a branch of philosophy explores the nature and cause of being and ones existence. Metaphysicians thus discover the relationships between objects and their properties, space and time, cause and effect of ones being and other possibilities. is not easy to understand and it takes a lot of time and great efforts on the part of knowledge seekers to understand it well. However once you learn them you would be able to analyze your destiny or all about the past events and happenings and thus command better control over your present which will result in your desirable future.

With the proper knowledge of metaphysics and application of the same you can gain a deep understanding of yourself and will be able to analyze the past events and your present conditions in the best way possible. This will inculcate the habit of deep self introspection in you and you will be able to mold your future in the desirable way by controlling your present and having a better understanding of your true nature and nurture.

Life is never a smooth road; rather it is a roller coaster ride which gives you its own part of joys and miseries, obstacles and opportunities. It is quite natural for one to meet with setbacks down the road of life and how one deals with them depends on ones perspective, beliefs and attitudes. You may either perceive them as crisis or feel victimized or helpless or you may think them to be opportunities to learn something new and test your courage through boldly facing them.

There are some reputed in China which offer courses to learn Chinese fenbgshui and also learn to provide bazi consulting services. These institutes with a well coordinated network of professionals and others provide you basic and advanced Bazi courses and feng shui lessons. Bazi course will help you in deep self understanding and thus you will learn the technique of destiny analysis. Feng shui classes will teach you that there is nothing impossible in this world and destiny is not something which is unpredictable.

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