
YAPC would like to welcome Heather Manley to the blog today. She is here to answer some of our questions and tell us about herself and her Human Body Detectives Book Collection. If this looks like something you or someone you know would enjoy, please go get a copy!

YAPC: Try to describe your book in one sentence.

Heather: Educating kids on how their bodies works and what foods best fuel them, in an engaging and entertaining way.

YAPC: Where would you live if you could live anywhere in the world?

Heather: Much too hard to choose one…

Kenya: I lived in East Africa for almost a year in my early twenties. I was never so relaxed and at peace in my entire life. Loved the beauty, simplicity and the abundance of wild creatures surrounding me everyday. As I walked to Daphne Sheldrick’s elephant orphanage – where I worked – warthogs would cross my path, giraffes would be grazing in the background and baby elephants greeted me with trunk filled hugs.

Paris: I am lucky enough to have traveled to Paris many times and spent a month there one winter. I adore the people – creative, busy, yet so real – the architecture, the rich history, the store fronts and of course, the abundant coffee shops to hang out in and people watch.

I would at anytime, if given the opportunity, pack my bags and go back to either place.

YAPC: State a random fact about yourself that would surprise your readers.

Heather: I am a doctor – naturopathic physician; believer in preventative health care education.

YAPC: Do you have any advice for unpublished authors?

Heather: Write and write and write. Then edit with a professional editor. Submit your book; however, if it doesn’t get picked up from a publisher, self – publish. Be passionate, persistent and patient.

YAPC: What’s the hardest part of writing a book?

Heather: I actually believe the writing part is easy. Being creative is liberating. The hard part is marketing. Keep this in mind and set yourself up with a good marketing support team to help guide you to make best decisions for getting your book visible.

YAPC: How did you come up with your premise for your books?

Heather: I was literally flipping pancakes one Sunday morning when I thought about writing a series based on the talks I was giving to elementary aged kids. I had been going into classrooms for a while talking about the digestive system, and nutrition. I would bring along stethoscopes, show the kids what doctors wrote down ( based on SOAP – subjective, objective, assessment and plan) and had some fun ( a little messy) experiments for them. They LOVED it.

I decide to do a little more research at our local library and on line to find more information to enhance what I was teaching. All I could find were encyclopedia type books and books talking about the whole human body. I wanted something entertaining yet educational that spoke about the different physiological systems, how they work independently but need each other to function optimally.

YAPC: What book is currently on your nightstand?

Heather: ROOM by Emma Donoghue.

I recently read and loved, albeit pretty heavy, was, A House in the Sky: A Memoir by Amanda Lindhout and Sara Corbett. And Me Before You: A Novel by Jojo Moyes which brought me to tears at 2 in morning.

YAPC: Do you prefer Twitter or Facebook?

Heather: Twitter is a place I prefer to hang out. My handle is @drheathernd. I tweet mostly about health stuff but love to talk about everything!

YAPC: Morning person or night owl?

Heather: I adore my mornings!!! Yet, I love the peace that comes at twilight; the in-between period from light to dark soothes me and encourages me to kick back, light candles and get ready for bed ( sleep is sacred to me).

YAPC: How many more books can we expect in this series?

Heather: I would like to write a few more ( muscular and integumentary) plus curriculum to go with them. Many might not know but there is elementary curriculum to go along with each book. It goes in much more depth with heaps of lesson plans, activities and games.

Book Description:

All HBD Stories in One Book!

Case#1 The Lucky Escape

Case#2 Battle with the Bugs

Case#3 A Heart Pumping Adventure

Case#4 Osteoblasts to the Rescue

Case#5 Brainiacs

Human Body Detectives Merrin and Pearl are at it again.

The stories of Merrin and Pearl’s magical ability to jump into people’s bodies and explore their systems (digestive, immune, circulatory, skeletal, nervous) combine science with their fun adventures to help kids understand how their bodies work. At the same time, each book explains the healthy whole foods that fuel each system.

Ideal for both the home and the classroom, these beautifully illustrated books include activity pages, a glossary of terms, and information about the best foods kids can eat to keep their bodies healthy. A curriculum for teachers is also available for each book.

The Human Body Detectives series explores science with a twist–an accessible lesson about the human body presented in a fun, relatable way that kids will love.

Buy the Human Body Detectives Collection:


About the Author: Dr. Heather Manley, ND, is a practicing physician who received her medical degree in 2001 from National College of Naturopathic Medicine in Portland, Oregon. She is also the award-winning author of The Human Body Detectives book and curriculum series.

A contributing writer to Dandelion Moms, Organic Eats magazine, Parents Canada, and KIWI magazine, Dr. Heather was inspired to write The Human Body Detectives stories when she went on a search for books about healthy eating tips for parents and kids and couldn’t find what she was looking for. She wanted to provide a fun and engaging resource that would teach kids about how their bodies work and what foods best feed them. And the HBDs were born.

The Human Body Detectives series won Moms’ Choice Award and is also a Parent Tested, Parent Approved winner. Dr. Heather has been named to the Top 50 Mompreneurs Bloggers List on both Babble , VoiceBoks and blogtrepreneur

Dr. Heather lives and practices on the Big Island of Hawaii, where her focus is on preventative healthcare for families and providing a resource for families to learn more about preventative health care so that they can be confident and proactive in their everyday health. She lives with her husband and her two daughters, with whom she based her stories’ characters, Merrin and Pearl.

Connect with Heather:

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