
It is almost Thanksgiving here in the U.S. and that means food and lots of it. I generally don't do the cooking. I am more of a Macy's Day Parade kind of gal than cook but, others do and food can get hot. When I have cooked, I have also been known to get burnt.

I did not want anyone else to get burnt and when I saw these gloves, I had to try them out or at least let the hubby try them out. As it turns out, we both did!

Right away I liked the fact that these Culinary Couture Cooking Gloves fit my hands. These are XL and will fit anyone's hands. That is a nice thing because who wants to be handling something hot with non-fitting gloves.  The gloves are flexible too which allows me to hold different sized pots or tools for cooking. See those little dots. Those are to help with grip. I can be assured that I will have a firm hold on those pots and pans too.

Even though these gloves have a fancy name they are anything but "fancy". These gloves hold up to the heat. According to the company the gloves will work up to 650 degrees. Now, that is hot! I am hear to tell you that we have used them already to hold hot boiling pans off the stove and out of the oven too.  The flexibility allows for grilling and all other sorts of cooking opportunities.

Check this out:

With Thanksgiving upon us and all the holiday events in December that requires food, you will want these.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Disclosure: I received these gloves with a discounted code so I could get the free in exchange for my open and honest opinion. The views expressed here are 100% my own or that of my family and may not reflect your opinions. ~Naila Moon

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