
This lip problem is painful, unsightly and recurring. Whether yours comes out in the sun or just when you're not expecting it to a cold sore is annoying and it lingers. Stress is the most common cause. This official name for a cold sore is also not very nice either and relates to a sexually transmitted disease, but just because you have one on your lip doesn't mean it is everywhere on your body. The medical term is herpes simplex virus or HSV and is a very common illness.

The disorder is in a multiple group of blisters which are fluid filled and appear red and swollen on the areas of the skin which have mucus membranes. They heal eventually over a week or so but do not leave any scarring. There are two types of the virus HSV-1 is the most common type and usually cause cold sores or oral herpes, and eighty percent of the adult population have antibodies against this type. HSV-2 is the strain of genital herpes but only 25 percent of adults have antibodies against type 2.

The virus can only be contracted by close personal contact and this is transmitted between the ages of 3 and 5. The symptoms do not show themselves until after puberty though. Now a lipstick sized device can be applied to the lips when the tingle starts and if caught early enough the cold sore doesn't have time to develop and can actually be stopped from forming. The virus can never be cured.

The next self confidence knocker is your beautiful head of hair. Our hair style is important to us and when it starts to vanish our individuality wavers to the look of everyone else with thinning hair. Most hair replacement product target women as they don't usually through hereditary genes naturally lose their hair. Males are different and it can be that if you parent is bald you probably will be too.

Saw Palmetto is an herbal extract which has shown significant results in stopping the hair follicles becoming dormant. This capsule provides a protein ingredient blend that will stimulate re-growth. Better still it can be found in a shampoo, this cleanses the scalp and reduces the elevated levels of DHT on the surface of the head.

The protein therapy for the scalp will help strengthen and assist men in stopping the assault of DHT on the hair follicles. DHT is Dihydrotestonterone which is what the hormone testosterone is converted into which also slows or stops hair growth. Over time DHT causes the hair to die and eventually the scalp can be visible through the fine hair that remains.


If you are looking for a cold sore treatment then there are some great products available and if you are need a hair loss treatment you can use Hairmax which is a best seller on the market. For more information on supplements and the best products online, visit http://www.peak-nutrition.co.uk.

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