
Copyright (c) 2013 Jim Ford

Everyone understands the need to stamp out world hunger. Men, women and children are dying every day across the globe due to starvation and hunger or malnourished related illness and disease. In the United States and around the world, there are organizations designed to raise awareness and money to help fight this terrible problem.

In America, a country full of caring people, we see this hunger and truly care about trying to help, but many, even in the richest country in the world, cannot afford to help. Far too many of us are struggling with the high cost of health care in this country, party brought about by our own laziness.

We are a Nation that is fighting obesity. Our high rate of obesity and obesity related illness and disease is costing our country dearly, while much of the world around us is starving, we are dying from obesity related heart disease, stroke, and diabetes to name a few.

In this country we do our best to convince ourselves and each other that being fat is not only ok, but it is beautiful. We attack magazines that show healthy people on the cover, and praise those who are happy with being overweight.

For some, obesity is the result of disease or an underlying illness, but for many, obesity is the cause of disease or illness. Do you fall into the latter category?

Those that do agree that obesity in America is a problem are attacking fast food companies and school lunch programs because no one wants to admit that the fault or the solution lies within each and every individual.

No one forces us to make poor meal choices, and no one forces us to place our health at the bottom of our priority list. Yes, we are a busy people. There is work, school, children, chores, sports, and thousands of movies and television shows that we simply must watch! Don't forget the time we must dedicate to Facebook and Twitter. All of course must take priority over our health and our setting a good example for our children.

Imagine how much of a difference we could make, not just within ourselves or for our country, but for the world, if we would make the decision to place our own personal level of health above the other priorities in our lives, and start taking responsibility for our own choices.

Our personal choices could literally impact the world. I propose we take a step against world hunger by taking a stand against our own obesity problems. Decide today that it is time to make a difference in your life, and in the lives of those around you. Commit to eating a little better each day, and start getting a little exercise. Then take some of that money you are saving to contribute to organizations set up to battle world hunger.

You do not have to take the time or spend the money to join a local gym, and you don't need to hire a personal trainer. There are options through home fitness programs that save you both time and money while also providing you with detailed fitness guidance. A variety of home fitness programs are available to help you reach your goals and get you hooked on fitness. Some involve the use of accessories like bands or dumbbells, while others require nothing but your commitment. All simply require your commitment to better health.


Home fitness options are more available and more effective today than ever before. Check out Beachbody Fitness options today! http://homefitnessoptions.com

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