Nintendo unveiled their Switch console today, finally providing vital details about the hybrid gaming system’s hardware, launch titles and more. Here’s what you need to know.
Nintendo Switch Hardware
The main idea of the Switch is that it’s a convertible: it can used as a handheld, like a Game Boy or a 3DS, or plugged into its base station and thereby connected to a TV. Interestingly, handheld runs at 720p on its 6.2-inch screen, but outputs at 1080p when in its docking station.
Internally, the Switch is powered by a custom Nvidia Tegra processor, backed with 32GB of onboard storage, expandable via Micro SD. Games will come on physical GameCards or downloaded online; there’s no disc drive here.
The handheld should last 2.5~6 hours depending on the game being played, and recharges via USB-C. It’ll connect to the internet using Wi-Fi ac, and connects to wireless controllers over Bluetooth 4.1.
Nintendo Switch controllers
In the box, the Nintendo Switch will come with a pair of Joy-Con controllers that attach to the side of the console in handheld mode, or attach to a small centre section if if the console is connected to a TV. You can also share the controller with two players, splitting up the two halves to be used separately.
There’s also a Wired Controller and a Pro Controller that offer more traditional controls.
Nintendo Switch launch titles
There are four games confirmed as launch day titles for the Switch:
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild: the first HD Zelda game, Breath of the Wild also has an open world and physics
1-2-Switch: a collection of minigames using the Joy-Con controllers
Skylanders Imaginators: The latest iteration of the popular ‘toys to life’ action game for kids
Just Dance 2017: dancing, fairly obviously
Other titles are also expected to be released at launch, or soon thereafter:
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Has Been Heroes
I am Setsuna
Lego City Undercover
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
NBA 2K18
Project Sonic 2017
Sonic Mania
Splatoon 2
Super Bomberman
Super Mario Odyssey
Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap
Xeonblade Chronicles 2
You can find a full list of Nintendo Switch games on Wikipedia.
Nintendo Switch UK price
The Switch will cost £280 on launch, although one website took pre-orders at a much more competitive £200 price point (whoops). Others expected a price point around £250, which still ended up being overly conservative.
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You’ll likely end up spending much more than £280 too, as individual Joy-Con Controllers cost £43 and the pair (left + right) costs £75. There’s also a Wired Controller for £28 and a Pro Controller for £65. Straps (to prevent you from throwing the controller through the screen) cost £5.
Games will be pricey too, at £60 for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and £50 for Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.
Nintendo Switch UK launch date
The Nintendo Switch will release in the UK on March 3rd, 2017.
Wrapping up the Nintendo Switch
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