The last period I have repeatedly been asked by novice Notes Domino / XPages Developers what the best XPages Resources are to get started with XPages Development and to obtain more information about XPages Development. Obviously NotesIn9 stands at number one in answering this question. Other excellent resources are are the well-known News Aggregators, OpenNTF and, for questions and answers, of course StackOverflow. Furthermore, of course, the great new Slack Communities for Notes Domino and XPages Developers! Last but not least the XPages Masterclass to gain insight into the XPages Request Processing Lifecycle and why it is important for an XPages Developer to understand it. In my view a good starting point to begin with XPages Development.
1. NotesIn9 - David Leedy
This site mostly focused on Web development by primarily using XPages technology from IBM Domino Servers but you never know when other technology might show up.
2. Collaboration Today
Collaboration Today is a news aggregator for IBM Collaboration Solutions professionals covering news about various IBM products like IBM Connections, IBM Domino, IBM WebSphere Portal etc. and cross product topics like mobile, cloud and analytics.
3. Planet Lotus
Planet Lotus is an aggregation of Lotus related blogs and news. It acquaints those interested in the Lotus Blogosphere with the best blogs out there. 266 Lotus blogs updated hourly.
4. Google+ XPages Community
Objectives for this community are to promote XPages technology and share info between XPages developers.
Get started with XPages, Downloads, Demos, Resources and Videos.
XPages is a web and mobile application development platform. It allows IBM Lotus Notes data as well as data from relational and other data sources to be displayed to browser clients on all platforms.
The programming model is based on standards and common web development skills like JavaScript, Ajax, the Dojo Toolkit, Server-side JavaScript, and JavaServer Faces. XPages leverages IBM Lotus Domino functionality, like its NoSQL document-oriented database.
6. Stackoverflow
A great resources for questions and answers about XPages. Just search for XPages or for a specific part of XPages.
7. Notes Domino XPages development forum
8. XPages Slack Community (
9. OpenNTF Slack Community (
10. XPages Masterclas - The XPages Request Processing Lifecycle
In this XPages Masterclass video series, you will gain insight into the XPages Request Processing Lifecycle and why it is important for you as an XPages Developer to understand it. The Series includes four video's - an introduction video, plus three content / demo videos.
The Serie uses a sample application (lifecycle.nsf) to introduce and explain key aspects of the XPages Request Processing Lifecycle. The XPages Toolbox is also used to further highlight the importance of becoming proficient in understanding the XPages Request Processing Lifecycle in order to be able to profile and tune your XPages applications. Series 1 – Video 4 completes the first series by explaining and demonstrating four main characteristics of the XPages Request Processing Lifecycle before undertaking a detailed examination of the Greenwell Helpdesk application where some day-to-day use cases turn up surprising results that are then optimized to produce a truly performant and robust application.
Video 2 – Introduction to the XPages Request Processing Lifecycle
Video 3 – lifecycle.nsf and Using the XPages Toolbox
Video 4 – RICE and Advanced Lifecycle Optimization
1. Understanding the XPages Request Processing Lifecycle
A brief reminder of the material covered in Video 2 and Video 3
2. Reliability, Integrity, Consistency, Efficiency (RICE)
An explanation of four main characteristics of the XPages Request Processing Lifecycle
3. Advanced Lifecycle Optimization
A detailed examination of each characteristic using coded examples from the supporting lifecycle.nsf application
Case Study: Greenwell Helpdesk
A detailed profiling examination of two versions of the Greenwell Helpdesk application