
lt. Berichten auf IGN berichten derzeit Massen an Nutzer, das Ihre Konten mit Zahlungen aus dem Sony Shop belastet werden.

Sony hat angeblich darauf reagiert und eine Welle an Passwort-Resets veranlasst.

Betroffen sind Nord-Amerika und Europa.


Dear valued customer,

The Sony Entertainment Network team routinely monitors for any irregular activity, and if such activity is detected, we may sometimes reset passwords of affected accounts to protect consumers and their account information. Your account password was recently reset as part of this process and you will need to create a new password the next time you access your account using the "Forgot Your Password" option on the Sign in screen.

We encourage you to create a complex unique password that you have not used before or isn't the same password as those associated with other online services. As always, we also encourage you to keep a close eye on your account for any unusual activity including emails about transactions you did not perform. Please click here if you need help in changing your password, or to contact us for additional assistance.

Also, remember that Sony will never ask you for your password or any personal or account information in an email. Please use caution if you receive any emails or phone calls from anyone asking for personal information or directing you to a website where you are asked to provide personal information.

Thank you, The Sony Entertainment Network Team

Momentan ist aber noch vollkommen unklar, wie/wer/wo an die Passwörter gekommen ist...

Ergänzend hier, wird das Sony Network am Montag und Dienstag für 8 Stunden deaktiviert...



"Just last night, at about 1:10 AM, I received an email saying $50 was added to my wallet," Marcus Elyiace told IGN via email. "No more than 15 seconds later, I receive another email saying the same thing. I immediately login to my account [...] but by the time I did that, another $50 dollars was taken from my card."

Elyiace contacted Sony customer service and forwarded IGN the details of the conversation. The Sony rep said all the charges would be refunded within five to seven days and stressed "making sure that your password is not something that you use on other places around the internet."

Another PSN user, Bobby Atkins, says funds were also added to his Store wallet. But before Atkins noted the charges to his credit card, someone had purchased FIFA 14 content with his account. The inclusion of FIFA in the mix brings back memories of 2011, when multiple Xbox 360 users' accounts suddenly found charges of FIFA 12 content they had never purchased.

Downloading content via another person's account to the hacker's PlayStation device may seem like a fruitless effort, but there is some reasoning--if you can call it that--to the madness. Theoretically, the person in control of the account could designate their PlayStation device as the "primary" console, then proceed to download the content. When the victim resets their password, the access would obviously be revoked. But assuming the game in question doesn't require DRM verification, or if the unverified PlayStation is kept offline, they could possibly still use the content or game.

Other messages to IGN included a fraudulent charge for $650 to a clothing retailer on the same card linked to the person's PSN account, and other users who found games on their account they had never opted to purchase. All of the alleged victims received the "irregular activity" email from Sony. Sony has sent this same password reset email out at least twice in as many weeks.

Of course, there's no direct evidence the alleged charges are in fact related to the emails sent out from Sony, and it's unclear if the issue is widespread. IGN has contacted Sony on the matter, but as of this writing, the company has not returned the request for comment.

Hierzu der Bericht:

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