In addition to the accomplice in the first row who got a cell phone call then propped the emergency exit door open for him, reports of multiple shooters (anyone have a first hand source for one or more of those?), the Tennessee license plates on the supposed shooter’s car, the question of how he could afford $20,000 worth of gear, why his mother’s statements were misused to make it seem like she thought he was the shooter, why the hell he was drugged out of his mind in the first court appearance, and why they will now be keeping the rest of the court appearances secret, this is another thing that makes no sense:
…questions remain. One was pointed out to me this morning in an email from Andrew Griffin, Editor at Red Dirt Report. According to a news items in the Toronto Sun: “MSNBC reports that public records show Holmes lived with two roommates at the apartment, which is reserved for students, faculty and staff from the medical campus.”
But if you go to the original MSNBC account, oops, the mention of Holmes’ alleged two roommates has disappeared.
What is going on here?
… when you google “james homes two room mates” there is a link to the feed of, which mentions this in the teaser on the google search listing. But when you go to the link, and look for the word “room mates”, there is none.
And what a coincidence, the google cache for that page does not work either. ….
via Twilight Language: Aurora: Synchromystic Wonderland.
The mother was quoted out of context by ABC News according to this:
A criminal-defense attorney hired by the family of shooting suspect James Eagan Holmes says his mother was portrayed inaccurately by national media reports that implied she knew her son was troubled. Lawyer Lisa Damiani said her client Arlene Holmes knew nothing about the mass murder in Denver when she was awakened about 5:45 a.m. PDT Friday by ABC News. Damiani said the reporter asked whether she was Arlene Holmes and whether her son was James Holmes. Reading a statement from Arlene Holmes, Damiani said: “I said ‘Yes, you have the right person.’ But I was talking about myself.”
via DelcoTimes
Arlene Holmes: “I did not know anything about a shooting in Aurora at that time. He asked if I was Arlene Holmes and if my son was James Holmes who lives in Aurora, Colorado. I answered, ‘Yes, you have the right person.’ I was referring to myself.
via RightEntertainment
In theses screenshots you don’t get the full effect of the video. If you watch him on the video it seems that he is not hearing any of the words said in the room. He looks completely drugged out. When the judge asks him a question, someone interrupts so it does not become obvious that he is checked out. Then the judge reads an absurd list of things he should not do, such as contacting the victim’s family. How is that supposed to happen? There is no way he will be out of prison. What is really scary is that he looks like Jason Mraz. I’ve watched the video of him giving a presentation when he was 18. Seems like a very normal slightly nervous guy. My gut says he didn’t do it, that he was framed. The problem is in today’s system, if someone powerful enough wants to frame you, you are screwed. He was not given a chance to say anything yet.
YouTube has the full video but someone edited in photos of the victims when we should be noticing how drugged out Holmes is. Why is the unedited RAW Full Video unavailable now? Notice at the end of the YouTube video that “Motion 6″ is to allow confidential Defense experts to be present for scientific testing of evidence. Why would the experts be confidential? I’m glad I watched the whole thing. My previous statements are that he appeared to not hear a single word. Indeed looked like the case when I watched it a second time, until the very end. He does stand on his own, understanding at least when it is time to leave.
i’ll bet he is wondering what happened and why he is being framed.
This is really crazy… from watching him, it looks like his mind has been taking over by someone and he is fighting to regain control. I know that is reading a lot into his facial expressions, but it just seems very strange…
MK Ultra.
even drudge has up this morning: “Joker turned Zombie”