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Tourism - temporary visits (travel) of people in another country or location that is different from the place of residence for a period of from 24 hours to 6 months in any one calendar year, or the commission of at least one overnight stay in entertainment, health, sport, guest, cognitive, religious and other purposes without the classes of an activity remunerated from a local source.

A person who commits such a journey is called a tourist.

== The problem of the definition of "tourism" ==

Writing a short and exact definition of "tourism" because of the variety of functions performed by them, and a large number of forms of expression, it is difficult. In the development of the different interpretations given to the term and each reflects the particular aspects of tourism. The basic criteria for the definition of "tourism" are the following:

Changing places: Move to a place that is beyond the daily living environment.

Stay in another place: the seat should not be a place of permanent or long stays (12 months or more).

Payment activities within the place visited: purpose of the trip should be the implementation of an activity remunerated from within the place visited, or employment (wages).

Modern tourism is impossible without the production of the tourism product: special clothing, equipment, hotels, travel agencies, transportation, etc. etc. However, in the proposed definitions of these activities are currently not reflected.

== Classification of tourism ==

Classification of tourism is quite a lot. First of all, distinguish between outbound, inbound and domestic tourism.

Outbound tourism - is associated with the movement of the citizens of one country over its borders. Domestic tourism - tourist movement within the same country. Inbound tourism - the entry of foreigners into the territory of the state, depending on the criteria on which the estimated journey, you can select a number of classifications.

Recreational tourism

Medical Tourism

health tourism

cognitive (sightseeing) tourism

Sports Tourism

extreme tourism

sex tourism

by travel destination

on landscape and geography

by the method of movement: active, transport tourism.


Other classifications

equipment according to the method

on the organizational form

by the age and social grounds

in activity during the holidays

on other grounds.

== The history of tourism ==

Tourism as a specific form of action arose relatively recently, but its roots go back to ancient times.

Stage of professional travel and high-end tourism.

Since ancient times, many people go on a journey to the world of knowledge and discovery of new territories, with trade, diplomatic, military, religious and other missions. All these travelers were in need of certain services by the local population in terms of accommodation, food, etc. Historically, the first enterprises of the tourism industry became a tavern, which enjoyed a dubious reputation of brothels.

The pilgrims coming to Rome for the celebration in 1300.

In ancient times, were the main motives for travel trade, education, pilgrimage, treatment. In ancient Greece, born and sports trips (Olympic Games). The development of trade led to massive construction of roads, inns, taverns. Some of the inns on luxuries were not different from the houses of rich people. The Roman aristocracy was actively involved in recreational travel - on their villas to the sea, to the mountains.

In the east, in ancient times, traveling by camel caravans. We spent the night in tents or in the caravanserai (inn with a shelter for animals). The service level was much higher than in Europe because of more active trading.

In the Middle Ages of travel has increased the religious factor - a huge mass of people rushed to the Christian and Muslim holy sites. Only the Renaissance weakened religious motifs and strengthened individual character and educational orientation trips. Young people often went on tour in Europe before taking up a profession. European society rested on resorts in Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Greece and Italy.

== Stage mass tourism ==

This stage is characterized by: the emergence of specialized enterprises for the production of tourism services (XIX century), as well as the formation of social and mass tourism (up to the Second World War) and the rapid development of the tourism industry and assembly-line mass tourism (up to 80 years of XX century).

The emergence of mass tourism contributed to the development of the industry, and as a consequence - the distinction of free time, the emergence of paid leave. In addition, the revolutionary development of transport - the appearance of the steamer, steam engine, the expansion of the road network has also played an important role.

The first upscale hotel appeared in Germany and Switzerland in the early XIX century, during the second half of the century - are a travel agent who organized travel packages, and settle them to the consumer.

In the first half of the XX century in Germany and the USSR fueled by mass recreation, sports tourism and military applications sports.

After the economic downturn associated with the Second World War, a new stage. With 50-60-ies of XX century began active development of tourism companies, large-scale construction of hotels and various entertainment facilities. European tourism has been focused on the reception of American tourists, and from the 1970s, there has been growth and outbound tourism.

Since the 1980s, the growth rate has slowed tourism and mass tourism has transformed into a differentiated. Tourism is becoming a way of life, a growing trend to expand the range of services, the emergence of new recreation facilities. Private tours are becoming popular, eco and sports tourism.

== Tourism in the USSR ==

In the USSR, and a network of union medical and spa facilities, a children's seasonal and sports tourism. Outbound tourism from the USSR was furnished with numerous hurdles and is only a narrow group of people. Travelling abroad families were excluded. [2] In addition, the Soviet Union along the span of Tourism has held a leading position in the world.

In 1959 he published a series of postage stamps of the USSR on tourism:

== Recreational Resources ==

Since the recreational resources are distributed very unevenly in the world, a growing number of people on a journey with recreational purposes and motives. These recreational trips (medical, health, educational, sports) became the basis for the development of recreational tourism. Recreational aspects are always present in the types of business tourism (business tourism, conference tourism, shopping tourism).

The implementation of tourist business in a market can be carried out in the presence of four major components: capital, technology, human resources, recreational resources. This means that, having enough capital to purchase frames, technology and engage in tourism. To do this, choose a place where there are recreational resources, and if no such place, then create it. This is one of the specific features of tourism business in the marketplace. Since the fourth component - the recreational resources - is the least expensive, in general it determines the high profitability of the tourist business. If tourism is associated with the creation of the tourist resource, the cost of the tourist product increases dramatically.

== Costumed knights festival, USA ==

Under the recreational resources understand - a set of natural and artificial man-made objects that are suitable for the creation of the tourism product. Typically, recreational resources determine the formation of tourism in a region. These resources have the following main characteristics: attractiveness (attractiveness), climatic conditions, availability, level of knowledge, sightseeing importance of socio-demographic characteristics, potential reserves, the method of use, etc., these resources are used for recreation, tourism, sport and educational purposes.

Recreational resources can be subdivided into natural and socio-economic (social and cultural).

Natural tourism resources are classified:

by belonging to certain components of the natural environment (climate, water, forest, etc.).

in functions (health, cognitive).

by issyakaemosti (to dry up: the objects of hunting, fishing and inexhaustible: the sun, the sea water).

on sustainability (renewables: plants, animals and non-renewable: mud, monuments of culture).

Socio-economic resources include:

cultural and historical objects (monuments and memorials, museums, architectural ensembles).

cultural-historical phenomena (ethnographic, religious).

economic (financial, infrastructure, labor).

Despite its social and humane role tourism alters the environment. Reduced damage the tourism industry is regulated environment at national and international levels through environmental education, tax regulations, restrictions tourist and recreational pressures on natural resources, etc.

Thus, recreational resources are considered as one of the factors in the development of tourism and the basis for production planning tourism product.

== The tourism industry (tourism industry) ==

Tourism Industry - Diversified industrial complex engaged in the reproduction of the conditions for travel and leisure, that is, the production of tourism product. Is one of the most important industries in the world, and for some developing countries - the main economic sector (Cyprus, Malaysia, Thailand, etc.).

However, definirovanie the tourism industry as a complex of industrial enterprises and the non-production sector, providing tourism services and goods-producing tourism demand is a result of a sectoral approach. Therefore it is necessary to take into account that the tourism industry is not only a combination of the above companies, but is a form of development of the territory. [4]

Typical subjects of the tourism industry (tourism industry in the narrow sense):

Lodging companies (resorts, inns, hotels, apartments, campsites, etc.)

transport companies,

travel agencies (tour operators, travel agencies, tour desk and guides)

Signage tourist agencies (advertising agencies, advertising agencies, news agencies)

associations and government bodies to regulate the development of tourism (tourism committees and departments, public tourism organizations and associations).

Atypical agents travel industry (tourism industry in the broad sense) in the production - companies that produce souvenirs, sporting goods, leisure goods, clothing, recreation and tourism, literature on tourism, engineering products, merchandise, and in the service sector - enterprises engaged in the organization of entertainment congresses, exhibitions and fairs, catering, services, baths and saunas, cultural and educational activities, coaching services, medical services, credit services, insurance services, the issuance of visas.

== Economic factors of tourism development ==

In place of the industrial era, in which the core value was material well-being, comes the post-industrial era, where the main aim is the look and feel. Important factors that influence the development of tourism began to develop transportation, communication, increasing mobility, urbanization, reduction of working time, the growth of social wealth.

== Ski resort of Courchevel, France ==

Under these conditions, socio-economic position of tourism quickly strengthened. Its share in world trade in services is more than 30%. The world market leader tourist product on a par with the oil. The annual growth of investment in the tourism industry is around 35%. Tourism has become one of the most lucrative businesses today use up to 7% of world capital. Annual income from international tourism in 1995 was estimated at 373 billion dollars when it was committed 567 million international trips. Tourism employs 137 million people.

The rapid strengthening of financial and economic position of the tourism industry has led to the fact that in many countries, tourism has become an important factor for regional development. Bodies of territorial control different hierarchical levels, from counties and districts to the federal government, concerned about the development of tourism and localities with valuable recreational resources. Tourism is seen as a catalyst for the regional economy, not only allows the use of the full range of recreational resources, but also the most efficient use of aggregate production and socio-cultural potential of the area while maintaining the ecological and cultural diversity.

On this basis, the government initiated a strategy of tourist activity, together with the business - the development of tourist infrastructure, the creation of national parks and recreational areas, investment and growth in the number of visits to the region.

According to the World Tourism Organization, in 2007 the number of international tourist arrivals only amounted to about 900 million (2004 - 766 million). In 2005, Europe had 444 million arrivals to the Asia-Pacific region - 156 million in North and South America - 133 million, to other regions - 75 million

Tourism product finally turned into an economic category only in terms of mass tourism. The intensity of tourism - a figure which gives an idea of ??what part of the country's population (percent) annually makes at least one trip. When the intensity of tourism is above 50%, we can say that in this country, tourism is massive. Touring the country's balance - the ratio between the value of goods and services sold to foreigners in the country, and the cost of goods and services sold to the citizens of this country abroad. If the balance of the tourism balance is positive, then we say that the economy of the country's tourism active (Thailand, Switzerland), if negative - passive (Germany, Russia).

== Japanese tourists ==

From an economic point of view, the attractiveness of tourism as an integral part of the services - in a more rapid return on investment and generating income in a freely convertible currency. Tourist business stimulates the development of other economic sectors: construction, trade, agriculture, consumer goods, telecommunications, etc.

This business attracts entrepreneurs for many reasons: the small initial investment, the growing demand for tourist services, a high level of profitability and minimum cost recovery. In the tourism industry dynamics of growth in services leads to an increase in the number of jobs is much faster than in other industries. The time period between the growth in demand for tourist services and new jobs in the tourism business is minimal.

Tourism in addition to the huge economic value plays an important role in expanding the boundaries of understanding and trust between people of different religions and cultures. Its activities are not limited to trade in goods and services and find new trading partners. She also directed the establishment of relations between the citizens of different countries for the preservation and prosperity of the world.

The task of the development of tourism requires the solution of the set of related tasks, such as the development of the transport system, the development of the catering, improving the image of the development of information infrastructure.

== Geography of Tourism ==

European countries have the largest number of foreign tourists. In the years 1989-1997 the number of tourist arrivals in Europe has increased to 350 million, and cash receipts from international tourism increased by 2 times. However, Europe's share of world tourism is gradually falling. Research nationality of tourists traveling on the continent, shows that 90% of European tourists - are residents of the European countries. Germans make up 19% of the total number of travelers, the British - 10%, French - 7%, the Danes - 6%.

The relative loss of dominance of Europe in tourism caused by:

aging tourism product southern European countries (Greece and Italy);

the high price of tourism products in the Nordic countries (UK, Sweden)

socio-economic and ethnic problems in the East European countries;

the growing popularity of South East Asia.

Tourist flows are mainly directed at recreation centers in Western and Southern Europe (France, Spain, Italy). This concentration - the result of habit for the summer beach holiday. The UK is renowned educational tourism, and Northern Europe (Scandinavia and Ireland) specialize in eco-tourism.

== America ==

America is the third after Europe and Asia and Tihookeanii region by number of foreign tourists. This is the South, Central and North America, the Caribbean islands. Half of international arrivals in the region are in the U.S. and Canada, and the Europeans here occupy 1st place - 15%.

U.S. and Canada - a huge domestic tourism market and highly developed infrastructure with a large hotel chain and transportation industry. The second place is occupied by the Caribbean, taking 12 million tourists a year. In South America, tourist flows are relatively weak due to the political instability and economic development. The main types of tourism - beach, sports, sightseeing, business tourism.

Revenues from international tourism reached 10-20% of the total export earnings. This high rate is due to the region's competitiveness and specialization of certain areas on tourism.

== East Asia and the Pacific (EAP) ==

BAT is the third highest in the world in terms of tourism development, and mass holidaymakers visiting the region began in the 80s. XX century. This is mainly the industrialized countries - the active commodity exporters such as Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand, Indonesia, India, Pakistan, Taiwan.

Since 1985, these countries have increased their share of the arrival of tourists to 18%, and financial revenues from tourism and 20%. The main tourist traffic generated by the countries themselves in the region (78%). For example, the impetus for Japan's financial vacations Japanese abroad. Second and third places divide Europe and the United States.

BAT attracts tourists with its unique nature and the newly industrialized economies of business tours. Recreational tourism is developed in Japan, South Korea and Taiwan. Japanese industry is the second largest in the world after the United States. Singapore offers shopping tourism. Thailand develops new beaches on the southern coast of the country, organizes educational trips to the northern part. In major cities, there demanded sex tourism industry.

A lot of tourism in Australia and New Zealand, Melanesia and Micronesia. The Islands of the Pacific Ocean wins on the relative proximity of the Australian market and has a good image in Europe.

The region BAT average spending per tourist exceed the global average of 659 dollars and 764 dollars Although in some countries, such as China or Mongolia spending vacationers are extremely small - up to $ 200

== Africa ==

The number of foreign tourists visiting Africa, and cash flow from them are relatively small and account for about 2-3% of the world. The growth of international tourism in Africa was hindered by the high price of the product on turistoobrazuyuschih African markets. However, in recent years, the region switched to low-cost mass, especially beach tourism, especially in the north of the continent off the coast of the Mediterranean Sea.

The largest generating market for the countries of the region are the African countries themselves, giving up to 50% of all tourists. Turistoobrazuyuschie other countries - are France, Germany, United Kingdom. This is due to the fact that not so long ago, these countries were colonies of African metropolises.

The most popular tourist destination located in the north - Tunisia, Egypt, Morocco, in the east - Kenya, Tanzania, Seychelles, Mauritius and Zimbabwe. Some of them specialize in luxury beach tourism and develop a high-class hotel industry, getting with each room to $ 900

In southern Africa, a popular tourist destination is South Africa, which tops the list of the first countries in the continent in arrivals and receipts. South Africa has a well-developed transport and hotel infrastructure, as well as the country becomes fashionable in international tourism.

However, Africa as a whole lags behind in international tourism because many countries in the region is economically developed and the political stability, as well as in many parts of the continent's ongoing conflict, epidemics.

== Russia ==

According to the Federal Border Service in 2003 with the goals of the Russian tourist checking out 5.7 million people, in 2004 - 6.6 million people, in 2005 - 6.78 million people, in 2006 - 7.75 million people .

Formation of the Russian tourist market began in the 1990's, when the time came three processes: the collapse of Soviet-era enterprises (travel agencies, travel agencies), the creation of new enterprises, which later became known as tour operators and travel agents, modification of old tourism enterprises by restructuring the development of tourism product having a demand among Russian consumers.

Some countries have introduced a number of measures to attract Russian tourists: the countries of the former socialist countries Czech Republic, Hungary, Bulgaria and others, simplification of visa formalities in Greece, Spain and the abolition of visas to Israel; economic tours for Russian tourists (Egypt, Turkey).

The top priorities of domestic tourism became the European part of Russia, the Caucasus and the mountains of Western Siberia. This recreation in the coastal cities - (Sochi, Gelendzhik, seaside resorts of Kaliningrad), educational tourism in the cultural and historical centers ("Golden Ring of Russia», [http://turistnn.com Nizhny Novgorod], Moscow, St. Petersburg, Pskov, Uglich, Yaroslavl, Dmitrov, Kazan). Environmental and sports tourism, safari tours (hunting, fishing) are developed in practically all regions of the country, popular river cruises on the Volga, Lena, Irtysh, Yenisei, cruises in the Far East. Winter tourism, hiking, boating, trekking cultivated in the Urals, in particular in the north of the Perm region, the Altai, the Caucasus, Kamchatka, Karelia, Arkhangelsk region. Increasingly important in Russia takes an alternative tourism (see Sec. Literature) - tourism unusual man-made attractions, architectural, natural and other character.

== Popularization of tourism ==

Popularization of tourism - is a varied propaganda activities aimed at attracting people to engage in tourism. Popularization of tourism is conducted through the mass media (TV, radio, Internet), as well as in personal relationships between the people in the clubs of interest and tourist activities. Promotion of tourism also contributes to art, especially art song genre in which the theme of tourism is on a great location.

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