Our very own XDA TV Host TK was lucky enough to get his hands on the OnePlus 2. However, there were some glaring issues with the device. With an update to Oxygen ROM and some custom kernels, he was able to resolve a big majority of those issues. In order to install these custom kernels TK shows you how to root and install TWRP recovery the OnePlus 2. Remember it is completely normal at XDA, to root all the things, and the OnePlus 2 is no exception!
TK presents instructions on how to gain root access on your OnePlus 2 using tools from the XDA Developers Forums. The process is painless and pretty easy. This video shows you how to install TWRP recovery as well. So if you wanted to root your OnePlus 2, take a moment and check this video out.
Resource Links:
Drivers and Tools
AK Kernel
Sandy Kernel
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