
We’ve all been there, looking in the mirror and realising all those fancy dinners and night’s in front of the TV have finally started to catch up with us. You want to lose weight and get back into shape but you also want to eat whatever you want and never have to step foot in a gym – the struggle is real. Here are what i like to call The 20 Stages of Diet and Exercise, there’s no need to be ashamed, we’re all friends here.

Staring at your instagram feed at all the six packs and fitness motivation posts like

You reeeeally want to lose weight…

Being super healthy for the first three days and rewarding yourself with A Big Mac…and Fries…and an Apple Pie…and a Full Fat Coke.

When you can’t wear your favourite clothes anymore…

No matter what you wear you just don’t feel comfortable so you overcompensate in other areas…maybe if i put on an extra bold lip no-one will notice my double chin.

The depressing moment when you finally realise that it’s all down to you

..and you spend hours prodding your new squidgy bits in front of the mirror

RIGHT. I’m getting up at 6am to go for a 5 mile run before work…

Fit friend’s try to be supportive “Why don’t you come along to my gym class with me?”

…after 5 minutes of Bums, Thighs and Tums

Food is all you can think about

…was the time between breakfast and lunch always this long?

Letting yourself have ‘just one slice’ when naughty things are put in front of you

The heart-wrenching pain when you save yourself all week for cheat meal and it’s 100% disappointing

Day 2 of ‘the diet’.

The feeling of sheer pride and joy when you lose a pound!

“I’ve been SO good this week…i’ll just have one”

The unbridled betrayal when your other half (who never seems to put on weight) cracks open a bag of crisps RIGHT next to you

When someone dares utter the words ‘Ooops! Think of your diet!’ when you pick up a treat

The liberating moment when you realise that actually, you’re fabulous just the way you are and a few extra lbs will never overshadow your inner Queen B!

Tweet me @xameliax or leave a comment below if you can relate!

Don’t forget to share this post with your girls who are going through the struggle with us!

I’m currently battling through the Kayla Itsines Bikini Body Guide which is such hard work but has really given me the kick up the bum i needed to get back into shape – check out my latest progress pictures here!

You can get the guides here if you want to join in #thekaylamovement and even grab a discount code in the link below!



The post The 20 Stages of Diet and Exercise appeared first on xameliax.

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