
Heres a simple tutorial on how to add the Piecemaker 2 Slider to website x5 evolution, now if you can’t follow these simple instructions your in the wrong software, (just kidding) contact me and i’ll help as much as i can.

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create your template in x5 and then go to expert setting in general settings.

Copy the code below.

Then add a html box to your header like below and copy the code below in to the box.

And last but least you need to attach the files to the project, now if none of the cs, js or images are added inside of website x5 when you try to upload the files, the js, css and images will not upload with the x5 program, so all you need to do is add a html widget on the bottom of your homepage, then add your files, makeing sure the server path is correct, (server path is the folder where the files will be stored).

Piecemaker 2 V9  Piecemaker 2 V10

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