Gov Mead to ALEC crowd: States do it better than the federal government
By Dustin Bleizeffer
— December 12, 2013
In his address at the American Legislative Exchange Council’s States and Nation Policy Summit in Washington D.C. this month, Wyoming Gov. Matt Mead made the case that states govern better than the federal government — particularly “red” states managed by Republican governors who insist on low taxes and “reasonable” levels of regulation.
The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) is a conservative organization that cultivates a lobbying network between state legislators and businesses. It also crafts “model” legislation that it encourages state legislators to enact, with an emphasis on business-friendly regulation, lowering taxes and easing gun laws. The group came under national scrutiny for its support of Florida’s “stand your ground law” during the Trayvon Martin case earlier this year.
Wyoming Gov. Matt Mead
Gov. Mead began his speech touting Wyoming’s high marks as a business friendly state, owing its economic success to conservative policies. “And as a result of low taxes, reasonable rules, reasonable regulation, not only is our unemployment low, but we were recently recognized as, by the U.S. Census Bureau, that Wyoming has the third lowest rate of poverty in the nation.” The republican governor remarked about President Barack Obama’s recent comments regarding pay inequality and how to address it. “One of the best things you can do, as you all know, is have the reasonable rules, reasonable regulation, let the private sector thrive — poverty rate goes down.”
Mead said that to ensure that America prospers far into the future, leaders and all citizens alike must ask the right question. And the right question, Mead said, comes from a famous refrain; ask what you can do for your country.
“We as a country have, historically, and I think rightfully, tried to make sure we provide the care for those who cannot care for themselves,” Mead said. “But we have blended over into caring for those who in fact can care for themselves. And in my mind, for far too long, citizens have been asking ‘What is the country going to do for me?’”
Mead said there’s a “perpetual asking” of the federal government to do things for citizens, and the government reflexively responds. “They say yes, with more laws, more rules and more debt,” he said.
Mead turned his focus to the topic of energy, and said the nation suffers for not having an energy policy.
“If we have an energy policy or strategy in this country, why is it not articulated? If we have an energy strategy in this country, what is it? What is an energy strategy that funds Solyndra but stops the Keystone pipeline?
“What is an energy strategy that loves the idea of electric cars but doesn’t like the fact that that which provides electricity — the single fuel source more than any other — coal, is how you get electricity? And what sort of energy policy is it that loves the idea of natural gas but hates hydraulic fracturing?”
Gov. Mead said states are in a far better position to manage oversight of energy development because they have the incentive of protecting their own land, water and air. He touted Wyoming’s first-in-the-nation hydraulic fracturing chemical disclosure policy, and said the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency shouldn’t have oversight of hydraulic fracturing. He then took aim at the Obama administration.
“And not to put too fine a point on it, but if you cannot build and run a website (interrupted by applause) — that is your top priority, you have no business meddling with hydraulic fracturing.”
For more on ALEC and its involvement with Wyoming lawmakers, read these WyoFile stories and columns:
“Frankly, ALEC doesn’t give a damn about what voters want” — column by Kerry Drake, Dec. 10, 2013
“ALEC model bill group triggers calls for transparency” — story by Gregory Nickerson, Oct. 16, 2012
“Group with ready-made legislation spurs call for more disclosure” — story by Ruffin Prevost, Jan. 11, 2011
— Dustin Bleizeffer is WyoFile editor-in-chief. You can reach him at (307) 577-6069 or (307) 267-3327, or email Follow Dustin on Twitter at @DBleizeffer
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