
Lake and Mountains

Even today, God is calling His people to a life of sexual purity. But in today’s church we seldom hear sermons or Bible teachings on this difficult area of Christian living. The subject of sexual purity should not be considered taboo in the church. Even great men of the Bible fell due to sexual misconduct. We would be naïve to not give due attention to this area of our lives.

No matter where we turn, we are confronted with strongly sexual content. It appears on prime time TV programs. It’s in the lyrics of much of today’s music. It’s in weight loss ads. Our children are sexting. X-rated content is readily available on the internet. In short, strongly sexual content is everywhere.

As Christians, the Word of God is indispensable for helping us realize sexual purity. “For the commandment is a lamp; and the law is light; and reproofs of instruction are the way of life: To keep you from the evil woman, from the flattery of the tongue of a strange woman” (Proverbs 6:23-24).

The two verses that I have quoted above fall within a discourse that begins at verse 20 and ends at verse 35, in chapter 6 of the book of Proverbs. Obviously, the entire passage is beyond the scope of this blog post. Suffice it to say that the overall discussion centers on the importance of a man heeding godly counsel so he won’t fall prey to sexual misconduct. Of course, this applies to women as well.

As Christians, we must be men and women of the Word, if we want to realize and maintain sexual purity in our lives. We dare not go by what feels right to us. We must condition ourselves so that the Word of God becomes a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. We must be willing to heed its reproofs when our flesh wants to take us down a path of “death.”

I have been preaching and teaching the Bible for over 30 years. But just because I have penned this post does not mean I don’t have to work at realizing sexual purity. This I say because sometimes we preachers seem to want others to think we are made of some special material. Of course, you know that’s not true. You read and hear about us in the news. We are clothed in the same “body of death” that everyone else is. Realizing sexual purity is not a product of chance but of choice.

Copyright © 2014 by Frank King. All rights reserved.

The post How to Realize Sexual Purity appeared first on Frank King's Blog.

Original article: How to Realize Sexual Purity.

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