
My friend, artist Deborah Bochert has a great new book out called Art Quilt Collage: A Creative Journey in Fabric, Paint and Stitch, and to celebrate, she’s hosting a book release blog hop with video chats! There’s a chance to win the book at each blog hop stop.

Deborah’s book focuses on her interesting collage technique, combining fabric elements with surface design and stitch (both hand work and machine stitching). If you are looking for good basic information about art quilt design, this book has it. It has tons of photos with specific examples, practical advice, and exercises to help you get started or take your work in another direction. It’s a fun read and a valuable resource. I especially enjoyed the section on finding and working with your personal symbols. (One of Deborah’s is the ladder.)

You can get a copy through C&T Publishing here:

Through Amazon here:

and Deborah has signed copies in her Etsy shop (buy one of the first 50 copies and you’ll get a bonus of original surface designed fabric she made!)

Here’s my video chat with Deborah:

Here’s a chance to win a copy of the book. Leave a comment after this post before noon EST September 30. Tell me if you have a personal symbol. If so, what is it? And if you don't have one (yet), what would it be? One of mine is the moon… constant and comforting, yet changeable; mysterious, and sometimes spooky; far away and unreachable, yet ever present in the night sky.

I’ll pick a comment at random. Make sure you include a way for me to reach you in case you win.

If you live in the USA, you’ll get a paper copy of the book. International winners will receive a e-book version.

Don’t forget to check out the other blog stops for more chances to win!

Art Quilt Collage: A Creative Journey in Fabric, Paint and Stitch
Book Release Blog Hop with Video Chats!

September 20: Teri Lucas, Generation Q Magazine

September 21: Susan Brubaker Knapp

September 22: Sue Bleiweiss

September 23: Lyric Kinard

September 26: Lori Kennedy

September 27: Maria Shell

September 28: Jane LaFazio

September 29: Judy Coates Perez

September 30: Melanie Testa

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