
Selah’s annual fundraising gala will be held from 7 to 9 p.m. Friday at the Steamboat Grand. Selah is a safe place to get straight answers for anyone facing difficult situations related to unexpected pregnancy. Selah works with young women in Northwest Colorado by offering hope through mentoring and advocacy and by providing medical and personal resources that promote holistic health.

The event will feature renowned comedian and international author and speaker, Ken Davis. His mixture of side-splitting humor and his powerful insights on living fully alive have inspired audiences around the world.

The evening also includes a dessert reception and update from the Selah CEO Melinda Clark. Call Selah at 970-871-1307 to make a reservation; space is limited and tickets are free.

Mainstreet gingerbread house contest entries needed

All gingerbread house constructors are encouraged to enter their creations in the annual Merry Mainstreet Gingerbread House Tour by registering with Mainstreet Steamboat Springs.

To obtain a registration and instructions for entering, go to the Mainstreet website, www.mainstreetsteamboat.com.

Completed houses will be displayed in downtown businesses, starting Dec. 6 at the Merry Mainstreet downtown holiday celebration, and going through the holidays.

Houses will be judged, and the winner will receive a Mainstreet Moola gift certificate for $100 to be used with any downtown business before the end of the year.

For more information, call Mainstreet Steamboat at 970-846-1800 or email tracy@mainstreetsteamboat.com.

Don’t miss final blood drive of 2014 on Thursday

The last blood drive of 2014 will take place from 12:30 to 6 p.m. Thursday at the Yampa Valley Medical Center in Steamboat Springs. Every unit of blood donated can save or enhance the lives of as many as three people. To schedule an appointment to give blood, call the Bonfils Appointment Center at 1-800-365-0006, Option 2, or sign up online at www.bonfils.org, site code 0234. Walk-ins are welcome from 3 to 5:30 p.m. as space permits. Eat a full meal and drink plenty of water before donating blood and plan to allow one hour for the entire process.

Donations needed for Operation Christmas Child

Steamboat area individuals, families and groups can participate in Operation Christmas Child, which collects shoeboxes filled with toys, school supplies and hygiene items. Concordia Lutheran Church, 755 Concordia Lane, will serve as a shoebox collection point next week, Monday to Nov. 24. Shoeboxes can be dropped off from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to noon Saturday and 8 a.m. to noon Sunday. Operation Christmas Child distributes shoeboxes to more than 10 million children worldwide during Christmas season. Call Jerry Thornton at 970-879-0157 for more information or visit www.samaritanspurse.org/what-we-do/operation-christmas-child.

Parents of 5th-grade students should attend school meeting

Parents of fifth graders are invited to attend Steamboat Springs Middle School Parent Information Committee meetings in the middle school conference room. The meetings are held monthly to give middle school parents an opportunity to learn more about activities at the middle school and the district. The group also works to raise money for middle school faculty members and programs.

For more information about the organization, email Chris Johnson at cj@minervamg.com.

Steamboat Springs Optimist Club is seeking members

The nonprofit Steamboat Springs Optimist Club is in need of members. In addition to the Pumpkin festival, the club puts on the annual Fishing Derby and Pancake Breakfast; the annual Bike Rodeo, during which Steamboat Springs Police Department officers teach children about bike safety; and the Literacy Bug reading program for Steamboat fifth graders. The group also runs the Teen of the Month club — which recognizes area high school students for their contributions to school, church and the community — and awards a $1,500 Teen of the Year scholarship.

For more information, call President Mark Lynch at 970-819-5137 or past presidents Rob MacCarthy at 970-879-5283 or Ron Wendler at 970-846-7500.

Active-duty military, spouses to get in-district college fees

Active-duty military, veterans as well as their spouses and dependents can receive in-district tuition at Colorado Mountain College no matter where they live according to a news release.

With in-district tuition rates of $56 to $95 per credit hour, CMC has been named the nation’s third-most-affordable public college offering bachelor’s degrees, according to the U.S. Department of Education.

Veterans or active-duty military can visit CMC’s veteran admissions website at www.coloradomtn.edu/web/admissions/veterans_military.

Get Tdap vaccine to protect against tetanus disease

The Tdap vaccine protects against tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis (whooping cough). Tetanus is a serious disease caused by a toxin (poison) made by bacteria that’s commonly found in soil. Tetanus does not spread from person to person. The bacteria enter the body through breaks in the skin — usually cuts or puncture wounds.

Tetanus vaccination is recommended for everyone and should be repeated every 10 years. Immunizations including Tdap and other routine recommended vaccinations are covered by insurance.

If you are uninsured, the cost is $21.50 per shot. Call the Northwest Colorado Visiting Nurse Association in Craig at 970-824-8233 or in Steamboat Springs at 970-879-1632 to make your appointment.

Commodities boxes are at LIFT-UP of Routt County

Commodities Supplemental Food Program boxes are designed to supplement the diets of low-income seniors 60 and older. The boxes, distributed monthly by LIFT-UP of Routt County to area seniors, contain a variety of nonperishable food items and cheese. If you or someone you know may benefit from this program, call the LIFT-UP Food Bank at 970-870-8804 for more information.

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