

Title: Catfishing
for Dummies
Author: andquitefrankly
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Warnings: None Apply
Completed: Yes
Word count: 12001
Summary: Eric
Bittle hadn’t planned on signing up for online dating. It was just something
that had happened after a drunken night with his friends. He also hadn’t
planned on messaging the super obvious catfish masquerading as Jack Zimmermann.
And he definitely hadn’t planned on possibly falling in love with him.
Or, Jack is not a catfish, just a lonely hockey player looking
for love, and Bitty is just the right guy to warm his cold, Canadian heart.

Most memorable line: He was the one who
didn’t know how to use the internet aside from checking his email. He didn’t
have a favorite pie. He told terrible jokes. And he also was the captain of the
Providence Falconers and had once modeled in his underwear for Calvin Klein.

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