
BRAZIL, Ind. (WTHI) – For many people, the night of the NCAA championship basketball game is the perfect occasion to go out.

So Maurizio’s in Brazil decided to do something special.

“I thought, you know, it’s time for me to do something and I thought this would be a chance to see how it goes. So far it’s going pretty good,” said Kevin Ringo, owner of Maurizio’s in Brazil.

The restaurant is opening on a Monday, something Ringo says they’ve haven’t done in the 30 years it’s been open.

Employees are volunteering and all profits, including tips, will be donated to the YMCA of Clay County’s summer food program.

“I’ve seen a lot of kids in need and it just breaks your heart some of the stories you hear about local kids,” Ringo said.

The CEO of the Clay County Y says 53 percent of all kids in the county are on a free or reduced lunch.

The program provides a way to eat when they aren’t in school

“Last year we had over 10 thousand meals that we took over the course of nine weeks into the kind of lower income areas in our community,” Deborah Ringo said.

The program is funded through community support.

“This is not something that is a budgeted line item so we’re completely relying on donations,” Deborah Ringo said.

“There’s 100 people involved in this from the Y, to the church, to here and other community leaders. So it’s a nice feeling,” Ringo said.

As for the donation night, there could be more in the future.

“If it goes as well as its looking like it’s going to go I’d love to continue to do stuff like this,” Ringo said.

The owner of Maurizio’s said they had more than $100 donated before the fundraiser began.

He says this was one of the busiest nights they’ve ever had.

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