


Yemen Withdraws Permission for U.S. Antiterror Ground Missions

WH official: We’ll say ‘fake news’ until media realizes attitude of attacking the President is wrong

Leaks Suggest Trump’s Own Team Is Alarmed By His Conduct
He called Mike Flynn at 3a.m. to ask whether a strong dollar or a weak
one is good for the economy. BUT HE’S A GREAT BUSINESSMAN.

“There are already plenty of grounds to impeach Trump. The question is when Republicans will decide that he’s more of a liability than an asset.”

Anderson Cooper Shuts Down The White House’s Terrorism List In Just 45 Seconds by showing clips of his own coverage of the “underreported” attacks. “The
total number of media hits for the 78 terrorist attacks that the White
House released Monday is 80,878, or about an average of slightly more
than 1,000 mentions per incident.”

Trump falsely claims US murder rate is ‘highest’ in 47 years


Senate votes to silence Warren after speech against Sessions. By reading Coretta Scott King’s 1986 letter against his confirmation as a federal judge, she was insulting a fellow Senator, Mitch McConnell decided.

Senate voted, 49 to 43, strictly on party lines, to uphold the ruling
that Warren violated rules of debate. Warren is now forbidden from
speaking during the remainder of the debate on the nomination of

“I am surprised that the words of Coretta Scott King are
not suitable for debate in the United States Senate,” Warren said after
McConnell’s motion.

(@ChrisMurphyCT tweet)

Republican congressman says white terrorists are different

Mitch McConnell won’t spend federal money to investigate Trump’s claims of voter fraud

Congress has the power to obtain and release Trump’s tax returns

Immediately after confirming DeVos, GOP lawmaker proposes abolishing Department of Education

House moves to eliminate commission overseeing voting system security

The danger isn’t that Trump will build an autocracy. It’s that congressional Republicans will let him.

Cabinet & Federal Appointees

As expected, Mike Pence broke the tie to confirm Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Education.

(@HesterBlum tweet)

(@joshgondelman tweet)

EPA employees put their jobs on the line to protest Scott Pruitt

What Steve Bannon really wants

CNN invited Kellyanne Conway back. It was a train wreck.


Army Approves Dakota Access Pipeline Route, Paving Way For The Project’s Completion “In doing so, the Army cut short its environmental impact assessment and the public comment period associated with it.”

Other Fascist Nonsense

FBI axes FOIA requests by email, so dust off your fax machine

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