October 17 – The Circuit Clerk’s race is contested this November and current incumbent Lois Durbin says she believes she’s the best candidate.
Durbin was hired in 1985 by then Circuit Clerk Paul Hogan. She worked in the Circuit Clerk’s Office for eleven years before being approached by judges asking if she’d like to work as a judicial clerk which she accepted. She worked in that position for twelve years before being elected Circuit Clerk.
Durbin is finishing up her eighth year in the position. She was born in Decatur and is a St. Teresa graduate. She talks about what makes her most qualified to continue as Circuit Clerk.
“I have been in the everyday role of the Circuit Clerk, I understand how the courts operate and understand the role of Circuit Clerk,” says Durbin. “I understand how to work E-Business and how to take care of electronic citations and the e-filing of civil and criminal cases.”
Durbin says if re-elected she will continue to strive for a greener workplace and make things easier for citizens.
“The end result I’m looking for is to have the courts paperless and everything done online where you can sit at home and file your cases without having to make an appearance in the Circuit Clerk’s Office,” says Durbin.”
Durbin says she really enjoys her current position and hopes she can continue to serve her county.
“I enjoy getting up and coming to work every day,” says Durbin. “I love to help the people of Macon County and just really enjoy helping people.”