
PLR Profits Mastery


A simple 7-step plan for rewriting PLR articles to make them your own original content.

Dozens of PLR rewrite examples literally *showing* you a myriad of ways to tweak PLR content to make it truly yours.

More than 2 dozen different ways to put those articles to work bringing you traffic, subscribers and sales.

Surprisingly easy methods of breathing new life into tired and lame “junk” PLR content … learn to salvage that useless content that you spent money on and actually profit from it.

How even top gun marketers are using PLR content to get “other people” to market their businesses for them – and you can too.

The ultimate plan for using PLR to setup a system which drives traffic to your site, builds your list, presells offers, gets subscribers to buy and produces repeat purchases … automatically.

How to assemble “bits and pieces” of PLR into an actual business that generates a sustainable income – and how to repeat this over and over again with different funnels.

The truth about where to score “big bucks” with PLR – don’t be one of those people who sells low-cost stuff only which requires thousands of customers (impossible for most people) to make any significant money.

The perfect way to “graduate” people from casual reader to low-ticket customer to membership site member to big-ticket purchaser.

Actual “fill in the blank” templates you can customize and make your own to write articles, emails, mini-course lessons and more.

27 ways to use PLR to make money for you business – many of them are often overlooked and can be setup very quickly to produce results almost overnight.

Ideas for using PLR content to create slideshow videos, websites to flip, firesales and more — things most people never think about are right at their fingertips.

What to do to setup “evergreen” systems, which you “set and forget”, that generate results for you while you’re off working on other projects.

Shortcuts that successful PLR users take that will save you time and money (did you know you can use PLR content to answer “frequently asked questions” to cut your support costs and time down to virtually nothing?)

My favorite “subtle” ways to use PLR to promote offers – these are super opportunities to “warm” people up to your offers while helping and equipping them for free.

Virtually everything you need to know about “profiting from PLR” from the inside out, from start to finish, from nothing to orders.

A step-by-step system for setting up your own highly profitable PLR business — become a SELLER of PLR content instead of just a buyer.

How to find quality ghostwriters (and negotiate reasonable fees) so you can provide PLR content to others that keeps them satisfied and coming back for more.

Simple methods for determining what customers are willing to pay for BEFORE you ever have it created … this all but guarantees your success as a PLR seller.

The best ways to get customers for your PLR content so you can build your business fast — and then get those customers to make additional purchases while you’re finding even more customers.

A day-by-day schedule of action steps to get you going and then keep you growing as you profit from PLR content.

Where to find high quality PLR content at low prices (if you want more), including a checklist of criteria to help you purchase only what will make you money quickly.

Step-by-step instructions for taking PLR content that you’ve already purchased and turning it into actual paid orders.

What to do every day of the month to build your PLR business from the ground up and continue growing it over the weeks, months and years to come.

A set of useful checklists: rewriting content, finding and hiring ghostwriters, simple tweaks, marketing your content, etc.

Simple things you can do to increase the perceived value of your PLR offers and get more sales automatically. (There’s a reason why some offers sell for $3 and others $30 and others $300.)

Ready made research … 101 niche topics that are proven to be “in-demand” for you to target with your PLR content.

How to tell stories, arouse curiosity and other writer “tricks of the trade” to connect with your readers to keep them satisfied and buying more.

What successful PLR users do to turn mediocre content into high-ticket content that outsells others who bought the same PLR materials.

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