Our host for the Write Tribe Blog Carnival 2 is Debbie The Doglady sharing her reflections on friendship.
DEBBIE The “Doglady”.
Canine Innkeeper in suburban Toronto, Canada.
Writer/blogger at THE DOGLADY’S DEN, animal lover, music fanatic,inveterate traveller, history, literature and cinema buff. Follow me on: Twitter / Facebook / Google+ / Gravatar link
Welcome to the Write Tribe Blog Carnival, 2nd edition.
It’s an honour to be hosting this week.
To commemorate International Friendship Day (celebrated annually, the first Sunday in August), my topic of choice is a natural:
Over the course of a lifetime, one meets scores of people, but how many actually become friends and stay with you for the duration? True, deep-rooted friendship is a rare commodity in this transient age, but thanks to the internet, even those who have moved far away can still maintain contact, if they so choose. (How many times have you said or heard “Let’s keep in touch”, but it doesn’t last?)
Not all friendship is positive. Take for example “fair weather” friends. These are the ones who happily partake of your hospitality, but otherwise only contact you when they want something. Don’t count on them when life gets tough. They will disappear so quickly, you’ll be choking on the dust! Back in the 1970s, we were one of the few married couples in our group and hosted many parties. Life was good and we had dozens of friends. Did we really though? Once the parties stopped in the 80s, those so-called friends dwindled to less than half. When serious financial difficulties hit in the 90s, only the aforementioned deep-rooted friends remained.
Please hop on over to The Doglady’s Den to read more, share and comment. Then write a post on the prompt on your blog and the link to the linky on Debbie’s blog.
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