
Good things, not-so-good things, totally unexpected things—this has been a year we won’t soon forget! As 2016 comes to a close, we find ourselves reflecting on everything we’ve learned this year: lessons about writing, lessons about life, and lessons that can be applied to both! As we look ahead to more exciting opportunities for writing and getting published in 2017, we want to share the insights we’ve gained this year with you.

The Most Valuable Lessons We Learned About Life And Writing In 2016

“The best way to get past the blank page is by giving yourself permission to write a terrible first draft. Everyone has to start somewhere!”

“Laugh whenever you can. In life and writing, laughter really can be the best medicine.”

“Having a year filled with significant changes (both good and bad) made me grateful to work in such a friendly office. I also resumed journaling, which I always enjoyed but stopped making time for. Being in such a productive, creative atmosphere has rekindled my interest in writing.”

“Time and time again, I find the only thing more valuable than quality work is patience.”

“I’m not a writer in the formal sense, but everyone writes…notes, letters, emails! Here are some tips I’ve picked up:

Be brief—so you don’t lose the reader before you complete the thought.

Be clear and consistent.

Create a mental (or written) outline so you cover all your points.”

“Sometimes, what may appear to be the worst situation can turn into your most successful piece of writing.”

“Find writing inspiration in all aspects of life—the good, the bad, and the downright confusing. You never know what could make a great story, so keep your eyes open!”

8. “If at first you don’t succeed—keep trying! Consistently sending out submissions resulted in my getting several acceptances this year.”

And finally…

9. “Persistence is valuable; don’t give up on your writing.”

Happy New Year! Here’s to another great year of writing.

QUESTION: What is the most valuable lesson you’ve learned about life and writing in 2016?








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