
* Note-- I'll blog about vacation next week. The truth is, we were too busy LIVING vacation for me to get it out on social media, which is a great thing for US, but not so exciting for the blog.  Tune in next week to see if Disneyland with four kids was as exciting as it was with two. Hint: Was even better!  And btw-- I'm putting this pic up because the expression Big T's face is the best ad for a *kermit flail* I've ever seen-- thanks, Big T, for doing some of my work for me :-)

And now on to *kermit flail monday*...

So-- something interesting happened for this particular *kermit flail* that made me really happy.  What happened was that  a lot of the familiar names/faces who get excited about my writing actually had writing of their own to talk about, and remember? Twenty years teaching English?  Everybody has a story to tell!  (Well, most of these authors are published multiple times-- so they have many stories to tell, which is even better :-)  So when I was approached this month about *kermit flail* from a number of people who have commented on the blog or who come and visit on FB, I thought, "Oh wow, this person is thoughtful and funny and literate and a real joy to be around! I'll bet their writing is FANTASTIC!"

So for this particular batch of *kermit flail* let's hear it for Holiday releases, for new beginnings, and for a bunch of really awesome readers and writers who get to see their brain-babies dressed up, covered, and on display for our admiration--I do know the bestest "writers who read" in all of the explored universe!

So a funny thing about Miss Lucy Marker-- we have interacted a lot on social media, and between the funny things she says, and an avatar featuring a big smile, I assumed she was nobbut a sprout-- a wise sprout, but far younger than this old crone, given the joyousness of her heart.  It wasn't until very recently that she let drop that, yes, we are of an age--and then I was quite proud to be of an age with such an awesome woman!  So let's hear it for someone who is young at heart-- and who likes her young men just a tad bit broken--

Everybody give it up for Miss Lucy Marker!


Broken Mercies

by Lucy Marker

Musician Daniel Gilchrist has decided he’s broken.

He doesn’t deserve Jeremy Evans, a sensible, sweet artist who insists they belong together. Bad choices after a hellish childhood make Dan more suited to guys like his ex-lover, a toxic mega-star who wants to resume their affair.

But Jeremy is irresistible, and he’s survived a few nightmares of his own. He challenges Dan to get rid of the false shame imposed by his mentally ill mother. Her twisted zealotry had influenced his choices, and it’s time to stop blaming himself for inadequately protecting his little sisters from her cruelty.

While Dan wrestles with old guilt, his former lover persuades him to collaborate on a song that protests religious bigotry. Dan grows suspicious of the star’s odd behavior, and then law enforcement shows up.

That clinches it—Dan really isn’t good enough for Jeremy. Somehow he’s managed to drag the poor guy into danger.


Now young Mr. Grey has commented on the blog on occasion--and I'm always glad to hear from him, of course.  But I have to tell you--as I read (and re-read) the blurb to this story, it made me really want to see how this one ends. That odd friction between what a family wants you to be, and what you know you are, has always been one of my favorite themes.  Looking at the blurb (and at the last line, which gets a laugh out of me every time!) I'm thinking it's something Liam Grey might have nailed, first time out.  At any rate, it makes me very curious to see what happens next--and I hope you're as curious as I am!

Ladies and gentlemen, let's give it up for Liam Grey and It's Christmas Everywhere But Here!


It's Christmas Everywhere But Here

by Liam Grey

Buy at Dreamspinner Press

"Christmas brings dreams of peace, love, and family time for most. Sadly, Russell Moore isn’t so blessed. Since his coming out and marriage prompted a less-than-joyful reaction from his religious parents, Russ has kept his distance to avoid their conservative disapproval. With his husband David deployed overseas for the second Christmas in a row, Russ gives in to the loneliness and takes his stepchildren to meet his parents for the first time, hoping the “goodwill toward men” spirit will overcome his mother’s zealotry.

But Russ’s Christmas joy is too quickly deflated by his mother’s unmet expectations, leaving Russ to ponder if peace, love, and perhaps matricide go hand in hand."

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Okay-- I have to admit, I sort of snuck one in here.  This is, of course, Mary my Mary, who is cruel and terrible, giving me only hints about what is coming in this book, when she knows I adored Quade and Roman ever so frickin' so!  To say I'm excited about Fighting Instinct is an understatement. I'm dying for this book to come out.

Everybody give it up for Mary-my-Mary, and her next installment in the L'ange series--Mary Calmes!


Fighting Instinct

by Mary Calmes

Buy at Dreamspinner Press



18 pt

18 pt






Only a privileged few know L’Ange’s head of security Arman de Soto is a shifter, and even fewer know he’s been systematically killing off a pack of werewolves. The reason for this vengeance is a secret Arman trusts with no one, quite the opposite of his obvious longtime pursuit of the château’s overseer, Linus Hobbes. Despite Arman’s reputation as a loner, the only thing he needs to complete his life is Linus. Predator and prey just don’t mix—but Arman won’t give him up.

Linus has lived alone for more than seven years, sheltered at L’Ange under an assumed name and hiding secrets of his own, including his terrifying attraction to the most dangerous man he’s ever met. Arman knows Linus should be afraid of the predator stalking him, but Linus is still drawn to him like a moth to a flame, no matter how much he tries to deny his instincts. It’s not until Linus’s past and Arman’s crusade exposes their secrets and opens L’Ange to attack that Arman realizes waiting any longer is a risk he just can’t take. So he’ll have to take his quest to the source of the threat in a gamble to protect L’Ange, Linus, and any future they might have together.

Felice Stevens has been a thoughtful reader for a long time now--and I was so happy to see her throwing her hat in the ring. If good book karma comes from reading stories and loving a genre with all her heart--and her formidable smarts!--then Felice Stevens has got good book karma coming out her ears!  Her first book was about rescued pit bulls, and this one? Is about rescued people.  I think it sounds like an awesome premise--and, of course, an awesome promise of some very broken boys!

Ladies and gentlemen give it up for Ms. Felice Stevens!


A Walk Through Fire

by Felice Stevens

Years after running away from an abusive foster family, Asher Davis still struggles with the guilt of leaving his foster brothers behind. He’s climbed to unimaginable heights as a ruthless, high-powered attorney, creating a life of power and control. He takes whatever and whoever he wants.

Blaming himself for the death of his parents, Dr. Drew Klein retreats into a shell of loneliness, merely going through the motions of life. After a disastrous, short-lived marriage, Drew decides to leave his lucrative medical practice to set up a clinic for abused young men and women. The decision has more repercussions than Drew could ever imagine when the dark and sensual Ash Davis volunteers to help.

Although Drew isn’t gay, Ash is inexplicably drawn to him. He vows to simply bed him and forget him like he's done with every other man. However, Drew's sweet and caring nature and unexpected passion both stun and frighten Ash, who questions his right to any happiness at all. And when Ash befriends an abused young man who unwittingly draws the clinic into danger, threatening Drew’s safety and that of his beloved grandmother, Ash discovers that there is nothing he won’t sacrifice to protect the love he never thought he’d find.


All Romance

Loose Id

And speaking of book karma…

Jaime Samms has some amazing book karma coming her way.  See, Jaime's job involved editing audio books, and this time? She's got her own book out on audio.  Now, I've *kermit flailed* this book before (and the lovely, charming, funny, way the hell talented Ms. Samms) but having a book come out on audio is really a whole different kick, so I'm going to do it one more time!

Ladies and gentlemen, let's give a big hearty audio welcome to Jaime Samms and The Foster Family on audio!


The Foster Family by Jaime Samms on Audio

Written by: Jaime Samms Narrated by: Greg Tremblay and 11 hrs and 45 mins of listening awesomeness.

Growing up in foster care has left Kerry Grey with little self-esteem or hope for his future. A college dropout, Kerry scrapes by on a part-time job at a garden nursery. His friendship with his boss and working with the plants are the only high points in Kerry's life. He's been dating the man who bullied him at school, but when his boyfriend abandons him at a party, Kerry wanders down the beach to drown his sorrows in a bottle of scotch.

Malcolm Holmes and Charlie Stone have been together for 15 years. Despite Charlie's willingness to accept Malcolm's unspoken domination in bed, something is missing from their relationship. Early one morning, they rescue a passed-out Kerry from being washed away by the tide, and Charlie immediately senses a kindred spirit in the lost younger man. When Kerry's roommate kicks him out, Malcolm and Charlie invite him into their home. As Charlie and Kerry bond over Charlie's garden, Malcolm sees Kerry may be just who they have been looking for to complete their lives. All they have to do is show Kerry, and each other, that Kerry's submissive tendencies will fit their dynamic.

But someone is sabotaging Kerry at every turn. As he struggles to discover the culprit, he fears for the safety of his new friends. If Malcolm and Charlie cannot help, their lifelong search for their perfect third may not end with the happily ever after they imagined.

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Okay, so you know how some people just come at you with so much good will and happiness that being in the room with them is like a bath in a peppermint spa? Kenzie Cade is JUST LIKE THAT!  Her happiness is delightful, her smile is infectious and I'm so honored to have met her.  And I was so happy to get the chance to pimp her next book!  And it looks so good!!!

So, ladies and gentlemen, flail your arms and give up a flail for Kenzie Cade and
Hummingbird House!


Hummingbird House

by Kenzie Cade

To honor his grandmother's final request, Trenton Appleton drops everything to visit the family’s ancestral home: Hummingbird House, where he experienced his first kiss and first heartbreak with Callum Eason.

Eight years ago, confused by his attraction to Trent, Callum reacted badly. But with help he never expected, Callum found himself and learned to accept who he was.

Now Trent is back at Hummingbird House, and Callum has his opportunity to salvage their friendship, at least. But Trent is less receptive than he was all those years ago. Still, Callum is determined to show Trent he has changed and keep his promise to Trent’s grandmother. When past mistakes repeat themselves, Callum must break the cycle before his last chance with Trent passes him by.

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Okay, all--

Now for my stuff.  I'm almost embarrassed to put mine up here-- I feel like you've seen it forever!  But the thing is, after being on Presale for ever and ever, The Candy Man and The Bells of Times Square are finally available this month!  The Candy Man is available on the third of December, and The Bells of Times Square is available on the fifteenth, and the fact is? I'm excited.

The Candy Man is my happy holiday story.  In a way, it's like I have to write one every year. Adam and Finn are such awesome characters they keep trying to upstage Rico in the sequel, Bitter Taffy.  I loved writing this--and it's a little longer than my average Christmas novella, so hopefully there's a little extra time for the slow simmer to hot for my guys.  So yeah.  I'm excited.

And  Bells?

Well,  Bells has been reviewed on RT, Publisher's Weekly, and now, Library Journal, which had this to say:

"Compassion and humor temper the dark undercurrents of homophobia, anti-Semitism, and the ever-present wartime violence in a beautifully written book that for all its practical realism seems almost dusted with magic. VERDICT: A poignant New Year’s Eve trip to fulfill an old vow brings closure to one couple and a new beginning to another in this touching, bittersweet M/M love story that leaves readers with hope but may require a hanky or two."

I mean… dudes. I'm so frickin' proud.

so here we go-- Amy's holiday offerings.

Ladies and gentleman, let's give a big *kermit flail* for The Candy Man and The Bells of Times Square!


The Candy Man

by Amy Lane

Adam Macias has been thrown a few curve balls in his life, but losing his VA grant because his car broke down and he missed a class was the one that struck him out. One relative away from homelessness, he's taking the bus to Sacramento, where his cousin has offered a house-sitting job and a new start. He has one goal, and that's to get his life back on track. Friends, pets, lovers? Need not apply.

Finn Stewart takes one look at Adam as he's applying to Candy Heaven and decides he's much too fascinating to leave alone. Finn is bright and shiny—and has never been hurt. Adam is wary of his attention from the very beginning—Finn is dangerous to every sort of peace Adam is forging, and Adam may just be too damaged to let him in at all.

But Finn is tenacious, and Adam's new boss, Darrin, doesn't take bullshit for an answer. Adam is going to have to ask himself which is harder—letting Finn in or living without him? With the holidays approaching it seems like an easy question, but Adam knows from experience that life is seldom simple, and the world seldom cooperates with hope, faith, or the plans of cats and men.

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The Bells of Times Square

By Amy Lane

Every New Year’s Eve since 1946, Nate Meyer has ventured alone to Times Square to listen for the ghostly church bells he and his long-lost wartime lover vowed to hear together. This year, however, his grandson Blaine is pushing Nate through the Manhattan streets, revealing his secrets to his silent, stroke-stricken grandfather.

When Blaine introduces his boyfriend to his beloved grandfather, he has no idea that Nate holds a similar secret. As they endure the chilly death of the old year, Nate is drawn back in memory to a much earlier time . . . and to Walter.

Long before, in a peace carefully crafted in the heart of wartime tumult, Nate and Walter forged a loving home in the midst of violence and chaos. But nothing in war is permanent, and now all Nate has is memories of a man his family never knew existed. And a hope that he’ll finally hear the church bells that will unite everybody—including the lovers who hid the best and most sacred parts of their hearts.

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