
The Buffalo Valley Recreation Authority (BVRA) is kicking off their Capital Campaign to raise $55,000 for 55 years of service.  All funds received will help relieve the Lewisburg Community Pool’s (LCP) growing list of maintenance needs.

The outdoor community pool was built in 1960 using private donations from the community with the purpose to provide a safe place for everyone to enjoy the water during those hot & humid summer days. Through continued support for over half a century, the LCP has been able to provide swimming lessons to children and many a teenager’s first job. Most importantly though it has continued to provide safe aquatic fun for the community.

However, it has been 10 years since the last renovation and the facility now finds itself in desperate need of repairs. The interior of the pool needs to be patched, sealed, and painted; the shower and locker rooms need extensive plumbing and concrete work; and there are various other maintenance needs that must to be addressed before the LCP opens for the summer of 2015.

Long-time pool supporter and BVRA board member, Keri Albright believes the pool is an important part of our community.  “I have talked to some of the original organizers who got the pool built. It was inspiring to hear them as passionate about the need for the pool now as they obviously were over 50 years ago.  As stewards of the pool, today, let’s make sure it lasts into the next 50 years.”

BVRA is asking everyone to consider making as generous a gift as possible, to help reach the goal of raising $55,000 for 55 years of service. The community is encouraged to think creatively and to consider starting their own mini-fundraiser for the LCP at work, in the classroom, or within another organization.

For more information call BVRA at 570-524-4774.

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