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Updates: version 1.1 is released – Oct 23, 2016

Laravel, the #1 PHP MVC framework, is married with Stripe, the #1 payment processor. If online eCommerce services like Squarespace, Etsy… are not extendable for your needs, but a full eCommerce framework such as Magento is typically over-killed, then this is exactly what you are looking for.

This app is built with the latest Laravel version 5.3, Bootstrap CSS 3, tested on the latest stack of NginX 10 (Apache compatible), PHP 7 (or 5.6), MySQL 5.6+

I’m a U.S. developer, with extensive experience of leading and building several world-class teams and projects, including a Magento site with global traffic; hence, I understand the need of a MVC framework app to replace the Magento beast, as well as understand the importance of using the best practices in the code-base, so anyone who uses this app will not only enjoy it, but hopefully learn something from it. Certainly, I’d love to hear any feedback to bring this app to the next level. Keep in mind though, I built this app with only the fundamental features so that you can always extend it your way.

Full-featured shop:




1 page checkout

Flat-rate shipping

Address book

Shipping tracking

Full Admin Panel

Confirmation emails

Static pages


Payments handled by Stripe

Photos uploaded and stored in Amazon S3


Responsive design (tested on iPhone, iPad, Android devices, tablets, desktops)

Clean & optimal codes w/ best practices and full comments

Extra: Integrated w/ Rollbar for Application Logs

Extra: Beautiful & responsive email templates w/ Sparkpost

Open-source add-ons:

Laravel 5.3

jQuery 1.10.1

Bootstrap CSS 3.3.7

FontAwesome 4.6.3






Shopping Cart:


Version 1.1 release – Oct 2016:

Updated to Laravel 5.3 (latest)

Refactored most of the code base to the latest convention and best practices

Order Refund (in Admin Portal)

Pay Later

Cash on Delivery

Multiple shipping carriers (USPS, UPS etc.)

Checkout Notes

More Product Option Types (Radio box, Drop-down pick-list etc.)

Social Share

Remember Me on Login

List or Grid Display in Products pages

Sort Products (by name, price, date etc.)

Slider in Homepage

A lot of improvements and extra features…

This web app is a Laravel eCommerce website. Since this app can work in a broad range of systems and servers; we assume that you have some fundamental knowledge of your own stack (i.e. how to install Laravel, NginX, MySQL etc.)

Last Update

23 October 16


28 September 16

High Resolution


Compatible Browsers

IE9, IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge

Files Included

JavaScript JS, HTML, CSS, PHP

Software Framework


Software Version

PHP 7.x, PHP 5.6, MySQL 5.x


amazon s3, aws, Bootstrap CSS, e-commerce, ecommerce, laravel, laravel ecommerce, online shop, PHP Ecommerce, responsive design, seo, shopping cart, stripe, Yumefave


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The post Yumefave | Laravel eCommerce Online Shop with Stripe appeared first on Wptit.

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