
In this day in age it is all about response time.  We recently attended an event put on by Kelly Weppler Hernandez from WH & Associates celebrating  Small Business week and at this event there was a really informative LIVE STREAM from John Jantsch, creator and Best Selling Author for the Duct Tape Marketing system.  John spoke about something called ROBO.  We at WP Fix It are suckers for acronyms and when we heard this our ears perked up.  John explained that ROBO is how consumers are buying these days. Research Online, Buy Offline.  This of course made perfect sense to me because we am a consumer and we constantly research a product or service online before making a buying decision.

John went on to explain several tools that are available to better serve the “Research” part of ROBO and the one specifically that we wanted to share with you was the concept of adding a LIVE CHAT to your website.  Just think of it, a consumer goes to your website and looks around and has a question. Now in the example of most websites out there, they can either call you, send an email, or fill out a form to ask their question.  What it they could simply click on something and have a live interactive chat with someone in your company and get an answer instantly.  If they can chat with someone right away, 2 really huge things have happened: One, their research was conducted efficiently and two, the consumer experience has sky rocketed which increased the Like and Trust before they buy.

So we did our own ROBO on what type of LIVE CHAT software there is out there and which one we use for this very website.  Below is a list of the top 6 that we found and researched and a few of  the features and pricing of each.  We have put these in order from my favorite to least.  You can see my LIVE CHAT in action in the lower right hand corner of this page.  Let’s chat!!!

1. Pure Chat      FREE – $5/month (2 options)


Make your brand more accessible with a customizable chat popup that empowers potential customers to reach your team instantly. You can update the look, language and message within the the popup or present it as a button throughout your website. Plus, Pure Chat also lets you add a custom call-to-action at the end of each chat, so customers can be driven toward the next step in their buying journey.

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2. Click Desk      FREE – $14.99/month (3 options)


Respond on the Go

Add the one-time friend requests you get from ClickDesk after setup to start responding to your website visitor chats on your instant messenger

Operator on Skype

You can also give live help responses to the customer queries through Skype from desktop, laptop, or mobile.

Visitor info

Know your visitor fully–name, e-mail, chat history, results, operating system, browser and language, geographic location, company…

Shortcut messages

ClickDesk allows you to save multiple phrases as shortcuts. These can be used to answer FAQs with a single click, saving you time.

Offline support

ClickDesk connects with your email ticketing system when you are offline, allowing your visitors to create tickets instantly. Alternatively, visitors can leave offline messages on your site and you can invite them back when you are online.


ClickDesk allows rich three-way conference between your agents and visitors. You can also transfer chats to other agents’ mobile or desktop to help close leads or provide stellar support.


ClickDesk provides highly secure communication interface. It prevents all the malicious scripts and intrusions through the chat window.

Language localization

ClickDesk allows your visitors and operators to chat in any language (Albanian to Vietnamese). Allows both parties to configure messages to be in their native language straight out of their chat window.

Chat transcripts

View real-time chat transcripts on the web and download them in Excel sheet format or have them emailed to you periodically (weekly/monthly) for quality control.

Widget customization

Customize your live chat widget icon, size, color, theme, image, text, and its position (right, left, center, top, bottom) to match your website.

There are also many more advanced features that are available with this chat software.

Full Details

3. Zopim     FREE – $99.99/month (5 options)


Easy Setup

60 seconds is all it takes, from getting an account to seeing the chat widget on your site. Tried and tested by non-technical users.

One-time Setup

To see the chat widget on your site, simply copy and paste one line of script just before on your website HTML. No further editing required to deploy our smart chat support software.

No software downloads required

Unlike other live chat software, all you need is a browser to start chatting with customers. Simply login to the Dashboard to chat.

Get a design that fits your site

Our live chat software comes in many colors and themes that will match the look of your website

Smart offline mode

If live customer help is not available, choose to show visitors an offline form, or hide the chat bar from view.

Fully customizable greeting messages

Show different greeting messages for different status: “online”, “away” and “offline”. Messages can be displayed in different languages.

See real-time information of your visitors

Be amazed by the detailed information that our chat support software offers – country, how long they have been on your website, which page of your site are they at etc

There are also many more advanced features that are available with this chat software.

Full Details

4. Help On Click      $19.99 – $29.99/month (3 options)


Copy & Paste installation

To install the live chat on your website, all you need to do is to copy a block of HTML code and paste it to your web pages. That’s it.

Get started in 5 minutes!

Know where your visitors are coming from

See which search terms your visitors used in order to get to your website and chat accordingly. Suggest relevant promotions by chat. Guaranteed to increase conversion rate!

Proactive chat invitations

Automatic and manual chat invitations are available with custom message for best experience for the visitor. Soft invite by the chat widget or hard invite by invitation window that covers the screen.

Know who is on your websites right now

Real time traffic monitor will show you exactly who is on your website, for how long, which pages they visited, their physical location, browser type and more

Manage multiple websites

Have more than one website? Not a problem. Permission levels for different websites are available to allow a complete separation. Use a different look and feel for each website.

Make it your own

Customize everything – themes, texts, pre-chat fields and much more!

There are also many more advanced features that are available with this chat software.

Full Details

5. Bankle Chat      FREE – $5/per operator per month


Banckle Live Chat takes your live chat support experience to the next level. It gives you more control over the way you and your live chat agents interact with your website visitors.To start with, you can proactively initiate the live chat session with any visitor browsing through your website. Its HTTPS over SSL makes sure that your live chat sessions are absolutely secure.To enhance productivity and interactivity, you can search for the keywords through on-going chat sessions as well as previous chat sessions.Even when the chat session is done you can perform a whole lot of interactive operations. The visitor can be presented with a post-chat survey to get valuable feedback. You as well as the visitor can also print, save or email the chat transcript with a single click.If you are into providing top quality live chat support to your customers, be assured, Banckle Live Chat is meant for you.

There are also many more advanced features that are available with this chat software.

Full Details

6. Bold Chat     FREE – $499/year (3 options)


Floating chat button

Sale Recovery Technology

Auto Online/Offline

Other Person Typing Indicator

Offline Email Capture Form

There are also many more advanced features that are available with this chat software.

Full Details

I hope you have enjoyed this article and I am always asking for input if I missed something or you want to add to the value of the topic.  You can also stay up to date with new articles by entering your email below.  Thanks and I look forward to your comments.

The post Top 6 Live Chat Software for Your WordPress Site appeared first on WP Fix It.

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