
Are you looking to launch your own virtual assistant business? If you are, I think WordPress is the perfect platform to do it!

In this post, I want to talk a bit about why now is a good time to launch a virtual assistant business. Then, I’ll get into how you can set up your site with WordPress. And finally, I’ll share some helpful organizational tools and some basic ways you can find clients.

Why Launch a Virtual Assistant Business?

There have been posts on the Elegant Themes blog talking about outsourcing tasks to virtual assistants, but we’ve never talked about the virtual assistants themselves.

With the rise of the Internet and the “Uberization” of the economy, becoming a virtual assistant is easier than ever. Companies are increasingly open to remote working and freelancers, including virtual assistants, are more active than ever. There are currently 53 million freelancers in the USA alone and estimates are that 50% of Americans will engage in some type of full or part time freelancing by 2020.

The post How to Launch a Virtual Assistant Business with WordPress was featured on WP Clipboard - the largest aggregator of WordPress resources, tools, tips and tutorials.

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