
DeepFocus WordPress theme

An online photo gallery—with the complete features of a blog—is what describes DeepFocus. The DeepFocus WordPress theme is intended for people who want to showcase their photos online. Its main difference from other WordPress themes is its gallery layout. Although it is structured as such, it does not lack the functions of a blog. It also comes with a CMS-style homepage.

Whatever device is used to view DeepFocus, it always conforms to the screen size. This happens without any page reloading at all. DeepFocus achieves this with the use of CSS (cascading style sheets) media queries to activate various layout sets. This feature makes DeepFocus ideal for people who browse websites on tablet PC’s and mobile phones.

DeepFocus comes in five different color schemes. Aside from the standard color, there are also Wooden, Stone, Green, and Noise schemes. Web operators can change their site from a page-based to a blog-style structure with DeepFocus. This WordPress theme also features automatic thumbnail resizing. With this tool, only one thumbnail size is required per post.

Like most other WordPress themes, DeepFocus has a feature for advertisement. One can put a 125×125 banner image on sidebars. Also, 468×60 ads can be placed on post pages. Because ads are managed from within wp-admin, they can be turned on and off.

Advanced features of DeepFocus include advanced ePanel theme options, a vast collection of shortcodes, complete localization for easy translation to other languages, access to pre-made layouts and tools, and compatibility with the latest version of WordPress.

DeepFocus comes as a valid XHTML and CSS coded WordPress theme. Web browsers compatible with this theme include Opera, Safari, Internet Explorer (IE) 6, IE7, IE8, Mozilla Firefox, and Netscape.

Another awesome feature of DeepFocus is its widget ready sidebars. This allows the operator to post information accessed from other sites such as weather and news reports. DeepFocus is also a gravatar ready theme.

Download this theme as well as our other 77 themes for only $39!

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