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== Blood Angel Corps ==
''Blood Angel Corps is a massive guild serving the U.S server Frostwolf. Chartered and founded by Prince Azkael, its purpose is to expand and establish itself as the largest guild in World of Warcraft History. The guilds mission statement is to help and serve the World of Warcraft community and guild members. We are a guild that believes that players of World of Warcraft should be given the opportunity to experience multiple aspects of game play such as PvE, PvP, and even RP elements. We strive to be a drama free guild that share respect for each other and the World of Warcraft community while having fun in Azeroth.''
== History ==
''At the end of the burning crusades campaign, the blood elves continued to be the hegemonic power in the northern eastern kingdoms. A treaty and incorporation of the Blood Elves into the Horde stabilized the regions in the north. After surviving the brutal Scourge invasion of Quel'Thalas, Lor'themar, a former commander of the Farstriders, was entrusted with watching over the elven kingdom. Prince Kael’thas was also killed for his treachery, threatening the stability of the sunstrider dynasty.''
Prince Azkael was born of the Sunstrider clan as the second grandson of Anasterian Sunstrider. He was the only heir who managed to survive into adulthood during the scourge invasion of Quel'Thalas. After the death of ''''Prince Kael’thas,'''' Prince Azkael was selected by the Blood Elves as the successor to the throne under the regency of ''Lor’themar Theron'' who came to be titled Lord Regent. Prince Azkael's grandfather Anasterian, received the highest honour and status in the Blood Elves Grand Cabinet. Upon the death of ''Prince Kael’thas'', a young Prince Azkael immediately inherited title of Prince.
During the events of Cataclysm, ''Lor’themar Theron ''grew wary of Azkael because the latter was favoured by the Horde. One of the reasons why Azkael took up so many important positions in the Blood Elves court was that he was a protégé of the various horde foreign powers, which ''Lor’themar Theron ''was careful not to displease. However,he was as intent as ever on thwarting any challenge to his power, and so Azkael clearly posed a problem for him. ''Lor’themar Theron ''plotted along with the Farstriders and Magisters to launch a coup of the capital, historically known as the Sunfury Coup, at which Azkael was put under house arrest.
At this time Prince Azkaels reign, which effectively lasted through his adolescence, was largely overshadowed by the rule of ''Lor’themar Theron''. Although he had little influence over state affairs, the events of his reign gave rise to what historians call the "Blood Angels Reformation", a semi-successful attempt aimed at a series of sweeping political, legal, and social changes. The reforms, however, were not only too sudden for the Blood Elves still under significant Thalassian influence and other elements of traditional culture, but also came into conflict with ''Lor’themar Theron'', who held real power. Many officials, deemed useless and dismissed by Azkael, were begging ''Lor’themar Theron ''for help.
Over the next years, Prince Azkael carried out the economic and political reforms that were initiated after the Blood Angels Reformation, in which the newly formed "Blood Angel Corps" would eventually regain a foothold into political power of the Blood Elves. The political division of Silvermoon was now torn between the Conservative (Lord Regent ''Lor’themar Theron'' and his officials) and Reformist (Prince Azkael and the Blood Angel Corps) factions. The Blood Elves Grand Cabinet was also gradually replaced by an Imperial Council led by a Grand Marshal, which to this day remains an important policy-making body of Blood Angel Corps and acting to serve as Privy Council for the Blood Elves.
== Government ==
The Supreme council is the current elected representative head of body of Blood Angel Corps, which consists of an executive committee of 14 elected members, of whom are assigned to one of three committees, Administrative, Legislative, and Judicial, and the election of the Supreme Council Premier and Supreme Chancellor.
The members are elected by way of popular vote, of which must be nominated by someone other than themselves, and have a fairly outstanding reputation among members in the guild. The Supreme Council Premier is elected by popular vote amongst the Supreme Council members, who must also be nominated by other council members. A Supreme Chancellor is then nominated by the Prince Elector and approved by the Supreme Council.
'''Supreme Council''' - duties consists of:
* Four '''Legislative Committee''' members responsible for setting rules and regulations of the guild, as well as maintaining the guild bank, marks, and rankings in the guild.
* Four '''Judicial Committee''' members responsible for maintaining direct order in the guild, enforcing the legislation laws and rules, and also responsible for removing members (except for other council members) whom they see fit compromising the stability of the guild.
* Four '''Administrative Committee''' members responsible for setting up weekly events such as Raids, Dungeons, Rated Battlegrounds, Arena groups, etc.
* A '''Supreme Chancellor''' formally approved by the executive Supreme Council upon apparent nomination of the Prince Elector. His duties pertain to administering the civil bureaucracy and is thus regarded as head of government. This includes overseeing the various ministered department committees and holding elections when necessary as well as appointing Imperatorius personnel to various department committees as needed. Such legislative act must however be approved by the Supreme Council. Also has power to initiate and head martial law with approval of the Council Premier upon emergency situations. Acts as representative of Blood Angel Corps in diplomatic relations with other guilds. Can also be removed with superior 2/3rds vote by the Supreme Council.
* An elected '''Supreme Council Premier''' chosen and voted among members of the council. Acts to serve as the executive head and chairman of the Council and has power to curve deadlocked decisions and 6:6 ratio votes to his/her favor. Also acts as the final sole arbitrator in Judicial affairs and precedings, and oversees Supreme Council meetings and legislative procedurals. He is regarded as head of state and holds highest power in the political bureaucracy arena as well as the highest administrative position.
The current headquarters including the Council Seat of the Supreme Council is the Halls of Blood, situated in Silvermoon City.
Two subsequent meetings are held every other week, with the first meeting being that of an open meeting, where all guild members may voice their opinions over subjects and matters at hand. The following second meeting is closed where only the Supreme Council shall make final decisions with regards to what was discussed in the first meeting.
== Blood Angel Corps Legislature ==
'''Leges Unum''' - All Guild members are to abide by the expectations of maturity and respect toward all other guild members. Any form of prejudice, whether it be racial, sexual, or religious, etc will not be tolerated if the pertaining member/members take it too far. Be mindful of what may be amusing to some may be hurtful to others. These rules are applied to the following but are not limited to:
* Hateful remarks and attacks on a guild member.
* Hateful remarks using offensive language (racial, sexual, religious, cultural, etc.) of any kind.
* Insistence of begging in a way that it leads to chat interference and annoyance.
* Constant demands to be sped through lower level instances. This game is to be played, not sped through. We want everyone to learn their classes. Form a group, play with guild members your level or an external pug. If a high level wants to offer assistance then it is up to that person, but do not expect someone to aide you if they are busy with their own tasks. Your job is to level your character, not have someone do most of the work for you.
* Ninjas will not be tolerated within our guild. This will qualify for an IMMEDIATE kicking. If there is any witness of a member’s act of ninja’ing, members are encouraged to report such activity and we will work to assess the situation before any actions is taken place.
~Ninja'ing is defined as the stealing, or unauthorized use of guild resources for personal gain. This includes the misuse of both members and materials.
* Insubordination and refusal to comply by an officers demands not deemed unreasonable.
~Please keep all arguments off the Guild Chat channel. If you have a disagreement please take it to private tells/whispers. If you can't resolve your issues, feel free to escalate it to one of the council members that will help to mediate.~
'''Leges Duae''' - If an officer notices a guild member acting in a manner that is offensive and disrespectful, the officer will give that member a warning, which will then be noted on the guild member’s “note” under the guild tab for all officers to view a member’s status. If the member does another action that is deemed offensive they will be given a second warning, which will also be noted on the “note” section. If the member offends a third time they will be kicked from the guild. This is to provide any members with the utmost chances. Council members and Guild officers are not to reprimand or handle matters of discipline on an open channel, such as the guild chat, but instead must do so over a private channel.
~All members of Blood Angel Corps are "Ambassador's" of the guild, and are expected to act appropriately in public and respect other players just as they do fellow guildmates. Any accusations brought against a member of the guild will be throughly investigated by the Judical Committee, and appropriate action will be taken. However, the Judical Committee will not get involved in personal quarrels.
~Any guild members found in contempt of the rules and guidelines will also be deranked to Probationary for that meantime~
'''Leges Tria''' - In fairness, if a member is kicked, they have the option to petition the Supreme Council (choosing one who did not do the kicking is advised) and make their case. If the Supreme Council deems that the officer's judgement was valid then the kick stays. If the Supreme Council allows the member back in, they will be given one final chance to shape up. Friends and guild mates may be present at hearings to help persuade, whilst the accusing officer will also be present.
'''Leges Quad''' - For the guild members protection, complaints and issues (the complainant must bring up the matter privately with the Chairman, or another trusted Council member) will be heard if any officers including Supreme Council Leaders, are found to be authoritatively abusing their line of power, including/pertaining to the corruptive evidence such as extortion, bribery, unnecessary laundering (higher levels needing lower items, unless it pertained to their professions or for the good of the guild as a whole), as well as undermined dismissal of members due to personnal agenda (rage kicking), and negligence that compromises the validity of the council (in which case action will be taken to remove that member from the council). It is then at the behest of the Chairman and half the council to oversee the trial (consisting of the accused and the accuser) and judge the particular officer and come up with a final verdict. The Chairman and council members overseeing the trial are required to have examined their conscience to negate any form of favoritism and/or pertaining to impermissible advantage. If such conducts are indicated, then there may be a request for recusal to preserve the appearance of the impartiality of the Supreme Council.(A)
* (A) Petitions and trials are handled at a time that works best for all members involved, but not limited to right of a quick and speedy session. A time will be set up when all members involved are able to attend, that being said all involved members must prioritize the trial session as first in their list.
~Please take note before you file complaints that most Officers and Council members do the best they can to their understanding, and that some issues are unresolvable.~
'''Leges Pente''' - These Laws are absolute pertaining even to Blood Prince and the Supreme Council itself. That said, things can be flexible, and nothing is entirely black and white. As a whole, Blood Angel Corps is a laid back, casual guild of friendly people, free of drama and petty despotism. We like to joke around, and have a good time, and encourage you to do the same. The leaders have no intention in ruling with an iron fist, and the officers are not the gestapo. It is to the sincerest hope of the guild leaders that all guild members enjoy in the game of the World of Warcraft!
== Ranking ==
'''Imperatorius'''- Recognized in their service to the Supreme Council, and contributions to other members of the guild, Imperatorius ranks are given the task of direct assistants to Supreme Council members. They are appointed by the Supreme Chancellor or the Supreme Council Premier. He or she is responsible for developing the appropriate strategies to use to carry out the tasks assigned to him or her by the Supreme Council. These members also operate outside the regular command structure of Blood Angel Corps and are allowed to plan operations and give orders on the battlefield as they see fit. ( Chosen by Supreme Chancellor or Supreme Council Premier.)
'''Blood Champion'''- Recognized for their prestigious accomplishments in the guild who have distinguished themselves with considerable military achievements, they are an elite special forces unit of Blood Angel Corps personnel that have remarkable war records and certain character traits (raid teams, etc). They are given the duty of assisting Imperatorius commanders and the Supreme Council. ( Awarded by accomplishing certain distinquishable featured events.)
'''Centurius'''- Distinguished in their services and dedication to the guild and are thus honored with such title. Their duties include maintaining order in the guild. ( Must have 3 million minimum of guild activity experience.)
'''Legionarius'''- Backbone and core personnel of the Blood Angel Corps. Their duties are to follow orders of their commanders. ( Must have 100,000 minimum of guild activity experience.)
'''Initiate'''- Recruits still in training whose goal is to rise up to Legionarius status.
'''Probationaries'''- Those found in contempt of the guild rules and guidelines.
'''Please Remember'''~ As you advance in rank within the guild you will have more and more responsibility, you are allowed to refuse a promotion at any time but if you accept the position you will have to accept the responsibilities that come with it.~
== Council Members ==
'''Council Members''' ----- '''Committee Assignment''' ----- '''Academic Specialty''' ----- '''Faction Stance'''
* '''Durndurn''' ----- '''Supreme Council Premier''' ----- '''Druid''' ----- '''Neutral'''
* '''Faustios'''-----'''Supreme Chancellor'''-----'''Rogue'''-----'''Moderate'''
* '''=''' ----- '''Judicial Committee''' ----- '''=''' ----- '''='''
* '''=''' ----- '''Administrative Committee''' ----- '''=''' ----- '''='''
* '''=''' ----- '''Administrative Committee''' ----- '''=''' ----- '''='''
* '''Holybanisher''' ----- '''Judicial Committee''' ----- '''Paladin''' ----- '''Neutral'''
* '''=''' ----- '''Legislative Committee''' ----- '''=''' ----- '''='''
* '''Greyone''' ----- '''Legislative Committee''' ----- '''Priest''' ----- '''Moderate'''
* '''=''' ----- '''Judicial Committee''' ----- '''=''' ----- '''='''
* '''Tieness''' ----- '''Administrative Committee''' ----- '''Death Knight''' ----- '''Radical'''
* '''Lalala''' ----- '''Legislative Committee''' ----- '''Hunter''' ----- '''Radical'''
* '''Dandz''' ----- '''Adminsiatrive Committee''' ----- '''Shaman''' ----- '''Neutral'''
* '''Ihero''' ----- '''Legislative Committee''' ----- '''Death Knight''' ----- '''Radical'''
* '''Auryone'''-----'''Judicial Committee'''-----'''Hunter'''-----'''Radical'''
'''Special Members'''
* '''Azkael''' ----- '''Prince Elector (Former Regent Prince)''' ----- '''Warlock''' ----- '''Radical'''