
FAQs About Button Press Machines

A button press, also known as a button making machine, is an essential tool for anyone wanting to produce buttons. These types of buttons can be used for personal or promotional use. Political candidates are particularly well-known for giving their supporters these types of promotional buttons. With a button press, you can make a multitude of different buttons. Here are some questions you might have when deciding which type of button press machine is best for you. These tips will help you get the button press that is best for your business.

You might want to first think about what size of button you want to make. Different industries have different button standard button sizes. An electric button press would allow you to make many different sizes of buttons. These devices use interchangeable dies for making different sizes and variations. But, these machines are more expensive than the manual machines. Therefore, it does not make sense to buy an electronic button press if you only need to make one size of button. It may even be more cost effective to purchase two manual button makers instead of one electronic one. Be sure to ask your seller for a discount if you buy multiple machines.

Next, you may wish to know about how to make the button graphics. There are several graphic design programs that can help you create your images. Additionally, there are also many free resources on the internet for gathering ideas and free designs. The type of paper you use for your button is also important. A thick photo paper is best for printing high resolution images.

Lastly, you need to know the basic parts of a button. The clear outside piece of the button is referred to as the mylar. The artwork of the button comes next. Behind the artwork, there is a metal piece called the shell. Finally, on the back of the shell is the pin, which is how you attach the button to your clothes. Alternatively, you could put a mirror instead of a pin here.

There are sometimes other parts included in the button as well. A metal ring that sits underneath the mylar is called a collet. You might also need to use a shim in your button. This will keep the artwork from moving around in the shell. You can usually buy packages of button materials from the company where you purchase your button press. Getting your button materials and button press from the same manufacturer helps ensure that all of your components work together.

Source: http://dailycupofbloom.com/run-trade-show-business/

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