
anderson maples posted a blog post

FEB Prayer Calendar 2014

February Prayer Calendar 2014 1 SAT:  RETREAT:  Pray for Pastor Dave Frazier as he leads the youth group of Hampstead Baptist Church in their annual winter retreat at NLBC. 2 SUN:  RETREAT:  Pray for Pastor Dave Frazier as he leads the youth group of Hampstead Baptist Church in their annual winter retreat at NLBC. 3 MON:  Continue to pray for Chloe Donaldson as she struggles with colitis and the various procedures she has had to endure the past few months.   4 TUE: Hope For Hyndman Elementary School Time Release Bible Program at Grace Church with Nathan Eliot. Johanna, Todd, and I are drivers and teachers.  5 WED:  KIDS 4 CHRIST: I will be leading music for the Teen’s program at  Calvary Bible Church this evening. 6 THU:  Pray for me as I try to fill the last spots for the counseling staff for the summer camp program “Thrill Seeker 2014.” 7 FRI: RETREAT:  Pray for Pastor Josh Hobbs as he leads the youth group of Cornerstone Baptist Church  in their annual winter retreat at NLBC. Pray for me as I lead worship for this event 8 SAT: RETREAT:  Pray for Pastor Josh Hobbs as he leads the youth group of Cornerstone Baptist Church  in their annual winter retreat at NLBC. Pray for me as I lead worship for this event 9 SUN: RETREAT:  Pray for Pastor Josh Hobbs as he leads the youth group of Cornerstone Baptist Church  in their annual winter retreat at NLBC. Pray for me as I lead worship for this event. I will also be leading worship with DJ at Pennwood Bible Church in the evening service. 10 MON:  Pray for me as I continue my Biblical Studies through Andersonville Theological Seminary. 11 TUE: Hope For Hyndman Elementary School Time Release Bible Program at Grace Church with Nathan Eliot. Johanna, Todd, and I are drivers and teachers.  12 WED:  KIDS 4 CHRIST: I will be leading music for the Teen’s program at  Calvary Bible Church this evening 13 THU:  Pray for me as I continue putting together the program for the upcoming Small Group Retreats and Men’s Retreat in March, and the Family Retreat in April. 14 FRI: RETREAT: Pray for the youth group and the youth staff of Faith Community Church in Odenton MD  as they hold their annual winter/ski retreat at NLBC. I will be assisting the Praise and Worship team on guitar. 15 SAT: RETREAT:  Pray for the youth group and the youth staff of Faith Community Church in Odenton MD  as they hold their annual winter/ski retreat at NLBC. I will be assisting the Praise and Worship team on guitar. 16 SUN: RETREAT:  Pray for the youth group and the youth staff of Faith Community Church in Odenton MD  as they hold their annual winter/ski retreat at NLBC. I will be assisting the Praise and Worship team on guitar. 17 MON: RETREAT:  Pray for Todd and I as we attend a conference geared to help Christian Camping Programing following the Faith Ski Retreat departure. 18 TUE: Pray for Todd and I as we attend a conference geared to help Christian Camping Programing  19 WED:  KIDS 4 CHRIST: I will be leading music for the Teen’s program at  Calvary Bible Church this evening. 20 THU: Pray for me as I continue working on staff skits and new music to use this summer as part of our summer camp program. 21 FRI:  The new CD “Simple Songs Session: is available for download. Pray that the Lord will continue to bless the music ministry and the opportunities I have to use the guitar and songwriting talents for His glory. 22 SAT: We are trying to revive our volunteer program to find some help with the housekeeping duties and with some maintenance projects.  Pray that  the Lord will provide individuals who will partner with us and volunteer a day or two a month to help. 23 SUN: I will be leading worship with DJ Ritchey at Pennwood Bible Church for the morning service.  I will head over to Jumonsville Conference  Center in the evening to practice with the conference praise band for the 3CA Allegheny Sectional. 24 MON: EVENT:3CA Allegheny Sectional at Jumonsville Conference Center. I will be leading worship with Dez Sayers for this event.   25 TUE: EVENT: 3CA Allegheny Sectional at Jumonsville Conference Center. I will be leading worship with Dez Sayers for this event.  26 WED: EVENT: 3CA Allegheny Sectional at Jumonsville Conference Center. I will be leading worship with Dez Sayers for this event.  27 THU:   Pray that the Lord will provide financial support for myself and also for Todd and Chris. 28 FRI:  This weekend we will be hosting the youth and the youth staff of Seneca Creek Community Church as they travel to the Lodge tomorrow evening. We will be cooking for this event.  Thanks for your prayers and support,- Andy MaplesSee More

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