
Last year we held our first WorshipGod conference in California, Called to Be Faithful, co-hosted with Eric Turbedsky and Sovereign Grace Church of Orange. Lots of learning, lots of giveaways, lots of fellowship, lots of laughter, lots of equipping, and lots of time to encounter God together.

Due to the number of requests to come back we’ll be hosting WorshipGod: TRIUNE, July 16-19, again at Calvary Church in Santa Ana, CA.

Here’s a video recap of last year’s conference.

Because there are so many conferences you could attend, I wanted to give you 10 reasons why you should consider joining us for WorshipGod:TRIUNE this year.

1. Michael Reeves

Michael is head of Wales Evangelical School of Theology and fast becoming one of my favorite preachers and people. His superb book, Delighting in the Trinity, shows why the triune God of Christianity is not only necessary, but superior to any other god, and eminently more beautiful and desirable. Mike will be addressing us in the first two main sessions and I can’t wait for you to hear him.

2. Bruce Ware

Dr. Ware is a professor at the sbts.edusb and author of the book Father, Son, and Holy Spirit: Relationships, Roles, and Relevance (as well as a few others). His exuberant passion for the glory of God is contagious. He’ll be teaching a main session on knowing God as Father, as well as a seminar called Getting a Grip on God’s Glory.

3. Jon Payne

Jon pastors Redemption Hill Church in Austin, TX. He has been a dear friend for years and inspired us last year with his message, Faithful to Serve, from John 13. Jon will be teaching a main session this year on the Holy Spirit and a seminar on The Faith-Filled Leader. I have no doubt we’ll be inspired again.

4. Rick Gamache
Rick serves as the senior pastor of Sovereign Grace Church in Bloomington, MN. If you haven’t heard him preach, you’re in for a treat. Rick is passionate, biblical, and pastoral as he proclaims God’s Word. He’ll be speaking on how knowing God as Trinity affects our daily lives.

5. Enfield

John Martin and enfieldband were part of last year’s WorshipGod West conference and have played on a number of Sovereign Grace albums. They combine phenomenal musicianship with humble hearts and a passion to see Jesus glorified. They’ll be leading us Thursday night and will also be helping out with drum (David Zimmer), bass (Ryan Foglesong), and keyboard (John Martin) seminars.

6. Matt Boswell

Matt is a pastor at Providence Church in Frisco, TX. His passion to see the church singing theologically rich, gospel aware songs has led to him writing modern hymns that are beginning to get more attention. He’ll be leading us on Friday morning and participating in seminars on planning Sundays and songwriting.

7. Doug and Sheri Gould
It’s been a privilege to have Doug and Sheri participate in WorshipGod conferences since 2008. Sheri gets rave reviews as a vocal coach and Doug has an unceasing desire to serve those who work with sound in local churches. Sheri will be not only be teaching vocal seminars, but you can also sign up for “The Contemporary Choir” as a pre-conference workshop. The choir will sing in the Friday evening session.

8. Practical and Theological Training
We’ve added a boatload of new seminars this year, designed to serve you where you’re at. Craig Cabaniss on fear of man, legalism, and revival. Dr. Carl Trueman on how not to be a Trinitarian heretic. Me on God’s presence and putting songs together. Jon Payne on faith-filled leadership. Don Whitney on praying through Scripture and Scripture meditation. Patrick Anderson on guitars and loops. Brock Shinen on copyrights. Steve & Vikki Cook on taking your song from good to great. A panel on planning Sundays. And plenty more. On Wednesday I’ll be teaching a three hour session called “Lessons Learned from Thirty Years of Leading.” We’ll be covering your role, relationships, pastoring through song, and a Q&A.

9. You

One of the best parts of WorshipGod conferences is the people who come. Your joyful participation, evident humility, consistent gratefulness, passionate engagement, and faithful servanthood turn a conference into a life-transforming event. I’m always encouraged by the people I meet, and I know you will be, too.

10. Rates go up May 15.

That’s two days from now. You can still register after that, but you’ll save 30 bucks if you do it by midnight, May 14.

I didn’t mention the giveaways at every WorshipGod conference, the free lunches, the Sovereign Grace bands, and the beautiful location, but that would be too many points. Just know we’re serious about encouraging and equipping leaders and musicians in local churches by building them into the Word of God and the gospel. And as an incentive, the first 20 church planting pastors get in for free, and senior pastors are always just $75.  

We’d love to see you there!



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