
I was sitting in the middle of the living room floor. Work out pants on, coffee sitting on the coffee table. Outside the door, it was still dark. But I was down on my knees, and I was fired up. My fist hit the floor with each forceful battle cry:

You will not take my marriage.

You will not take my kids.

You will not take my home.

You will not take my ministry.

You will not take the joy in our adoption.

You will not win in homeschooling.

You will not take the glory.

You will not win.

My battle cry was barely above a whisper – but it was clear. I was calling battle. I was taking back everything the enemy was trying to steal from me. He was not going to win. I was going to war.

This book club isn’t going to be normal. We are not just going to talk about how to pray. Oh, I am sure there will be some of that. But just as Priscilla said in the book, we are going to engage in prayer. We are going to go to war. We have to. Or, we can give over the things we love the most to the enemy. Our marriages, our kids, our ministries, our homes, our joy – we can just give it right to him. Those things will never be what they are suppose to be if we are not going to battle for it.

I think a lot of us- me included- are living powerless lives because we are not battling in prayer. Prayer is an after thought, or a crutch we want to lean on in hard times – not the very thing that is going to get us through. We wait until we are already wounded, until we are already warn- and then we go to prayer. When we have nothing left to give, we try prayer.

And we feel like it is powerless.

What would happen if instead of leaning on prayer, we battled in prayer?

You don’t go into battle without a plan. Generals make a plan – they are specific, and they are strategic. That is the way we need to go forward in our prayer lives. Strategically and specifically.

We don’t want this time of prayer to be wasteful. We don’t want it to be powerless. So, it needs to quit being our emotional band-aid, and it needs to be our lifeline. Prayer is the kryptonite of the enemy.

As Priscilla shared– we have to quit going blindly into these battles. We need a plan. We need a War plan.

So, as we begin, we are going to look at some scripture that the Word shares about Prayer. Each day this week, I want you to write these scriptures down in a prayer journal. I want you to focus on what prayer means- through the Bible. If you are in my Facebook Community, we will share what these verses means.

Then, I want you to write out the areas you feel the enemy is attacking. Lets start with the top 5. I want you to list them out. I want you to begin to pray over these areas.

Lastly, I want you to start prayer walking in your home.  I want you to begin to pray over each room of your house. Bathe the interactions and relationships of your home. Your home is where a lot of the war will happen – and it will begin right away.

You may share your thoughts in the comments here – but also, you can join us in the community where we will break this down daily!

The commitment you are making- the enemy doesn’t like it. Expect attack – and push through them. Spend time in the Word each day this week renewing yourself and gaining strength from Christ.

I will be sharing these lessons on Periscope as well – so here is this week’s video!

Worshiping With My Life,

The post A Call to War appeared first on Worshipful Living.

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