You don’t need to work out for hours: These workouts are all 30 minutes or less. And you can do them pretty much anywhere, anytime (as long as you have an internet connection).
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Jenny Chang / BuzzFeed
Friendly and cautionary note: Not everyone is going to be able to do all of these workouts, and some people won’t be able to do any of them. And what’s hard for one person might be easy for another — it all depends on your individual level of fitness. Before you begin any new exercise regimen, you should talk to your doctor about what’s safe and right for you. And if you feel faint or dizzy or pain during the course of any of these workouts, stop immediately and seek medical attention.
5- to 10-Minute Workouts
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Jenny Chang for BuzzFeed
1. Tone All Over Workout (Women’s Health)
Video available at:
Length: 5 minutes
Equipment needed: Two pairs of dumbbells — one heavy, one lighter (in case you need it)
The gist: High-intensity circuit training (HICT) workout. You’ll do five exercises in five minutes. For each move, do as many reps as you can for 50 seconds, rest for 10 seconds, and move on to the next move. You can stop working out after one circuit if you need to, but for best results repeat the whole circuit three or four times in a row.
FYI: Includes some lateral movement, lunges, hops
2. 5-Minute Fat-Blasting Workout (Shaun T for Dr. Oz)
Video available at:
Length: 5 minutes
Equipment needed: None
The gist: HICT workout. Very intense! Constant movement.
FYI: Includes running in place, hops, lateral movement, squats
3. 5-Minute 5-Move Leg and Butt Routine (Women’s Health)
Video available at:
Length: 5 minutes
Equipment needed: Two pairs of dumbbells, one heavier, one lighter if you need it
The gist: HICT workout — five moves in five minutes, 50 seconds per move, 10 seconds rest. Repeat the whole circuit a few times for best results.
FYI: Includes some lateral movement, squats, lunges
4. The Scientific 7-Minute Workout
Video available at:
Length: 7 minutes
Equipment needed: None
The gist: HICT workout. 30 seconds on, 10 seconds rest, 12 moves total. Repeat the whole circuit a few times in a row for best results.
FYI: Includes jumping, squats, running in place
5. Spinal Cord Injury Aerobic Workout: Paraplegia
Video available at:
Length: 7 minutes and 45 seconds
Equipment needed: None
The gist: A series of upper-body exercises performed back to back.
FYI: This workout was created by the National Center on Health, Physical Activity and Disability (NCPAD).
From the YouTube video page: NCPAD presents “Exercise Program for Individuals with Spinal Cord Injuries: Paraplegia”. This video is funded by the Christopher & Dana Reeve Paralysis Resource Center and developed in conjunction with the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago and the National Center on Physical Activity and Disability.
6. 8-Minute Boot Camp Workout from XHIT Daily
Video available at:
Length: About 7 minutes
Equipment needed: None
The gist: HICT workout. Six moves, 30 seconds each, and then repeat. For better results, repeat the whole thing at least one more time.
FYI: Includes squats, kicks, running in place
7. 8-Minute Full-Body Tabata Workout (Class FitSugar)
Video available at:
Length: 8 minutes
Equipment needed: None
The gist: Tabata workout. Alternate between two moves, 20 seconds on, 10 seconds rest, 8 rounds total. Then repeat the circuit again with two different moves.
FYI: Includes jumps, squats, lunges
8. Spinal Cord Injury Aerobic Workout: Tetraplegia
Video available at:
Length: 9 minutes 20 seconds
Equipment needed: None
The gist: A series of upper-body movements performed back to back.
FYI: This is another video from the NCPAD, made for people with spinal cord injuries resulting in tetraplegia.
10- to 20-Minute Workouts
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Jenny Chang for BuzzFeed
9. 10-Minute No-Equipment Fat-Burning Circuit from Turbulence Training
Video available at:
Length: 10 minutes
Equipment needed: None
The gist: High-intensity bodyweight workout. Five exercises total. For each exercise, you do four rounds of 20 seconds on, 10 seconds rest. Then you move on to the next move.
FYI: Includes running in place, lunges, burpees, jumping
10. 10-Minute No-Equipment Home Workout, Full-Body Exercise (Class FitSugar)
Video available at:
Length: 10 minutes
Equipment needed: None
The gist: 10 moves, back to back, in 10 minutes — no rest.
FYI: Includes lunges, burpees
11. Intense Ab Workout (POP Pilates)
Video available at:
Length: 10 minutes
Equipment needed: Yoga mat
The gist: Abs-focused pilates routine. Great to add to the end of another, longer workout.
FYI: LOTS of crunches and crunch-like things, y’all
12. Afrobeat Werrrkout! With Scola Dondo
Video available at:
Length: Roughly 13 minutes
Equipment needed: None
The gist: Cardio dance workout, with some bodyweight exercises to warm up.
FYI: Lots and LOTS of jumping, dancing, some burpees, squats
13. Yoga Shape Up: Detoxifying Workout (Wai Lana for BeFiT)
Video available at:
Length: 14 minutes
Equipment needed: None
The gist: A very gentle routine to help you relax and unwind.
FYI: Includes some twists
14. BabyFit’s Lower Body Workout for Pregnancy (SparkPeople)
Video available at:
Length: 14 minutes
Equipment needed: None, although you might want a chair for balance (and you can add dumbbells if you are up for it, to make it harder)
The gist: Short lower-body strength and stretching routine, designed by certified prenatal fitness specialists
FYI: Includes some squats. Before you do this workout (or any workout) during pregnancy, talk to your doctor about what’s safe for you.
15. Level 1 Beginners Workout (Chris Powell)
Video available at:
Length: 15 minutes
Equipment needed: None
The gist: Total-body bodyweight moves performed one after another, no rest between moves. Good for fitness beginners.
FYI: Includes jumping, lunges, some lateral movement
16. 15-Minute Insanity Cardio Workout Exercises (HASfit)
Video available at:
Length: 15 minutes
Equipment needed: Light dumbbells
The gist: High-intensity cardio moves performed back to back with no rest between moves. Best for people with intermediate to advanced fitness levels.
FYI: Includes some lateral movement, jumps, high knees, mountain climbers
17. 15-Minute Total Body HIIT Workout (FitnessBlender)
Video available at:
Length: 15 minutes (not including your warmup)
Equipment needed: None
The gist: High-intensity interval training (HIIT). This is very intense. You have four pairs of exercises. For each move, you do 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off, and alternate from one move to the next in each group. Do 3 sets per group, then move on to the next group. The last round of exercises will be a burnout round.
FYI: Includes jumps, squats, clapping push-ups, jumping lunges, burpees
18. Spring Break Abs & Core Workout (Mike Chang for BeFiT)
Video available at:
Length: 15 minutes
Equipment needed: A small towel
The gist: Core and lower-back workout moves, back to back with no rest
FYI: Includes some hops, lateral movement
19. 15-Minute Bodyweight Burn (David Jack for EVEN Hotels)
Video available at:
Length: 15 minutes
Equipment needed: Workout mat
The gist: Starts with stretches, progresses to bodyweight strength moves (40 seconds on, 20 seconds rest).
FYI: Includes squats, split squats
20. The Total Mobility Workout (Sonima)
Video available at:
Length: 18 minutes
Equipment needed: A bench or sturdy chair
The gist: This workout was designed by Pete Egoscue, an alignment and movement expert, and it’s good for people who are trying to improve their mobility and posture. Good for beginners.
FYI: Includes running in place, squats
20- to 30-Minute Workouts
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Jenny Chang for BuzzFeed
21. Strengthen Your Core (Yoga Journal To Go)
Video available at:
Length: 20 minutes
Equipment needed: Two blocks
The gist: Yoga sequence to help you build core strength and awareness.
FYI: Includes a back bend (flip the dog pose)
22. Shaun T 20-Minute Workout
Video available at:
Length: Roughly 20 minutes
Equipment needed: None
The gist: High-intensity circuit workout. Series of four-minute circuits. Each circuit has four moves; do each move for 15 seconds, no rest between moves, four rounds total. Very intense, but modifiable. There’s also a break in the middle.
FYI: Includes running in place, jumps, burpees, lateral movement, squats, mountain climbers, high knees
23. Denise Austin’s Prenatal Cardio Workout for a Fit & Firm Pregnancy (BeFiT)
Video available at:
Length: 20 minutes
Equipment needed: None
The gist: Low-impact cardio workout for pregnant women.
FYI: Includes some lateral movement, marching in place. Before you work out during your pregnancy, definitely talk to your doctor about what is safe for you.
24. Gentle Heart Pump Yoga Flow (HangTightwMarC)
Video available at:
Length: 20 minutes
Equipment needed: None
The gist: A 20-minute yoga flow routine.
25. Holly Perkins 360 Fit Tone (Exercise TV)
Video available at:
Length: About 20 minutes
Equipment needed: One pair of dumbbells
The gist: Total-body strengthening routine, good for people with beginner or intermediate fitness levels.
FYI: Includes running in place, lunges, lateral movement, squats
26. Shaun T Shoulders, Biceps, and Triceps Workout
Video available at:
Length: Roughly 24 minutes
Equipment needed: Two sets of dumbbells, one heavy, one lighter (find the weight that works for you — Shaun T says that it should be heavy enough that by rep 7, you’re “feeling it.”)
The gist: Strength-training circuits focused on your upper body
FYI: Includes push-ups, boxing, some lateral movement, lots of dumbbell moves
27. Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred: Level 1
Video available at:
Length: 27 minutes
Equipment needed: Dumbbells
The gist: This is a beginner workout with both strength-training moves and cardio. The video offers modifications to make moves harder and easier.
FYI: Includes some jumps, push-ups, squats, lunges, and lateral movement
28. 30-Minute Total Body Strength and Conditioning Workout (Jen Widerstrom and David Jack for EVEN Hotels)
Video available at:
Length: 30 minutes
Equipment needed: None
The gist: Total-body strength and conditioning workout. Part 1: Back-to-back exercises for 50 seconds each, with little transition. Part 2: Ladder strength circuit. Part 3: 8 strength and conditioning exercises, 30 seconds on, 20 seconds rest. Part 4: Stretches.
FYI: Includes lunges, hops, lateral movement, squats, burpees, running in place
29. The Ultimate 30-Minute Cardio Pilates Workout (Class FitSugar)
Video available at:
Length: 30 minutes
Equipment needed: Two pairs of dumbbells
The gist: 30-minute workout that includes pilates, strength training, and cardio.
FYI: Includes jumps, squats, lunges, running in place, lateral movement
30. Beachbody Live! Workout With Debbie Siebers
Video available at:
Length: About 33 minutes
Equipment needed: None
The gist: Warm-up includes yoga poses and flows; workout includes mostly plank work.
FYI: Includes squats, mountain climbers
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