By Cameron Spencer
Hundreds of rallies were held across the United States on Saturday to express opposition to abortion, the Planned Parenthood abortion business, and especially the $500 million or so in taxpayer funding that goes to the abortion industry leader each year.
But that’s past. Pro-life activists already have the next step lined up.
“We are going to begin urging people to call their representatives and senators to really slam D.C. with our calls to defund Planned Parenthood. Stand at the ready to rally, hold vigils, and do whatever it takes. Hope to see Planned Parenthood defunded in short order within the next few weeks. Then we’re going to be calling for Planned Parenthood to be indicted for the criminal scheme to profit from fetal tissue of aborted babies,” said Eric Scheidler. “So that’s one of our next goals, to put Planned Parenthood officials in jail.”
Scheidler, of Pro-Life Action League, is one of the leaders of the movement. He led a group of more than 400 people in Aurora, Illinois, to protest a mega-abortion clinic there. He was there to repudiate the “sexual revolution and lies which have led to so much slaughter and unhappiness.”
He’s not a stranger to conflict over the abortion issue. He was at the center of a court fight that spanned nearly two decades and included multiple trips to the U.S. Supreme Court, when abortion businesses accused him and others essentially of running a criminal racket to oppose abortion.
He and the other pro-lifers won three times at the Supreme Court, and those who falsely accused him ended up paying his legal fees.
The pro-life rallies were organized by officials with #ProtestPP, which confirmed hundreds of rallies were being launched at Planned Parenthood abortion industry locations in 44 states and Washington.
Planned Parenthood, after all, has been in the news much of late. An undercover video investigation by the Center for Medical Progress in 2015 exposed the organization’s heartless and illegal profiting from the sale of the body parts of babies.
“A lot of people want intact hearts these days because they’re looking for specific nodes,” said Deborah Nucatolah, a Planned Parenthood executive, in one of those videos.
Another, arguing for higher prices, said, “I want a Lamborghini.”
The videos prompted Congress to establish a Select Investigative Panel, which then referred a number of investigation targets for possibly criminal prosecution.
Recently, Live Action activists have revealed through their own undercover videos that Planned Parenthood’s claim that it provides prenatal care and ultrasounds is largely false.
Read the tested and proven strategies to defeat the abortion cartel, in “Abortion Free: Your Manual for Building a Pro-Life America One Community at a Time.”
Planned Parenthood’s annual report for 2014 showed that it received $554 million in taxpayer funding, amounting to 43 percent of its total revenue, or $1.5 million a day.
Another 27 percent of revenue, Townhall Media found, comes from private contributions, including $330 million from the Susan Buffet Foundation, nearly $66 million William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, more than $60 million from Bill and Melinda Gates, $56 million from David and Lucille Packard and other sizeable amounts from Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program, Ford Foundation and George Soros’ Open Society Institute.
The wave of protests encompassed the nation on Saturday.
Hanna Hiel attended the Washington event, and described how abortion promoters unsuccessfully tried to interfere.
“Pro-choice protesters were linking their arms together in an attempt to block the street,” she told WND. “But police ushered the pro-lifers through causing the protesters to sprint to the next street to try the blockade again.”
Protesters badgered the pro-life advocates with signs sliming them with foul language and more.
Scheidler told WND, “The Defund Planned Parenthood rally has accomplished a lot today in getting the conversation going, so that the American people can learn the truth that Planned Parenthood is a corrupt organization, abortion specialty company, and plays an insignificant role in healthcare because abortion is not healthcare.”
Monica Miller of Citizens for a Pro-Life Society rallied a group through Detroit and down Cass Avenue to the Planned Parenthood Clinic only to clash with the opponents, who, fearing the potential loss of those hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars, have become frantic.
“It was the first time I have ever been to a pro-life demonstration where we were outnumbered 10 to 1,” she said. “The pro-abortion people are on fire, and they are committed and organized – 500 pro-choice Planned Parenthood advocates at Cass Avenue and 1,000 of them at Ferndale.
“The counter protesters were rude, full of vulgarities, lots of vitriol, and were not afraid to use the f-word,” Miller said. “But the fact they are reacting to us is a victory. We are going to persevere and plow right through and get to the goal which is to defund Planned Parenthood, reverse Roe V. Wade, end abortion, and we are going to do it.”
Scheidler pointed out that there is “a massive Satanist group in Michigan,” who could be counted on to support abortion.
ABC reported that group in 2015 held the “largest public satanic ceremony in history,” and is on record in support of “gay marriage and reproductive rights.”
“There were pro-life protests outside of 225 Planned Parenthood clinics and at the end of the day we will have outnumbered them,” Miller said. “We cannot be intimidated, and we need to be more committed and more devoted to our cause than they are to theirs.”
“Reports in turnout from the East and the protests just starting up in the West are looking fantastic, we are excited to have regular people telling their stories and starting the conversation in their communities,” said Scheidler midway through the events.
The organizations supporting Saturday’s events also held hundreds of rallies at Planned Parenthood businesses earlier, and they plan more.
Read the tested and proven strategies to defeat the abortion cartel, in “Abortion Free: Your Manual for Building a Pro-Life America One Community at a Time.”
About 60 groups are part of the coalition, including 40 Days for Life, Alliance Defending Freedom, American Family Association, American Life League, Americans United for Life, Anglicans for Life, Ave Maria Radio, Black People Against Abortion, Californians for Life, Catholics Called to Witness, CEC for Life, Center for Bio-Ethical Reform, Center for Family & Human Rights, Cwentral Oregon Right to Life, Christian Defense Coaliation, Church on the Hill and Cincinnati Right to Life.
Monica Migliorino Miller of the Citizens for a Pro-Life Society said earlier, “The defunding of Planned Parenthood is a matter of moral principle. Not a single cent of American tax dollars should go to an organization that kills innocent human life.”
Mark Harrington of Created Equal said: “We are closer than we’ve ever been to defunding Big Abortion – Planned Parenthood. Now is the time for a groundswell of grassroots efforts. We call on Congress and President Trump to reallocate those funds to health centers which help women without killing babies.”
President Trump already has issued an executive order reinstating the Mexico City Policy that eliminates federal funding for abortions by non-governmental organizations abroad.
The promoters say :
The fact that 34 percent of US abortions performed by Planned Parenthood proves they are not a general healthcare service provider. Fraudulent Medicaid claims, fetal tissue harvesting, and documented health code violations show Planned Parenthood’s systemic disregard for accountability to taxpayers. Planned Parenthood exaggerates their role in women’s healthcare (e.g. they provide less than 2 percent of manual breast exams, 1 percent PAP test and zero mammograms annually). Moving Planned Parenthood’s funding to Federally Qualified Health Centers will offer women and families a wider range of healthcare services and a higher standard of care.
Planned Parenthood’s annual report for 2014-2015 shows the tax-subsidized business performed 9,455,582 individual services. About 45 percent went to STI/STD Testing and Treatment (4,219,149), 31 percent Contraception (2,945,059), 13 percent to Other Women’s Health Services (1,190,408), 7 percent to Cancer Screening and Prevention (682,208), 3 percent to Abortion (323,999) and 1 percent to other services (95,759).
New York Time columnist Ross Douthat explained the centrality of abortion to Planned Parenthood.
“Planned Parenthood likes to claim that abortion accounts for just 3 percent of its services, for instance, and this statistic has been endlessly recycled in the press. But the percentage of the group’s client who received an abortion is probably closer to 1 in 10, and Planned Parenthood’s critics have estimated, plausibly, that between 30 and 40 percent of its health center revenue is from abortion.”
Read the tested and proven strategies to defeat the abortion cartel, in “Abortion Free: Your Manual for Building a Pro-Life America One Community at a Time.”