President Obama
Is President Obama’s White House-released birth certificate really just a forgery and one of the biggest frauds perpetrated on the American people?
At least 10 researchers, analysts and document experts have questioned the validity of the birth certificate Obama released online in 2011.
As WND reported, it was an issue that badgered Obama from before he was inaugurated until well into his second term. Investigations were done, lawsuits were filed, the Supreme Court was lobbied but skeptics of Obama’s constitutional eligibility repeatedly were stymied by federal judges and officials at every turn.
The issue is that the U.S. Constitution requires the president to be a “natural-born citizen” but does not define the term. Scholarly works cited by the Founders defined it as a citizen at birth, born in the country to two citizens of the country, or merely the offspring of two citizens of the country.
The birth certificate Obama displayed on the White House website as “proof positive” of his eligibility states he was born in Hawaii to an American mother and a Kenyan father.
Some immediately pointed out alleged anomalies, questioning its validity, while others argued it also could prove his ineligibility because his father was not a citizen. Some of the lawsuits argued Obama was a dual citizen at birth through his father, contending the framers of the Constitution excluded dual citizens from qualifying as natural born citizens.
No. 1 bestseller “Where’s the Birth Certificate?” is as relevant as ever as a new law enforcement report agrees with the book that what Barack Obama released is a fraudulent document. Catch up on all the background in Jerome Corsi’s 2011 smash hit.
Eventually, just as the No. 1 bestseller “Where’s The Birth Certificate?” was combining with a challenge from billionaire businessman Donald Trump to force Obama’s hand, Obama held a White House news conference to release a copy of his birth certificate.
While the president claims he was born in Honolulu, there have been numerous questions, especially since a law-enforcement investigation by Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, Arizona, found “probable cause” that the birth certificate released by Obama was forged. Also, Obama mysteriously has a Connecticut-based Social Security Number, when neither he nor his parents ever lived there.
But while the issue became known in liberal and left-leaning circles as the biggest “conspiracy” theory of all time, the following researchers, analysts and document experts questioned the validity of the birth certificate Obama released.
What do YOU think? Sound off on Sheriff Joe’s report on Obama birth certificate
Ron Polland, researcher
In 2011, WND reported when researcher Ron Polland, known for his forensic investigation of Obama’s short-form birth certificate, constructed from scratch a duplicate of the document released by the White House, seeking to validate his contention that it was created by a forger.
“I created Obama’s short-form birth certificate in 2008,” Polland told WND, “and now I made Obama’s long-form birth certificate.”
As WND reported, Polland demonstrated that during the 2008 presidential election race, the Obama campaign posted an image of a short-form Obama Certification of Live Birth that actually was a forgery created by Polland, not a scan of an original certificate obtained from the Hawaii Department of Health.
“My recreation of the short-form was so convincing, the White House posted it on the White House website, claiming it was the real deal,” Polland told WND. “In August 2008, I successfully duplicated the short-form in what I believe is the only way it could have been made. Now I have re-created the long-form with a forgery of my own that I believe most people will find hard to distinguish from the forgery the White House released.”
Polland worked virtually non-stop for at least two months to deconstruct the long-form birth certificate posted on the White House website to determine precisely how it was constructed. His effort was the first step in the process of producing his own forgery of the Obama birth document.
“To prove to my satisfaction that the long-form birth certificate was forged, I had to understand precisely how each anomaly was created,” Polland said, “and then I had to be able to use these techniques to produce a forgery of my own. I had to put myself in the forger’s shoes to figure out what he was trying to accomplish and why he made it look the way he did.”
Polland’s standard was that his forgery had to be good enough that most observers would find it hard to tell it apart from the image the White House released.
“My results confirm that the PDF document is a one-of-a-kind image forgery meant to resemble a birth certificate document but with flaws and complexities purposely added to lead investigators down blind alleys and dead ends,” he said. “In short, this PDF document was never intended to be a genuine copy of an actual Hawaii State certified birth certificate.”
For comparison purposes, Exhibit 1 shows the long-form birth certificate released by the White House, while Exhibit 2 shows the completed Polland forgery.
Exhibit 1: Obama long-form birth certificate released April 27, 2011, by the White House
Exhibit 2: Ron Polland forgery of Obama long-form birth certificate
Mara Zebest, computer expert
WND also reported when a nationally recognized computer expert who served as contributing author and technical editor for more than 100 books on Adobe and Microsoft software said the Obama long-form birth-certificate image released by the White House is a fraudulent document created with Adobe software.
“The PDF file released by the White House contains evidence of manipulation suggesting that one or more forgers utilized existing Hawaiian birth certificates to assemble fraudulently for Barack Obama a document the president presented to the world as authentic,” Mara Zebest told WND.
Zebest prepared a full analysis of the image that was presented by Obama to the world as a copy of his original birth documentation in the state of Hawaii. Zebest’s analysis documented inconsistencies in the pixels and bitmap text that display throughout the Obama file.
Read more about Mara Zebest’s findings here.
“My guess is that the creator of this document was inexperienced when it comes to a multitude of concepts in using Adobe software,” Zebest said. “Whoever forged the Obama birth certificate might have known enough to be dangerous, but not enough to know how to cover up their tracks.”
Zebest concluded that whoever forged the Obama birth certificate probably did most of the digital manipulation required to construct the document using the program Adobe Photoshop.
Then, the manipulated document was transported to Adobe Illustrator for final touch-up before being released to the public.
She believes whoever created the forgery had insufficient expertise and did not realize that “flattening” the document in Photoshop Illustrator – a process that melds the layers – would still allow professionals to determine the layers required to manipulate the data in the process of forging the document.
“Overall, it’s an amateur job,” Zebest said. “The forgers obviously over-estimated their level of expertise in undertaking to forge a document that is destined to play a pivotal role in U.S. history.”
Obama’s birth certificate: It’s still in the news after all these years. Now get the No. 1 bestselling book that forced the release of the document being challenged anew as fraudulent in an official law enforcement report.
WND also reported when other Adobe experts concluded that the registrar stamps on the document confirm it’s a forgery. There are two different registrar stamps evident on the document: The date stamp, indicating April 25, 2011, and the text and signature stamp containing registrar Dr. Alvin Inaka’s signature. Both stamps appeared to have been applied by a rubber stamp inked from a blotter.
The registrar stamps appear to be external objects that were imported into the document. The stamps were not impressions copied whole, the experts believe, but were created uniquely for the Obama document by a cut-and-paste process. Read more about their findings here.
Ivan Zatkovich, telecommunications consultant
WND reported when Ivan Zatkovich, of Tampa-based eComp Consultants, analyzed the analyzed the various layers in the PDF file released by the White House, and concluded: “The content clearly indicates that the document was knowingly and explicitly edited and modified before it was placed on the web.”
Zatkovich, who had 28 years experience in computer science and document management and was for more than 10 years an expert witness providing testimony in federal court in both criminal and civil litigation, said the multiple PDF document layers were unusual.
“When a paper document is scanned on a scanner and saved as a PDF file it normally contains only a single layer of graphical information. The PDF that appears on the White House website however, contains multiple layers of graphic information. Multiple layers usually appear in a document like this when it is being edited or modified in some fashion.
“It is possible to take a single layer PDF and inadvertently create multiple layers, without changing the image in any fashion. But that does not appear to be the case here. The multiple layers in the PDF document are a result of changes made to the image,” his report said.
Read more about Ivan Zakovitch’s findings.
Karl Denninger, technology businessman and web expert
WND also reported when Karl Denninger, the former of CEO of MCSNet, a Chicago networking and Internet company, said the presence of “kerning” in the text of the White House-released document confirms manipulation.
Denninger posted a series of reports online, including on YouTube, where he explained his concerns, which focused around the lettering as it appears on the document that reportedly is a photocopy on green “safety paper” of the original record in Hawaii.
He explained that the type on the birth document showed evidence of “kerning,” the squeezing of letters into a line so that they intrude into adjacent letter spaces. Kerning is routine since the advent of word processors and computers, but impossible with a typewriter.
Denninger explained that in the image above, of the name of the hospital, the “a” and the “p” share vertical space on the line.
“This process, of course, requires that you know what the next letter is. With a computer this is pretty easy, since the computer can retroactively go back and adjust, and it also can typeset the current letter with the knowledge of what the previous one was,” he reported. “A typewriter, on the other hand, is a mechanical device. It does not know what the next letter is that you will type, nor does it know what the last letter was that you typed. It thus has a typeface that always leaves physical space between the boundary of each character.”
Get the No. 1 bestseller that forced Barack Obama’s hand to release his controversial ‘birth certificate,’ now being challenged in an official law enforcement report.
His full explanation is on video:
“To refute this point you must come up with a typewriter that contains a flux capacitor and thus is capable of accurately predicting the future,” he said. “This document has been assembled by somebody on a computer.”
He contended “there’s only one way we’re going to get the truth – a forensic document examiner is going to have to go look at the certificate and authenticate it. The real one – not a printout.”
Tom Harrison, software designer
Why are there white dots on the Obama birth certificate, and how did they get there?
Those were questions asked by Tom Harrison, a software designer with more than 30 years experience in graphic design. Harrison – a 58 year-old Dartmouth graduate with a background in mathematics, physics and computer science – believes the dots prove the document is a forgery, as WND reported in 2011.
The Oregon-based computer software business he manages, TS4, has done general computer consulting, embedded design, software and web design, and integration and networking since 1980.
He has used Adobe Illustrator since 1989. Harrison’s expertise was demonstrated in his report to WND, which included detailed instructions that allow the reader to duplicate his results using Adobe software.
Read Harrison’s full report
“I’ve read a lot about the purported Obama birth certificate, but I have not seen anywhere (until now) the simplest proof that it is a forgery: the overwhelming evidence provided by the presence of two ‘white dot’ groups in the image,” he explained to WND.
Enlargement of white dot in top box, Layer 1, Obama birth certificate.
“While many apologists have claimed the layering of the document is a natural outcome of optimized scanning, there is one thing that the scanning process cannot do, even if it is separating layers: it cannot create two separate colors for any given pixel,” he said.
In other words, if you lift an item out of an image, what is left is nothing: transparent space. In fact, all the apologists claiming validity of the document point out that the “white” (actually, transparent) space behind the lifted images is expected. In this case, however, there are two colors associated with the pixels in those two subgroups – green underneath and opaque (not transparent) white on top, and – if anyone is confused by the difference between transparent (rendered white by convention) and opaque white – the “white is not underneath the subgroup, visible when the subgroup is made not visible, but is actually the pixel color when the subgroup is visible – exactly the opposite of claimed “normal” effects.
Put simply, the white dots, he contended, are evidence of two different colors occupying the same pixel, a result that is not possible if the Obama birth certificate were simply a scan.
Read more about Tom Harrison’s findings.
Paul Irey, typographer
Unless the typewriter used to type Obama’s purported Hawaiian “Certificate of Live Birth” in 1961 was magically capable of producing different size and shaped images with the exact same key, the document released by the White House is a forgery, a professional typographer with 50 years experience told WND.
“Steel-stamped letters do not expand to larger sizes and morph into different styles of type,” retired New York City typographer Paul Irey said in 2011.
As WND reported, it would be impossible for the different letters that appear in the Obama birth certificate to have been typed by one typewriter, according to Irey.
“These are irrefutable proofs of forgery,” he said.
His analysis suggested the document was assembled from images of letters or words taken from other documents.
“The forger who produced the Obama Hawaii long-form birth certificate may have thought that all typewriter typeface styles were alike,” he said.
“To get his letters, the forger must have understood that he needed to copy the old typewriter styles,” he continued. “So the forger probably scanned a bunch of old birth certificates, without realizing that the letters in the old files were from different typewriter styles. That’s why the letters in the forged document do not match each other.”
Some examples of mismatched letters on the document:
Read an in-depth report on typographer Paul Irey’s analysis here.
Israel Hanukoglu, researcher
In 2012, WND reported that Israel Science and Technology, the national database and directory of science and technology-related websites in Israel, published an article asserting the long-form birth certificate released by the White House is a forged document. The website was created by a former science adviser to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel Hanukoglu, Ph.D.
Hanukoglu, an award-winning researcher, is a professor of biochemistry and molecular biology in Israel.
The professor established the first version of his website during his tenure as Netanyahu’s science adviser. The site has evolved into “the premier science and technology portal for Israel.” The website said the White House’s release of the Obama document in April 2011, after years of controversy, “raised in our minds the possibility that there could be something suspicious about the information available on this document.”
The website conducted an independent analysis and cited others who came to the same conclusion. It said the publication “of such a blatantly fake document about something so basic as the birthplace of Mr. Obama, should raise great concern about the suitability of the person who is holding the reigns on the most powerful country of the World.”
Israel Science and Technology explained why, as a site of science and technology, it dedicated “a page to expose forgery about a document related to Mr. Barack Hussein Obama.”
“Mr. Obama is the president of the USA that is currently the leader of the Free World, and the most powerful country in the Western hemisphere,” the site said. “In his position as the President, the policies pursued by Mr. Obama affects the whole world and not just the USA.”
No. 1 bestseller “Where’s the Birth Certificate?” is as relevant as ever as a new law enforcement report agrees with the book that what Barack Obama released is a fraudulent document. Catch up on all the background in Jerome Corsi’s 2011 smash hit.
Moreover, inaction by members of the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate, as well as U.S. courts, despite many appeals, also was seen to “raise a concern about how the governmental institutions of the reputedly best, and certainly the most important democracy in the Free World have avoided the issue.”
Utilizing the software program Foxit Reader version 4.3.1, the Israel Science and Technology website examined the PDF file posted by the White House and found that the last digit of the birth certificate’s number, 61 10841, disappeared under 800-percent magnification. Also, the font of the last digit was different from the other digits.
“This is only one example,” the Israelis concluded after examining the birth certificate number. “Many more examples can be discovered by examining magnified document with full page view of the document.”
Conclusion: “In brief, this simple analysis using just a viewing software reveals that the PDF document has been altered by a graphics software.”
Read more about the findings from Israel Science and Technology.
Doug Vogt, expert on scanners and document-imaging software
As WND reported in 2011, an international expert on scanners and document-imaging software filed a 22-page criminal complaint with the FBI, charging that the long-form birth certificate released by the White House is criminally fraudulent.
“What the Obama administration released is a PDF image that they are trying to pass off as a Certificate of Live Birth Long Form printed on green security paper by the Hawaiian Health Department,” Doug Vogt wrote, “but this form is a created forgery.”
Vogt’s criminal complaint asserted: “I have irrefutably proven that the Certificate of Live Birth that President Obama presented to the world on April 27, 2011, is a fraudulently created document put together using the Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator programs, and the creation of this forgery of a public document constitutes a class B felony in Hawaii and multiple violations under U.S. Code section Title 18, Part 1, Chapter 47, Sec.1028, and therefore an impeachable offense.”
When the Obama birth certificate “forgery” comes to the public’s attention, Vogt predicted, “It will surpass all previous scandals including the Watergate scandal of the Nixon administration.”
Since 1993, Vogt has owned Archive Index Systems Inc., in Bellevue, Washington, a company that sells a wide variety of document scanners worldwide and develops document imaging software. Before that, Vogt owned Nova Typesetting for 11 years.
Vogt said the curved surface on the left margin of the Obama birth certificate suggested the county employee who did the original scanning of the document did not take the individual page out of the binder.
“The result is that all the pages in that book display a parallax distorted image of the lines and type,” he said.
He claimed, however, that the information typed into the form does not curve like the printed text on the form itself.
Read an in-depth report on Doug Vogt’s investigation and complaint.
Tim Adams, Hawaii elections clerk
As WND reported, Hawaii elections clerk Tim Adams signed an affidavit swearing he was told by his supervisors in Hawaii that no long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate existed for Obama in Hawaii and that neither Queens Medical Center nor Kapi’olani Medical Center in Honolulu had any record of Obama having been born in their medical facilities.
Notary seal on Timothy Adams’ affidavit
Adams was employed at the City and County of Honolulu Elections Division from May 2008 through September 2008.
His position was senior elections clerk, overseeing a group of 50 to 60 employees responsible for verifying the identity of voters at the Absentee Ballot Office. It was in this capacity that Adams became aware of the search for Obama’s birth-certificate records.
“During the course of my employment,” Adams swears in the affidavit (viewable in full as part 1 and part 2), “I became aware that many requests were being made to the City and County of Honolulu Elections Division, the Hawaii Office of Elections, and the Hawaii Department of Health from around the country to obtain a copy of then-Senator Barack Obama’s long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate.”
As he inquired about the birth certificate, he says, his supervisors told him that the records were not on file at the Hawaii Department of Health.
“Senior officers in the City and County of Honolulu Elections Division told me on multiple occasions that no Hawaii long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate existed for Senator Obama in the Hawaii Department of Health,” Adams’ affidavit reads, “and there was no record that any such document had ever been on file in the Hawaii Department of Health or any other branch or department of the Hawaii government.”
Obama’s birth certificate: It’s still in the news after all these years. Now get the No. 1 bestselling book that forced the release of the document being challenged anew as fraudulent in an official law enforcement report.
Tim Adams, former senior elections clerk for Honolulu
In a recorded telephone interview, Adams told WND that it was common knowledge among election officials where he worked that no long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate could be found at the Hawaii Department of Health.
“My supervisor came and told me, ‘Of course, there’s no birth certificate. What? You stupid,'” Adams said. “She usually spoke well, but in saying this she reverted to a Hawaiian dialect. I really didn’t know how to respond to that. She said it and just walked off. She was quite a powerful lady.”
Moreover, Adams was told that neither Queens Memorial Hospital nor Kapi’olani Medical Center had any records of Obama’s birth at their medical facilities: “Senior officers in the City and County of Honolulu Elections Division further told me on multiple occasions that Hawaii State government officials had made inquires about Sen. Obama’s birth records to officials at Queens Medical Center and Kapi’olani Medical Center in Honolulu and that neither hospital had any record of Senator Obama having been born there, even though Governor Abercrombie is now asserting and various Hawaii government officials continue to assert Barack Obama Jr. was born at Kapi’olani Medical Center on Aug. 4, 1961.”
“We called the two hospitals in Honolulu: Queens and Kapi’olani,” Adams stressed. “Neither of them have any records that Barack Obama was born there.”
Mike Zullo and Sheriff Joe Arpaio
An investigative “Cold Case Posse” launched in 2011 by “America’s toughest sheriff” – Joe Arpaio of Arizona’s Maricopa County – concluded there is probable cause that the document released by the White House is a computer-generated forgery.
As WND reported in 2012, the posse said it identified at least one person of interest in the alleged forgery of Obama’s birth certificate.
Arapaio, known for his strict enforcement of immigration laws, commissioned the investigative team after local citizens presented him with a petition expressing concern that Obama might not have been eligible for Arizona’s presidential ballot.
The posse, comprised of former law enforcement officers and lawyers with law enforcement experience, interviewed dozens of witnesses and examined hundreds of documents. It also took numerous sworn statements from witnesses around the world.
Mike Zullo, Arpaio’s lead investigator, said his team believed the Hawaii Department of Health engaged in a systematic effort to hide from public inspection any original 1961 birth records it may have had in its possession.
“Officers of the Hawaii Department of Health and various elected Hawaiian public officials may have intentionally obscured 1961 birth records and procedures to avoid having to release to public inspection and to the examination of court-authorized forensic examiners any original Obama 1961 birth records the Hawaii Department of Health may or may not have,” Zullo said.
Get the No. 1 bestseller that forced Barack Obama’s hand to release his controversial ‘birth certificate,’ now being challenged in an official law enforcement report.
The investigators said the evidence contained in the computer-generated PDF file released by the White House as well as important deficiencies in the Hawaii process of certifying the long-form birth certificate established probable cause that a forgery was committed.
The Cold Case Posse advised Arpaio that they believed forgers committed two crimes. First, they said it appeared the White House fraudulently created a forgery that it characterized as an officially produced governmental birth record. Second, the White House fraudulently presented to the residents of Maricopa County and to the American public at large a forgery represented as “proof positive” of President Obama’s authentic 1961 Hawaii long-form birth certificate.
Among the evidence released at a 2012 press conference are the following five videos, which demonstrate why the Obama long-form birth certificate is suspected to be a computer-generated forgery.
Videos connected to the investigation:
1. Introduction – Regular Scan:
2. Layers, Stamp & Noise
3. OCR Theory
4. Optimization
5. Conclusion
6. Selective Service
View the entire news conference of Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s “Cold Case Posse”:
“As I said at the beginning of the investigation, the president can put all this to rest quite easily,” Arpaio said in 2012. “All he has to do is demand the Hawaii Department of Health release to the American public and to a panel of certified court-authorized forensic examiners all original 1961 paper, microfilm and computer birth records the Hawaii Department of Health has in its possession.”
Arpaio emphasized that the Hawaii Department of Health needs to provide, as part of the full disclosure, evidence regarding the chain of custody of all Obama birth records, including paper, microfilm and electronic records to eliminate the possibility that a forger or forgers may have tampered with the birth records.
The sheriff said the president should also authorize Honolulu’s Kapi’olani Hospital, the birth hospital listed on the Obama long-form birth certificate, to release any hospital patient records for Stanley Ann Dunham Obama, his mother, and for the newly born Barack Obama, to provide corroboration for the records held in the Hawaii Department of Health vault.
“Absent the authentic Hawaii Department of Health 1961 birth records for Barack Obama, there is no other credible proof supporting the idea or belief that President Barack Obama was born in Hawaii, as he and the White House have consistently asserted,” Zullo said.