
Women for Trump bus

By Nancy Schulze

While half-a-dozen congressional wives (and two formers) were packing their bags to stump for Trump in North Carolina, the “locker-room” story broke. Heavyweights urged the cancellation of our “Women for Trump” bus tour, but not one of the wives flinched. They came from Montana, Florida, Kansas, Ohio, two from Texas, two from North Carolina, with more to come as the tour unfolded – North Dakota, Indiana and Alabama. Ty Woods’ Gold Star widow (Benghazi) joined us, as well as Karen Vaughn, Gold Star mother of Navy SEAL Aaron (Afghanistan).

Why would congressional wives break away from their own husbands’ campaigns and fly to North Carolina? Let me count the reasons. The Supreme Court, Obamacare, Common Core, fair trade, colossal Clinton corruption. Start there. North Carolina is a critical swing state, looking more and more like the critical swing state, and women in North Carolina may be the deciding factor for the country.

The kickoff happened in Charlotte, in the parking lot of a woman-owned business called All-Green Recycling, specializing in environmentally sound electronics recycling. It was swarming with press. By our third stop, MSNBC cameras were there with a live feed. All the press wanted to talk about was what we thought of Donald Trump after what he said. “What Donald Trump said 11 years ago is indefensible,” said Suzanne Conaway of Texas, “but Hillary Clinton is saying indefensible things right now – like millions of us are deplorable and unredeemable because we disagree with her.”

If you want to stick with who is the more flawed candidate, you’ll never run out of ammo. Calling millions of Americans deplorable is indefensible. Locker-room talk is not defensible. Neither is the junk our kids are surrounded with every day through movies, music and entertainment – largely produced by the Hollywood left.

We’re touring for Trump because these two candidates represent two radically different visions for the future of this country. Radically different. He is all about rebuilding the country on her constitutional roots – and rebuilding a free-market economy that has been crippled by excessive taxation, regulation and Fed manipulation. The other candidate and her party are all about transforming the greatest country ever known to man. That candidate and the leaders of her party have been running roughshod over the most brilliant governing documents of all time – documents that set the stage for the most constructive, productive, innovative and generous people in the history of the world. A vote for Hillary is a vote to complete the Saul Alinsky, George Soros, Obama-driven transformation of America.

We’re on the bus because of the 7,000 appointees the next president will bring to Washington with him or her. Those employees and their worldviews will permeate every department in Washington, and their attitudes and beliefs will affect every person sitting around every kitchen table in America. Do we want a government of the people or a government over the people?

Approximately 93 percent of the time, Sen. Clinton voted right along with the only elected socialist in the U.S. Senate. We’re on this bus because we know how socialism hooks and destroys. It always starts with the lure of free stuff. And it’s always about “the children” or “the poor.” But socialism is socialism, whether you wrap caring and compassion around it, or wrap Scripture around it, or wrap the flag around it, like they did at the Democratic Party convention. Socialism always, always ends with the ruling class (and those who play ball with them) prospering while the rest of us lose our freedom.

If Hillary Clinton is all about the children, why is she such a strong advocate for taking the life of a developing child right up to and including the moment that little life is trying to come into this world? Let’s be clear, we’re talking about taking a pair of scissors and plunging them into the skull of a newborn baby. That is not only deplorable, it is not only indefensible, it is barbaric.

If Hillary Clinton is all about freedom of choice to end the life of a child, why does she fight against the freedom of choice to enroll our kids in schools that actually educate them? With the stroke of a pen, Barack Obama canceled the school voucher program in Washington, D.C., which is 88 percent African-American. It took John Boehner and the Republican Congress to re-instate the program – people who care more about kids than donations from teachers’ unions.

If Hillary Clinton is all about equal pay, why were the men on her Senate staff paid more than women? By contrast, Trump has more female executives in his companies than men, and he pays them equally. Mrs. Clinton says the rich should pay their “fair share”? Well, the top 10 percent in this country already pay 71 percent of all federal income tax, and the bottom 49 percent pay nothing. Sounds more than fair. We’re already redistributing the wealth in this country, big time.

“For me, this election is all about one number,” said a woman for Trump. “It’s all about   $20,000,000,000,000. That’s about $65,000 for every man, woman and child in this country. When you carry your newborn home from the hospital, you are also carrying a $65,000 load of government debt with him, compounding daily. That $65,000 could pay for his college education. That’s about $260,000 for a family of four, which could buy that family a home. Mrs. Clinton wants more taxes and more spending for more ‘free’ stuff. Charge it to the kids!”

It’s easy to be caring and compassionate with other people’s money. But now our “free stuff” government has spent us into a looming financial crisis that will likely be the biggest one ever.  This level of debt is absolutely unsustainable. Hillary Clinton’s State Department simply lost $6 billion while she was there. Poof! Six-billion dollars unaccounted for. There is neither a family nor business in America that could operate the way our government does, and it’s going to take a disrupter like Donald Trump to fix this mess – a man who came back from a bankrupt situation and built a name and reputation for creating some of the most beautiful buildings on the planet – ahead of time and under budget. We need that set of skills in the White House because we’re heading for bankruptcy, and we need a comeback.

The Donald Trump “devil we don’t know” is much less a risk to this country than the Hillary Clinton we do know. Do we really want to spend the next four years wondering if our president is telling us the truth? Or do we want a president who errs on the side of telling it like it is?

So the “Mission Deplorables” bus tour is rolling on. No one asked us to do the tour. We raised the money, rented the bus, had the bus wrapped with “Women for Trump” and started out on a shoestring. A borrowed Walmart boom box wasn’t cutting it as a PA system. The crowds were too large. To further complicate matters, we had to keep the bus running to get juice to the boom box, but the rumbling bus canceled out the amplification. They heard about it back in Charlotte, took up a collection, and delivered a brand new sound system to our hotel by 10:30 the next night. Is this America, or what?

We’ve been running into some interesting situations along the way. A Hillary supporter yelled obscenities across a crowded sidewalk as we were getting off the bus for dinner in Asheville. He topped it off with, “Hey! You want me to come over there and grab your [expletive]? I’ll come over and grab your [expletive]!!” As fate would have it, the county sheriff happened to be walking behind us on the sidewalk. “Would you like me to go have a talk with him?” asked the sheriff. “That’s OK, Officer. You know what? Men say stupid things sometimes,” I said. “So do women.”

The Sons of Thunder, with gleaming motorcycles, were all lined up at one of our stops. As I began to speak, a protester started heckling. I channeled Reagan (loosely) and said, “Someone paid for this mike and we’re going to use it.” The heckler kept on heckling. Louder and louder. Our shiny new PA system was no match. She meant business. A couple of women in the audience went over to shield her, and she started backing up. “Don’t you dare touch me!” she yelled. “You’re touching me! (They weren’t.) This is abuse! Abuse! I’m calling the police! I’m calling the press!” She waved her cell phone in the air and yelled on.

The Democrat Machine trains and pays protesters well. She had her lines down pat. Cry abuse. Call the police. Get the press on it. They came. They weren’t much interested in covering us – only the protester. As a dozen or so eyewitnesses assured the police that no one touched her, we went on with what we had to say. But the Sons of Thunder were taking no chances. Those gents on their shiny chrome motorcycles escorted the bus to our next stop an hour away, with flags flying. Is this America or what?

Then the accusers started to sing. More cries of abuse. We’ve been down this road before – 30 years of it. It’s classic Clinton/Democrat machine stuff. Roll out salacious, unsubstantiated accusations in the 11th hour when there is no time to prove or disprove a thing. But this one is over-the-top obvious. First roll out the locker-room talk. Set the stage. Then come in for the kill with a lineup of 11th hour claims of abuse. Follow it up with slick mailers all ready to go.

It’s a rare female who doesn’t at some point deflect the advances of an overcharged male. Most of us take it for what it is and get over it. This world is not a safe zone, and men will be men. Most women are also savvy enough to know the difference between a playboy and a sexual predator. Women throughout the ages have been dealing with both, and neither is acceptable. But many in this case are not buying the attempt to brand Mr. Trump as the latter. It’s not a one-way street. Innocent men have also dealt with women accusers. And we won’t know what we’re dealing with here until after the election, if ever.

What we do know is that we’ve had well-documented playboys who have actually occupied the White House in the past, not to mention a sexual predator whose victims were abused all over again by a wife who did all she could to destroy their reputations. The memories are exhausting.

Anyone who has ever run up against the Clinton/Democrat machine knows the M.O.: Deceive and destroy. Now their guns are turned on Trump. Remember the Romneys? The machine turned mild Mitt into a poster child for cruelty to animals because the family put their dog in a crate on top of their car. I don’t know about you, but where I come from every dog in the state wants to ride in the back of the pickup so they can sniff the wind.

And now we’re looking at the most massive case of political corruption in our lifetimes – perhaps ever. The Clintons are back. But so is the FBI now, and as fate would have it, maybe, just maybe there’s enough hard evidence this time to prove what we’ve suspected for 30 years – corruption so big and so brazen nobody would ever have believed it.

We know the machine includes social-media giants who are suppressing the stories, and I’ve been told that Fox and all talk radio put together only reach about 20 percent of Americans. In other words, 80 percent of Americans are getting their TV news and information from the left. It’s a miracle anyone on the right ever wins an election.

For that reason, about a dozen lady patriots have taken to the road, knowing full well that with the machine out there, we could be putting our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor on the line. But you’re dealing with mama bears here. We love our country – the real America, not the transformed one. And we are not going to stop. Ever.

Nancy Schulze is founder of the Republican Congressional Wives Speakers and co-founder along with Vonette Bright of the American Prayer Initiative.

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