
The Media Establishment is pushing a legion of lies about Donald Trump this election season.

One of the greatest has it that members of Congress must run away from Trump or else they will lose re-election. This stands in direct opposition to the truth.

The New York Times repeated this falsehood in a thinly sourced story on its front page recently. No friend of Donald Trump, the Times said down ballot Republicans must clutch their pearls in fear of an electoral blowout come November. Swing state members were in particular peril.

But one need look no further than the previous day’s edition of the Washington Post, that outpost of Trump-haters, to learn that the Times was wrong – vulnerable Senate Republicans are finding their path to victory means running toward Donald Trump!

The truth is, Republican candidates are embracing Donald Trump and his rejection of the job-killing, sovereignty-eating, globalist-loving crony trade pact, the Trans-Pacific Partnership, or TPP.

And they are even doing this in the swing states that are supposed to strike fear into the hearts of Republicans.

In Pennsylvania, rather than running away from Donald Trump, Sen. Patrick J. Toomey is adopting Trump’s America First stand and vows to oppose the TPP.

“We should dump the TPP and return to the negotiating table to get an agreement that would create jobs and economic growth here at home,” Toomey wrote in an op­ed in the Pittsburgh Post­Gazette.

Next door in Ohio, Sen. Rob Portman is doing the same. In February, he said he won’t support the TPP. This from the man who once served as the nation’s top trade representative.

In Wisconsin, Republican businessman Mike Gallagher, running to replace retiring Republican Rep. Reid Ribble, has made it clear time and again he staunchly opposes the TPP.

In Virginia, Scott Taylor stridently opposed the TPP and beat a sitting congressman who had voted to give President Obama fast track power to ram the sweeping international regulatory pact through Congress.

These candidates and many others across the country understand the American people are sick of so-called “free trade” deals.

Poll after poll shows that Republicans reject the TPP in even greater numbers than Democrats do. A Pew Research Center survey released this month found 61 percent of Republicans – and 68 percent of Trump supporters – believe so-called free trade agreements have hurt our country; only 32 percent say they’ve been good. The numbers don’t look much better for TPP among Democrats – 58 percent oppose, only 34 percent say “free trade” is good.

Donald Trump’s redefinition of party orthodoxy can bring millions of new voters into the GOP fold. Blue-collar Americans of all colors and ethnicities, small business owners, Democrats and people who have never voted before are on the same page as Trump.

His is a movement of people who know elite Washington insiders have betrayed America with globalist policies that send our jobs overseas and import record numbers of low-paid immigrants to compete with citizens here at home.

Americans proud to be citizens of the United States rather than “citizens of the world” know Donald Trump’s message of economic patriotism. They get it.

It smells like victory.

Media wishing to interview Curtis Ellis, please contact media@wnd.com.

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