It is commonly believed that cabbage is one the healthiest vegetables used for nutrition as well as in alternative medicine.
It has a century long tradition of being used as an effective natural remedy.
– In addition to vitamin C and U (S-Methyl methionine or SMM), cabbage is also abundant in minerals which are vital for your general health.
– It naturally restores vitamin and mineral deficiencies.
It is especially recommended for people with fragile health.
– Except for diuretic properties, it is well known for its powerful detoxifying effects.Cabbage juice has a positive impact on the ulcers of the stomach and duodenum as well.
– It’s extremely beneficial for morning headache.
– People who include cabbage in their diet a few times each week decrease their risk of colon tumor as opposed to those who don’t.
– Cabbage juice has valuable healing properties.
Sauerkraut (or sour cabbage) is a common method used for earache treatment.
–Sauerkraut juice is an incredible beverage for problems with the digestive tract or inflamed feet.
A combination of cabbage juice and carrot or beet juice is great for addressing calcium insufficiency orthe negative effects of osteoporosis.
Sauerkraut juice is also an excellent choice for people suffering from stomach ulcers or colon disorders.
– Cabbage is the ideal natural remedy for impaired hearing as well.
Dip a small cotton ball in cabbage juice and put it in your ear before you go to bed.
Providing your eardrum is not impaired, your hearing will soon improve.
– Cabbage juice cleans the intestines; therefore it can be used as a therapy against constipation.
In addition, it has strong anti-inflammatory properties.
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