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Team of Ex-NASA scientists concludes no imminent threat from man-made CO2
Jan 23, 2013 | Anthony Watts | Watts Up With That?
More counterpunch to Obama's recent speech.
Rocket scientists -vs- James Hansen, "in God we trust, all others bring data"
WASHINGTON, Jan. 23, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ - A group of 20
ex-NASA scientists have concluded that the science used to support the
man-made climate change hypothesis is not settled and no convincing
physical evidence exists to support catastrophic climate change
Beginning in February 2012, the group of scientists calling themselves The Right Climate Stuff
(TRCS) team received presentations by scientists representing all sides
of the climate change debate and embarked on an in-depth review of a
number of climate studies.
Employing a disciplined approach of problem
identification and root cause analysis honed from decades of dealing
with life threatening safety issues in successfully sending astronauts
up through Earth's atmosphere and returning them safely home, the TRCS
team concluded that no imminent threat exists from man-made CO2.
TRCS team is comprised of renowned space scientists with formal
educational and decades career involvement in engineering, physics,
chemistry, astrophysics, geophysics, geology and meteorology. Many of
these scientists have Ph.Ds. All TRCS team members are unpaid volunteers
who began the project after becoming dismayed with NASA's increasing
advocacy for alarmist man-made climate change theories.
H. Leighton Steward, chairman of CO2isGreen.org as well as the educational non-profit, PlantsNeedCO2.org, makes the following comments regarding the TRCS posting, which can be found at www.therightclimatestuff.com:
1. The science of what is causing global climate change or warming is clearly not settled and never has been.
2. There is no convincing physical evidence to support the man-made climate change hypothesis.
The standard test of a hypothesis is whether it is supported by real
observations, which seems to have been ignored by climate alarmists.
3. Claims made by proponents of catastrophic man-made
warming are dominantly supported by non-validated computer models and
the output of these models should not be relied upon by policy-makers. Some TRCS team members have been making critical decisions using complex computer models for decades.
4. There is no immediate threat of catastrophic global warming even
if some warming occurs. The sea level is not going to suddenly begin a
steep acceleration of its 18,000-year rate of rise. Global sea level
rise is not currently accelerating despite what climate change alarmists
5. The U.S. Government has overreacted to a possible catastrophic
warming. The probable negative impacts to the economy, jobs and an
increased cost of food, transportation and utilities will be severe and
hurt the poor and middle class the most. Real experiments show that
Earth's habitats and ecosystems could be damaged if CO2 levels are
actually reduced. Environmentalists have been grossly misled to believe
CO2 is a pollutant.
6. Empirical evidence shows that Earth is currently "greening" significantly due to additional CO2 and a modest warming.
7. Money saved by abandoning a premature rush to lower CO2 emissions
could be better spent by continuing research on alternative energies
that are not currently competitive or reliable.
Dr. Harold Doiron, team leader for TRCS and former NASA scientist, along
with H. Leighton Steward, will be participating on The Hard Question
panel debate on climate change tonight at 5:00pm at The National Press
Club, Holeman Lounge (13th floor) , 529 14th Street, Washington, DC.
More information can be found at www.CO2isGreen.org.
Supporting scientific information can be found at www.PlantsNeedCO2.org.