
I was very wrong in asserting that there were few women Art Nouveau Artists. So I made this list of female artist of the relative time period of art nouveau late 1800s to early 1900s, that in my opinion fall into the category of Art Nouveau or have many elements that Art Nouveau art has. However, some are a bit less Art Nouveau than others. A lot of these women were illustrators for magazines or Children’s books so their styles reflect the changes in popular culture. This is all the female artist I found in the past 3 hours of researching. Given how many I was able to find I know there are more out there, it just would take more digging!

Sarah Stilwell Weber

Alice B. Preston

Marjorie Miller

Ruth Eastman

Jane Atché

Ethel Léontine Gabain

Mela Koehler

Emma Florence Harrison

Florence Susan Harrison

Cornelia Paczka

Neysa Moran McMein

Bertha Lum

Margaret Evans Price

Helen Adelaide Lamb

Jessie M. King

Phoebe Anna Traquair

Otolia Kraszewska (Academic Oil Paintings, Art Nouveau Illustration)

Florence Mary Anderson

Dorothy Lathrop (Art Deco)

Elizabeth Shippen Green

Jennie Harbour (Art Deco)

Ann Macbeth

Isobel Lilian Gloag

Jessie Willcox Smith

Elizabeth Adela Stanhope Forbes (Pre-raphaelite)

Maria Yakunchikova

Annie French

Ida Rentoul Outhwaite

Helen Dryden (Art Deco)

Elizabeth Mary Watt

Elenore Abbott

Katharine Cameron

Elisabeth Sonrel (Symbolist)

Margaret Macdonald Mackintosh

Frances MacDonald

Violet Moore Higgins

Amelia Bauerle

Anne Estelle Rice

Eleanor Fortescue-Brickdale (Pre-rapheaelite)

Dorothy Fitchew

Nell Brinkley 

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