
Thanks to Matt Kotula for the following write up on some new homebrew classes being offered by New York Craft Malt in Batavia. If you don’t know much about NY Craft Malt, check out our interview from last fall’s issue of WNY Craft Beer Mag here.

For craft beer enthusiasts with a DIY soul:

Beginning May 23, New York Craft Malt is offering a monthly all-grain homebrewing series in its Batavia malt house. Five classes, ranging from two to five hours each, will take participants through the basic techniques and more advanced how-tos of the art of all-grain brewing. In the first two classes—Homebrewing 101 and 201—participants will brew an Amber Ale and an “Anchor Steam” clone. From there, enjoy two style classes on Saisons and Porters respectively. The series culminates in September with a detailed discussion of fresh, locally sourced hops, en route to learning the secret of brewing the American IPA.

Classes are taught by Andy Urban, President of Buffalo’s veteran homebrew club, Sultans of Swig, and are conducted on sight at New York Craft Malt’s malt house, 8164 Bank Street Rd., Batavia, NY 14020. Cost is $20 per class, or sign up for all five classes and pay $85. Class size is limited; registration is required. To register call 585-813-8399.

The schedule of classes is listed below:

Saturday,May 23 @ 1:00 pm: Beginner “Homebrewing 101″ (duration: 2 – 3 hours)

Learn the basics of home brewing. The class will jointly make an Amber Ale.

Saturday, June 20 @ 1 pm: “Homebrewing 201″ (duration: 4 – 5 hours)

A class for those who have dabbled in home brewing but want to learn more advanced techniques & how to work with whole grains. The class with jointly make an “Anchor Steam” clone.

Saturday, July 18 @ 1 pm: Beer Style Class: Saison (duration: 4 – 5 hours)

Come learn to brew a classic summer beer. We will also talk about the use of spices in brewing.

Saturday, August 22 @ 1 pm: Beer Style Class: Porter (duration: 4 – 5 hours)

The classic English workers drink of choice. A dark beer with a surprising amount of flavor and drinkability.

Saturday, September 19 @ 1 pm: Fresh Hops in Brewing: Making the Great American IPA (duration: 4 -5 hours)

Learn the secret to making an American style IPA. We will brew with fresh hops from a local farm. A more in depth discussion on hops will be included.

All brewing equipment and supplies are provided. There will be an opportunity to purchase additional supplies from New York Craft Malt or from Angotti Beverage for students’ personal use outside of class. Corey Wolcott of Angotti’s will be on hand to explain the intricacies of brewing equipment and supplies such as extracts and adjuncts.

Classes are held at New York Craft Malt, 8164 Bank Street Rd., Batavia, NY 14020. Cost is $20 per class or sign up for all five classes and pay $85. Class size is limited; registration is required. To register call 585.813.8399

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