
by Marilyn Berkman

The WNBA New York City Chapter’s 6th Annual Query Roulette was held at the Union Square offices of the American Association of Publishers on March 3, 2015. Fiction and nonfiction writers who braved the icy winter weather were rewarded with the opportunity to meet with a number of seasoned literary agents and get advice on the the query letters they had crafted and on the process of querying agents for possible interest in their books.

(If you missed our pre-event agent conversations, click these links:  Brief Talk with Agents, Part 1 and Brief Talk with Agents, Part 2.)

10 Agents Participated:

Kerry D’Agostino, Curtis Brown, Ltd.

Linda Epstein, The Jennifer De Chiara Literary Agency

Emily Forland, Brandt & Hochman Literary Agents, Inc.

Josh Getzler, Hannigan Salky Getzler Agency

Susan Hawk, The Bent Agency

Jeff Kleinman, Folio Literary Management

Michelle Richter, Fuse Literary

Eric Ruben, The Ruben Agency

Jennifer Udden, Donald Maass Literary Agency

Jennifer Weltz, Jean V. Naggar Literary Agency, Inc.

Query Roulette was organized by WNBA-NYC members Linda Epstein, who selected the agents and Rachel Weiss-Feldman, who managed the event. Thank you to all of the volunteers who came and assisted at the event. It would not have been a success without your help.

The participating members seemed energized by the productive conversations they had with agents. Many received offers to look at their manuscripts. Good luck to all!

If you participated in this year’s Query Roulette–as an author or an agent–the WNBA-NYC would love your feedback. Let us know what you thought of the event and if something particular proved to be useful in finding an agent/a new author.


The post Query Roulette 2015: Another Successful Event appeared first on Women's National Book Association | NYC Chapter.

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