
Notes from the 2015 R-5 Chief Officer Meeting Notes

Tuesday, January 27th

Ron Garcia- Chair of the R5 DV Chief Group Welcome:

• 2008 was the last time the last workshop took place in Reno. After that it kind of dissolved. In 2013 approached by the BOD rep Carlton Joseph to get it back together.

• This is the 2nd annual meeting. This year is more then what we had last year. This group has been engaged since 2013.

Objectives of the workshop:

1. Positive interaction. That is what this is all about. See what are the common concerns and clarification of current issues. Everyone interprets policy differently.

2. Identify 2 topics for further review. We do want to identify 2 issues that we can act on and move forward to the BOD or take forward.

3. Identify real solutions that are attainable. What is on the immediate radar screen? Try to come up with some issues that are attainable.

4. At the end of this workshop today, identify those we can change now for the good of the group. Intent of why we are here. Next year will be a different story.

Shawna Lagarza: R5 FAM Director update/questions.

• 3 page hand out regarding the Interagency Participation on Wildland Fire Governance Group.

• Think about the future: Have a meeting that has all of our committees, Hotshots, Divisions, Engines, Dispatch, etc… all in the same place. All have fluid agendas so the directors can go from meeting group to meeting group. Think about the possibility of having it all at the same time as the Regional Leadership Team, RLT, could have Randy Moore there too.

• “I challenge this group to try to take that on to figure out how to make this happen.”

• Just did the first ever RT-130 podcast.

• Started the “Day with the director”. “Nobody teaches you what you do at the next level.” Have folks come down and attend the meetings and see what it’s like. “Welcome you to come and see what I do.” “I’m Proud to be your director.”

3 letters of Leader’s Intent:

1. Engage leadership. That’s what we are doing right here. How do you do it better? Making time to be engaged.

2. The alignment of communication. How do you get all this stuff to the forest district first year firefighter? And vice versa. The same message that goes down and comes back up.

3. Self-Leadership. Emotional intelligence. Taking care of you and how you do that. PHD in psychology. If you can take care of yourself you can take care of others.

Need to work on:

• IC and IMT participation. In R2 there was a waiting list to be an IC what can you do?

• We developed the leadership curriculum. Look at the IMT, where is the leadership?

• We should have every chief officer be an IC.

• People outside of our agency are the IC’s. Look at our teams.

• Relationship with our line officers. It’s not the best everywhere in the region.

• Whoever your Forest Supervisor is you have to learn their personality and what makes them tick. Find out about them, that relationship is “soo critical”. Hard to move if you cannot get along with your boss.

• That part of that emotional intelligence and the fire line connection. Relationship is a big deal in the work environment.


• Federal ICs

• Work environment

• Relationships with the line officers

Pete Duncan- Risk Management


• The EMS risk assessment group working on the SCBA program.

• Policy rewrite will touch on some big ticket items:

1. The hazmat part, the FRO requirement will not be part of the new direction. USFS policy we cannot do it. Anything we would be expected to do we can do under FRA. We don’t need to teach and contract and have someone teach.

2. Grooming standards. Can we? Can’t we? Answer: We can’t. It doesn’t have to be in the PD and the union supports it. It’s a safety issue. When someone gets hired as an engine crew member that is part of their job. It’s a standard within this region. Not different then wearing a hard hat, yellow shirt. It’s a law to wear that.

3. Standards for gear. Currently exploring options. Has been 5-10 years effort. Important to know that the current 100+ page procedure is hard to read and understand.

4. New policy is 14 pages. “A lot clearer. Allows us to understand what we can and cannot do.” 3 appendixes and then a standalone training guide.

• Ran extensive analysis. Identified problems. Communications was a common thing. 1 gap was at middle mgmt. level.

• Important to be engaged in these programs that relates to your field.

Revamp of the Red Lights and Siren policy:

• Ongoing for 1+ year now. Supposed to be released before end of 2014. Still hung up at the WO. Because of the new planning rule rollout.

• Each region will develop their own supplemental standards and put together a group to develop a red light and siren policy.

• It will be policy because it tiers to national policy. If you have any inputs send Duncan an email.

National Saw Policy:

• Policy for both cross cut and chainsaws. Will be released end of February. Delayed now until mid-July.

• Faller 1, 2, 3. Pushed down thru NWCG with 0 input from USFS. Push already made in IQCS.

• What it doesn’t do is translate to non-fire folks. There are more non fire sawyers in USFS then fire sawyers.

• National policy is not tied to diameter. It’s tied to complexity. Will address how to deal with that issue next month at the regional saw workshop.

Health Screen Questionnaire (HSQ):

• Tasked by Shawna to work on getting the program back in shape. Inconsistencies and improprieties throughout the region last couple years.

• Asked the chiefs network to have a mandatory minimum of 3 people per forest (Chief 1, Chief 2 + alternate).

• Some forests had 25-30 WCT Administrators. Currently reviewing the list of how many WCT Administrators per forest

• Each forest should have 1 primary and 1 alternate as the HSQ Coordinator.

• Must fill out and send out a confidential medical oversight form and send it back to ASC.

• Medical Doctor Jennifer Seimans works for Larry Sutton in the WO. Dr. Seimans reviews HSQ’s that have been checked with a yes.

• WCT Administrators have to go thru an initial training or a re-cert training every 3 years.

• You can ask those generic questions. Checked on this with HR @ ASC and Dr. Siemens. “Do you think this will affect your ability to take the WCT?”

• You can re-test a person in the middle of the season. Check with your HR person first.

• Make sure you know what level of test to administer.

Exertional Injuries:

• Hit every IHC in the region. Missed 4.

• Exertional injuries happen early and later in the season. People are out of shape for what they are trying to do.

• Counsel your folks about the proper way to PT. and avoid injuries.

• AVOIDABLE injuries. Pt injuries are still a huge problem. Should be having some sort of PT program. Biggest contributor is running. Ex: Dog bites running thru neighborhoods.

• New PT recommendation. PT Plan that really addresses how firefighters need to stay fit. Later season injuries, not being in the shape for PT’s, they are in shape for firefighting.

• SHIPS going offline January 30th. Replacement program not coming online until FEB 27th, if any injury between then will be old school paper mailed to ASC. New program anticipated to be much better.

• EMT’s. Yes we can pay to train our employees up to the EMTB level. Pay for re-currencies.

RISK MANAGEMENT 101 and Coordinated Response Protocol (CRP):

• WO FAM Tom Harbor has asked NIMO org to travel to all regions and forest to put on Risk Management 101.

• Pete Duncan to facilitate the Pacific South West Risk Management Program.

• Different NIMO’s putting on different presentations for different areas.

• For ALL employees, not fire centric. In the past relied on the JHA.

• RISK 101. Something similar will be coming to your forest.

• Pete Duncan will forward the power point to Ron Garcia, and Garcia will forward to the group.


• No such thing as a serious accident investigation. It’s now called the CRP.

• No investigations on the deployments this past year. Facilitative Learning Assessment (FLA).

• Accept no unnecessary risk. Price too much for what you will gain? Acceptable loses? Do we have them?

• Make risk decision at appropriate level

• Risk decisions must be made based on potential consequence mission, significance and time constraints.

• “Safely achieving reasonable objectives with the least firefighter exposure necessary” definition of success from Chief’s letter.

• This is Safety Management System (SMS). Aviation people have been doing this past 5 years. Started pushing this with teams last year.

Gary Beil -Strategic Planning

2015 Temporary Hire Update

• Handouts were mailed out to the chiefs on the 16th. Combination of perm and temp going out at the same time.

• Dispatch and dozer operator will be in the fire hire.

Beil Handouts:

• Describes ATGS. Supposed to be out by 23rd but still waiting.

• Regional OCR’s. Have to create those independent. Other regions do not use it.

• Expectations of SME’s we need. No different than the past. The more the better.

• A little different on 4 perms and the rest temp. Building the strategic assessment for the 5, 4, and 3’s.

• No more than 3 people at each of the recommendation desk for each forest.

• Every announcement is a new separate cert for each duty location within that announcement. Could mean 8-900 certs for each announcement for each duty location. Creates more of a problem. Hard to track. How do you know the vet is cleared all on the other certs he applied for?

Beil Comment: A data set was created for every forest and pulled out the standard module organization. If you leave this blank, you are looking for a fill. Provide the name and grade of rehire. Column M, N, O, P, Q. Asking each forest to identify how many positions of the temp hire, also identify who you plan on coming back. Just by leaving blank, you ware telling us you want us to fill it. NEED it by the 6th, the 9th would be acceptable.

Dan Felix: R5 Technology and Development representative. If you have anybody who would be a good fit for it send me their contact information, dfelix@fs.fed.us. Need to find a replacement before my retirement in 90 days.

Re-cap of Tuesday’s events.

 SCBA policy guide

 Lights and sirens

 Temp fire hire / perm fire hire

 Close: PETES risk mgmt. 101

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

GROUP DISCUSSION- R5 Engine Staffing Policy.

Intent today is to have an open discussion, to make some tweaks, and take back to the engine committee and finalize.

“What got you guys?”

Suggestions and comments for the engine committee:

• Every forest seemed to interpret the letter differently

• Letter mixes position descriptions with an ICS qualification.

• Group needs to provide specifics. The receiving forests were getting modules with minimal qualifications.

• Recommend minimal changes instead of a re-write.

• Letter restricts development of your supervisors and other lead folks.

• Capture those issues that restrict your ability to operate. Come up with a solution and push it up.

• Suggestion to remove position titles and add ICS position.

VTC Chris Fogle:

• Chris Fogle read the July 21st 2014 letter to the group via VTC.

• Comment: Even the letter from July doesn’t change the mixing of the qualifications and ICS.

• The regional letter of direction must be signed annually.

• Conclusion: Issue a FAQ’s attached to the letter.

• FAQ page should and needs to be attached to this letter for clarification.

• Comment: Letter is mixing direction with intent.

• Alec: Will try not to make a whole lot of changes. Move to the FAQ. Before it goes to the BOD have the group review it.

• Ron Garcia: We will collaborate with the engine group and it will be the avenue to run it up thru the Board of Directors. It will be presented at the April meeting. PICTURE TAKEN OF THE FLIP CHART NOTES FROM THE GROUP DISCUSSION.

Jim Miguel- Regional Prevention Committee:

• 3 things discussed; Past, Present, and Future.

• Past:

o All 18 forests were represented at the last meeting. Half of the forests participate in the monthly conference calls.

o Involved with Annual Accomplishment Report, Special Regional Prevention Event “1 less spark” coordination.

o Last year, 2 white papers regarding safety concerns.

 Mitigation of personnel

 Ordering and utilization of FPO ‘s

 Utilization of resources.

• Present:

o New campfire permits policy being reviewed by OGC. Should be printed soon.

• Future:

o Help and continued support of fire prevention and continue to assist cooperators.

o Review/update the FPO Mission Statement.

o Follow up on the Fire Prevention reinvention paper that was submitted to the BOD.

o Continue to build relationship with fire and LEI.

o Continue 1 less spark coordination. Program has taken off on its own.

o Meeting April 15 & 16 @ WFTC Tentatively

• Request was made to present the White Paper of the safety concerns to the Division Chiefs group to get it on the agenda for the BOD. FPO Group came up with a lot of solutions: different training, risk management.

• Ron Garcia suggested making same presentation to the ECC and LEO groups.

• In closing: Fire Prevention group and has come up with 3 words

1. Unity

2. Continuity

3. Structure. Looking for structure. We do not have it. Structure in shot crews, engines, helitack.

• FSPM we are not on it. No qualification for prevention.

• FPT’s want to see that direction and support from above. Standardization.

Brian Baxter- Dozer committee report:

• R5 Dozer Committee is seeking support working on the R5 Heavy Fire Equipment Course.

• 5 years invested in developing course and task book.

• Location would be Fort Hunter Liggett and will have a camp setting. Just like LPF fire school.

• Cal Fire course is $12,000 per student for 9 weeks (not ideally suited for USFS). USFS course rough estimate $17,000 for 60 people for 2 weeks.

• The DOD Vandenberg and Fort Hunter Liggett are anxious to see this happen. Group already received calls from BLM in Nevada to reserve spots.

• Only hoop left to go thru is the approval from BOD next week. Once approved we will go full speed ahead.

• 100% support from the Chief Officers group

Province Break Outs-

• Identify commonality and concerns.

• Intent is come up with commonality and concerns.

• Come up with 2 topics for further review. What is attainable?

Matt Ellis- Leadership Academy:

• 3 week Primary Leadership Academy to start March 6th 2015.

• 3 sessions: March, April, and November.

• The target audience is new supervisors. Target is fire and non-fire.

• All selections have been made, 36 students total. Every forest is represented at the academy.

• End of first week, will be given homework. Expectation of Divs. Is to have the students go to the FLT and DLT mtgs.

• Have the understanding to provide some time for the guys to work on projects.

• The first day they will have to select a mentor. The mentor will be with them for the course.

• True mentor program. Complete forms and it goes into the data base.

• Confident there will be support. When you were asked the question why you wanted to be a division, and you answered to help make change, this is an opportunity. Be the mentor.

Louis Gomez- Smoke Jumper Report:

• Still have 7 ICT 3 trainees. Need your help, need to get them going.

• Reminder we have Air Attack qualified people in the plane.

• We carry a wilderness wheel we can para cargo in with EMT’s. We have that capability to do that for you.

• If you tell us you need food and water for # amount of people, we can do that for you. Same thing with hose.

• Range of 4-47 jumpers for the 2015 season.

• Will go to the Ramier parachute. Helps or hurts us for ops on the forest only time will tell regarding training and implementation of the new parachute.

• New parachute potential to change our landing sites. New technology, still 25 years behind. Not landing where we used to. Could mean a 4-5 mile hike to get to the fire because of the new parachute.

• Every spotter (13) is DIVS (Q).

• Available for winter work/tree work on your unit. SHF Saved approx. $3,000. Using jumpers instead of contracting.

• Contact Josh Mathewson and John Casey. “When jumpers are on the Sierra, they are the Sierra’s employees. Use them to obtain your objectives.”

Engine Committee report:

• Mtg will be the 2nd week in March 9-13th.

• Due date is always the 2nd week of January.

• Dealing with 274 engines to track. Most engines averaged 500 hours of OT before the temps were brought on.

• Key for this year- involvement. I think we succeeded.

• We have someone on SCBA, Primary Leadership, National Engine Academy, and Regional Training, Red Lights and Sirens Committees and supporting IMT’s.

• 3 things hanging us up:

1. Charter

2. Engine Staffing Letter

3. SCBA Guide

• Requesting funding; Last year asked for $1500 which was $83 per forest.

• The maintenance process. We are losing a lot of work days because of it.

• Accountability. All the captains need to be accountable to complete the logs and generate the end of year report.

• Each forest is supposed to be sending their 3 reps to the meeting. NO follow thru with the rep positions. The folks you are representing are not participating.

• Josh will give the end of year report to Ron Garcia.

• The daily log and report creator is located on the Lessons Learned site. “Set up a profile and I will add you to the group.” Josh.

Mike Eckindorn- Regional Fleet:

• Inconsistent annual repairs. Repairs sit there for 3-4 weeks at a time. Get it home the home and the work hasn’t been done.

• Repairs not always getting done at an international.

• Mtg in 2 weeks with the FFIM. “Wanted to hear just what you gave me. Please put in an email.”

• When I talk to FFIM’s I hear “we are doing ok, almost all done.”

• I want to improve on the downtime. Want to make it better. Want the time table to come up.

• Plan is to address all of those issues. Will bring them up to the FFMI’s and a couple mechanics.

• When something starts to go wrong with the engine, tell someone.

• “Send me the names of the folks who cannot enter mileage. I will add them”.

• Command rigs ordered by local unit. Your problem is probably with the local unit. The forest put their list together and they prioritize the list.

• The FOR that you pay it covers 80% of the replacement, 20% recovery comes from the sale of the vehicle.

• Forest may have other priorities. Not what your whole replacement plan looks like.

• Just because the vehicle hits 60,000 miles it doesn’t have to be replaced.

• Question on the hold overs. Guideline is 2 years. Longer than that, need regional approval.

Jeff powers- Regional Aviation:

• Little over 15,000 hours last year. Compare that to United Airlines that would be 2100 trips from sac to New York.

• C130 program. Taking possession of 7. 1st year will have a 1500 mile leash on it.

• C123b program, 15 b Sherpa’s nationally.

• 4 lead planes avail in region this upcoming season.

• 02’s. Having 2 smoke jumper aircraft in Redding this year. Sherpa and Dornier.

• Actively support the spike base concept: Fresno, Porterville or BDF. Still support that practice.

• 21-23 AT’s for upcoming season. Next generation AT’s. Not counting the DC10’s also available.

• MAFFS and Cooperator agreement thru Alaska have their Convair 580.

• Still host 13 Exclusive Use in this region. Last year of the 4 year contract. Those awards should happen after FY.

• 16 in region T2’s, year 2 in the contract

• 3 T3’s. Year 3 of 4 year contract.

• Both fire watch aircraft in Redding.

• Night ops. Still have it on ANF. Process of continuing to evaluate it. Showing favorable.

• 2 rappel program in region. Trimmer and Scotts Valley.

Shawn Aidukas- Regional Safety Aviation Mgr.

• New short haul program.

• LEI program expanded. Regions 4 & 6 have approved the LEI short haul program.

• Development the Short Haul Medical Program. See this upcoming season.

• Working team: NAMWIT: Curtis Coots.

• Presented a short video. Then Q & A’s.

• NPS has decades of successful short haul missions. Where we are headed as a program. Taking care of our own.

• Looking at Astar B 3’s right now.

• WO doctor is writing the protocols and standardizing the EMT program. Supports our cert and recert of EMT’s too

• All counties down south have night vision hoists. Up north a few choices. More limited up north then down south.

John Tishner- Hotshot committee update:

• National IHC Steering Committee voted upon, now in the hands of the National Ops Group:

1. SIHCO: Change in the SIHCO in ink, going to have some form of decision prior to fire season.

2. Supt. Qualifications: Increase to DVS or ICT3 and FIRB

3. Asst. Supt. Qualifications: Increase to TFLDR or STCR

4. Squad Boss qualifications: Increase to CRWB and ICT5 at the 7 level

5. Min. crew standards: Currently 18-20 trying for 22. Not hire 22. Trying to increase options. Key to stress that. Still up to the local unit, gives us an option within the SIHCO.

6. Radios: currently have 5+ radios, bump up to 7 radios.

7. Sawyers: Was 3 agency qualified sawyers, updated to 4 faller 2’s within crew.

8. Certifications and re-certifications: Recommendation from the National IHC Committee in addition to the current process in the SIHCO to insert a current or past Supt from crew for an incident assignment to shadow the crew.

9. Standards for IHC fitness: Increase in WCT standard and addition to push up standard.

10. Currently developing S-230 curriculum. Roaming cadres within province. Cadre Lead will be an IHC Captain. Developing those cadres now. Exceeds NWCG standards.

11. Process of developing California T1 IHC’s to act as T3’s IMT’s or something similar. Been around a long time

12. In process of trying to build collateral duty recruiter teams for the region.

13. Any questions or additional information contact the California IHC Chair John Tishner.

Andrea Cabida- Employee Relations:

• 1 of 8 employee relations.

• Adverse Action Report. Use in discussion with somebody possible consequences.

• Disciplinary Action up to 14 days.

• Adverse Action 15+ days removal and also demotions.

• Biggest thing to remember: Disciplinary: greivable. Within house.

• Anything higher than that goes higher than that. Goes outside of house. Employee can appeal it to merit system board. Use your ER person.

• When you think that there may be something. Be proactive about it. If we don’t have the info we can provide you with the right into or direction.

• Documentation is key. Email yourself. It time stamps everything.

• Once you start having problems, they do not go away. They get bigger and bigger.

• How many of you know your employee relations specialist. Reach out to them. We do provide training. We all have backups

• Performance and conduct? Know the difference.

• CAN’T do something is performance, WON’T do something is conduct.

• Always tell your employee always follow instructions unless it is a safety violations or illegal action.

• Follow direction now grieve it later. Always tell your people this message.

• On a PIP employee has to do their job, do what they were hired to do. Supervisor has to monitor it more.

• Useful documentation: highly recommend give expectations, make sure it is signed. Go over the agency policies, and SOG’s, SOP’s, etc… make sure they understand the policy. Provide the rule. Once you provide the rule, show they were given the rule, and show they broke the rule. Highly recommend the email thing.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Group discussion: Identify the top 2 elements, and the avenue to take to the BOD. Solve what we can by this group here. ID strategic plan what the current BOD is looking at, so we are not duplicating the work.

2 Topics to push forward:


 Annuals (engine)

 Maintenance time frames.

 Inadequate vendors

 Staffing Equipment Shops

 Procurement support

 Under powered Chief Rigs


 Standardizing = consistency

 Consistency. Some forests have a template.

 We are talking about the elements. Talking about all firefighters.

 STF and SRF will share what they have.

 Put together a white paper. We have identified this issue across the region.

• These are the concerns of this group.

• A White Paper to be drafted and presented to Jaime the BOD rep. to try to get on the BOD agenda.

• Ron can start it but will need some assistance, Debbie and David Cooper volunteered to help with the wording.

• Start working on something in the start of March. April 14-16 next BOD meeting.

Jaime Tripp- R5 FUELS REPORT:

• Last year for Rx fire and machine and non-machine treated 213,000 acres.

• Lots of work laying things out and getting it done.

• SNF, SQF, INF already gone thru that process. Will give us another tool to help look at how we can use fire on the landscape.

• Target 2017 all those risk assessments will be done. That risk assessment will help us manage the land.

• Budgets will look very similar to last years.

• Lancaster mtg, objective. Taking and developing tactics that go is into PSW region strategic plan. Training and operations into that document.

• Another topic – PEFERS. Developed it’s a really quick snapshot easy to use. Air resource boards, end state will lead to us having more burn days. 1 reason we use it.

• Other reason it’s a good way for everyone to know who else is burning. (Agencies).

• Windows are hard to come by, use the Rx burn manager. Nice to have a few more people with those qualifications.

• Bring up the 1300 smoke call. Thought more people would use it. If you have specific questions, those folks are there to answer your questions. They can give you food feedback

• Something interesting from DC, new PD for fuels positions. Put into the national PD database.

• Pathway developed by NWCG fuels mgmt. committee. Developed a certification fuels Practitioners positions.

• NWCG fuels mgt committee has been tasked to fix that. Now is a way to go from 0462 to the 0401 series.


Power point presentation

• R5 stats:FAM 3418 buildings

• Historical Facilities

• Facilities Funding

“Under current capital investment facilities budgets, it will take 2000 years to reconstruct all of our buildings and we are not building pyramids. “

• Constsruction & Maint trends

• Strategies:

Public/private Partnerships

Interagency/State Partnerships

• Healthy Workforce / Healthy Workplace

What is the status of our facilities from a risk mgmt. perspective?


• Brief Hx and nomination process.

• It’s a peer award, it’s a chief to a chief.

• We evaluate and have conference calls. Go thru the checklist.

• 2014 recipient is Mike Alarid. What he did was for the greater good of California. Develop opportunity. His humility is commendable. He walks the talk.

• The award consists of: A plaque, a photo of Cal Yarborough, and the mighty brush hook donated by Cal’s widow.


• Trying to charter it human performance classes. We are workforce development.

• Built a 2nd end state. We will have a foundational academy, building a 2nd track. Need to accommodate folks at a higher level. Program model is a reactive model.

• We are configuring the model. Advanced Track Academy + Foundational Academy.

Current state of affairs:

• GI BILL stopped wasn’t being processed. Back online. Getting the GI’s paid what they are entitled to.

• Basic 62,63,64 coming online in next couple weeks

• 28-30 deferrals. Get it up to 65 per academy.

• National level, new 5’s must come thru the apprenticeship. More competition for those spots.

• FEB 9-11, 2015 Unit Manager Mtg. for all the forests to come. Issues and concerns.

• Extended to region and all forests. Send more people to it.

• Develop SOP’s on how to handle the apprentices. How to move them around, working with ASC what the processes are.

• New employee orientation will be April 6-10, 2015. Open to any new employee 90 days of initial employment. Looking for liaisons and have every Unit Manager there.

• Handout of the 2015 New employee orientation AGENDA

• Great training opportunity. Need some CRWB and CRWB (T). It is an incident. Has IQCS #. Barracks are available.


• We spent many days with the BOD to get the charter up to speed. Once signed, we scheduled first meeting.

• Mission Statement-

• Tenure- 3 years

• Come 2016 as we start looking at new committee.


• Handout of the Intra agency agreement between USFS Units Pacific Southwest Region and Southern Region.

• 2014 accomplishments report.

• Handout 2015 Operating Plan between the US Dept of Agriculture Forest Service.

Region 5 Pacific Southwest Region Fire and Aviation Management and R8 Southern Region Fire and Aviation Management.

• Builds successional planning. Feedback last year was all positive

• Intent of the program. Creating a developmental experience for the trainees and recommendation for certification if feasible.

• You paying the base and OT, the region are paying the per diem.

• Mike Alarid is the Ambassador.



• When we lose people on duty off duty. It affects our work force. A death is a death and it effects. Will discuss CISM. Some of the difficult decisions that affect the use of CISM.

• YWNSA is In its 2nd year of delivery

• Course scheduled for delivery FEB 9-13th, 2015 at least 5 seats available if anyone interested in attending.

• Course delivered in California twice. Went to region 6, and region 3. Their cadre is shadowing us. Request for R2.

• Evaluated by NAFRI, will be a national course.

• Gail McCrary can help engage with the forest supervisor. She wrote the Death and Serious Injury Handbook.

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