Webmaster Interview: To0/Richard Humphrey
This interview is with Richard Humphrey, a well known and controversial figure that has been behind the scenes in the Warez scene for more than a decade. He introduced streaming to the scene and helped to revolutionize the way DDL sites perform today. He was a vital part of many large warez sites and was a part of the “Supreme Council” of a large underground organization until ultimately finding himself face to face with the F.B.I. He’s gone by many names, has operated many websites such as the legendary USAWarez.com and most recently he has exposed State & Federal corruption. His stories have been featured on the Huffington Post, FoxNews, IGN, Cleveland.com, TorrentFreak and thousands of sites across the world. This is his story.
What’s your name?
Richard J. Humphrey.
Do you go by any handles?
I used to be known by many different names. The first handle I ever had was in 1998 when I wen’t by “Flux”. Then I eventually had become To0, which was for a long time until I became Prodigy and then many others. Those are the most common 3 though.
How old are you and where are you from?
I am 26 years old, originally born and raised in North Ridgeville, OH, but I now reside in Strongsville, OH. I am from the United States and live in the State of Ohio about 15 minutes from downtown Cleveland.
How did you become a webmaster?
By accident really. I was just a kid browsing around through AOL chatrooms when I saw a link to a site called “LensHell.com”. On this site there were links to thousands of programs and so I did what a lot of other kids would and started downloading all of them. I was fascinated by what they did. Somewhere along the line I managed to copy the source code of the LensHell.com website and ripped it and put it on my own web service. The individual who owned the site found out and set me up with a young webmaster who was willing to show me the ropes. Virtually learned things by reverse engineering. So I would say that is how I initially started to become a webmaster. It took many years for me to progress into what I would consider a webmaster though.
When did you make your first website & what was it?
It was in 1998 and that would make me 11 years old at the time. The first site was a rip of a popular site (as I said above) called LensHell.com. I did however make additional sites that would feature sporting merchandise and cards before being caught up in the scene. Most of my sites were done on AOL Hometown back then or Tripod, Angelfire, Geocities, etc.
How long have you been in the scene?
I would have to say that it’s getting awfully close to two decades now. To be exact, were going on the 16th year.
Would you consider yourself a pro-pirate or somewhere in between?
I am definitely closer to a “pro-pirate” than I am anything else you could call me. I don’t agree with a lot of things that the legal system are imposing on the people and I certainly don’t agree with the long waiting times, expensive prices and in some cases poor quality of product. So I would say, somewhere in between, but definitely closer to the pro-pirate than anything else.
How did you come up with the name USAWarez?
I’m a patriotic kind of guy, regardless of a lot of the things that are going on in this country that I don’t believe in. I still believe in my country and the people here and at that time it was even more so. I wanted it to represent everything that I believed in and what better name than USAWarez. It didn’t hit me overnight either, it took me a while. There weren’t really any other sites out there at the time that were using country names, so that’s not how I came up with it. I guess I was just typing in names on GoDaddy all night long to figure out what I would want and when I typed in USAWarez on the keyboard, it just felt right, I knew it was going to be something big from the moment that I typed it the first time. I really loved the name, still do, think it’s legendary. A lot of other people felt the same way as well as it started a run-off on country based names ending in warez.
What are some of your best memories from the USAWarez era?
Some of the best memories had to be with the team that was on that site. USAWarez was more than just a site, it was a running machine and the machine was the team. People like LokiLoki, The Legend, Lipripr, WonTon, JeZuZ, Raven (v2), DXS (v2), RightfullyYours, MeatLoaf (v2= version 2, also if I forgot you please forgive me, it’s been such a long time) all busted their asses behind the scene working with me on the site. We ensured that the community was clean, that it was well maintained, that the content was up to date, we worked harder than anyone, we gelled together, we had fun together. I don’t know if they will say the same thing as me, but I know that they know that our team was one of a kind.
I’ll never forget when Loki posted in the Admin area about how fast the site was growing and the chart compared USAWarez to Warez-BB. If the site wouldn’t have went down, we would have passed WBB within only 1-3 more months of uptime, maybe not even that much longer. The site was getting 2,000-3,000 registrations per day, over 250,000 unique visitors, thousands of V.I.P members. I mean it was one huge hustle bustle community. It was amazing.
What do you think contributed to the immediate success of USAWarez?
The right timing really. I created the site, pushed a few of my other sites to it, advertised, spent hard earned money and time on it. Innovated the scene and introduced Stage6 streaming to warez. Ultimately I was a trend setter. People would look to USAWarez to see what I was doing and then they would copy off of me. Even the big DDL sites asked me for my input and adapted to the things that I wanted, because they knew it was big time visitor potential. The success of USAWarez all boiled down to the timing, the content, the strategy, the innovation, the propaganda & the team.
What were some of your favorite Warez sites of all time?
Outside of USAWarez I would have to say that there were a lot over the years. Obviously some of the ones in most recent memory would be Katz.cd, WarezScene.org, Phazeddl.com, WauShare.com, BlackBay.org, DLThe.net, ShareDXS.com, WarezLobby.com, ThePhoenix-Forums.com and I could go on and on. Each of those sites listed above though have one thing in common. They were ran by webmasters who know what the hell they were doing, they made unique approaches to their sites and made a difference in the scene. They were all good webmasters. There’s some of the older ones from back in the day like DJTozz and Conflict and A-X-O and yadda yadda, list could go on and on with them.
How did you become so influential in the Warez scene?
By accident with purpose. Meaning I didn’t really care about being big and I didn’t talk to any of the web masters in the scene for years. Didn’t ask to affiliate with any of them, didn’t do much of anything on the community aspect. I just ran my sites as I saw fit, incorporated and innovated along the way and made a name for myself. Made sure that my site had little to no advertisements, provided great content and worked my butt off. Over time people began to respect me for the things that I did to the point that web masters (fairly large ones) would reach out to me asking to link exchange or to talk. I really didn’t like the community aspect much at all like I said and so most of my sites were undergroundish, no forums, no none of that, just a guy named “To0″ who was posting content and updating the site. Only source of interaction was the tag boards/shoutbox or by leaving comments. I was a big name for a while, now I’m sure again for a little bit with me being in the news and all, but for the most part it’s not about being big, it’s about being good. And I was good. For a very long time.
What do you think of the StopFileLockers movement?
I think it’s a joke and an embarrassment to both GoFuckYourself.com and those who corroborate Robert. The StopFileLockers movement will only last for so long until either Adult King realizes that he’s fighting a losing battle or that his supporters finally realize that what he is doing is nothing other than a mirage.A funny story about Robert for those who care to hear. The guy actually called my federal probation officer once and threatened to sue me over a myriad of reasons, one of them saying that I recorded a phone call between him and I and published it to the internet. Thing is I had nothing to do with any of that. I even called him myself prior to that to let him know, hey I’m not the guy you think I am.
What do you think of the scene in general?
I think that it’s teetering on the edge of explosion. There are a few large dominant sites in the scene that are for the most part controlling the majority of the traffic and old-time memberships. Once these sites get out of the way so-to-speak, then the rest of the scene will enjoy a fresh rush of memberships and rejuvenation. In the event that that doesn’t happen, then it’s going to be a long hard struggle for anyone trying to make it to the top right now. Google isn’t helping any and the caliber of webmasters out there right now is laughable. Seriously.
I think that if there were to be more people who actually cared about what it is that they do and treated it as a hobby first and foremost, instead of trying to collect like a bank, that the scene would be fine.
Only time will tell really . I don’t think the scene is going anywhere, anytime soon and that goes for up or down.
Where do you see Warez down the road, say 5 years from now?
I see it exactly where it was 10 years ago, flourishing, with new advancements in technology and a resurgence of motivation amongst the ranks. I think that the sharing is caring attitude is gone forever for the most part, but I can still foresee people coming back to the scene and creating something legendary in a new way.
Why did you go to Federal Prison?
I wen’t because I operated USAWarez.com and it got too big. The FBI raided me and that was the end of that. I ultimately was convicted of one count of copyright infringement for a movie “The Kingdom (2007)”. To this day I still have never even watched that movie either, I wonder if it’s any good?
How much time did you spend in Federal Prison?
I spent 29 months in Federal Prison. I spent my time at F.C.I. Mckean which is in Bradford Pennsylvania on the top of a mountain (somewhere). That city has the highest welfare and incest rate in the nation, at least it did while I was there. In the middle of nowhere with only 2 seasons a year. Winter & Fall.
Did you have any co-defendants on your case?
Nope, none, never.
Have you ever had any co-defendants?
Nope. I always run the operation.
You have a lengthy criminal background history, what are some of the charges that you have?
I have an Assault on a Police Officer, Intimidation, DUI, Unlawful Sexual Conduct and a few other charges, most of which are alcohol related.
What caused you to commit these crimes?
I was really young & young minded, immature, always drinking and partying and stupid things would happen when I was drinking. Some of the charges though I don’t agree with being convicted of. I just plead guilty to some of them to get out of jail.
Do you mind elaborating on what charges you shouldn’t have plead guilty to?
Well I don’t think I should be a sex offender. I don’t feel like I am anyways and then again maybe Im wrong for feeling this way, but who cares? The girl pretended to be 21 years old, she contacted me from myspace and came over and hung out with me. I hung out with her maybe 5 or 6 different times in a 4 month time period. One night she came to a Super Bowl party I had and the next thing I know the following day the cops are calling me asking if she was there. I was 21 at the time that this happened. At that moment I told them to come and get her. From there I was charged with unlawful sexual conduct and I plead guilty to it because I was sitting in a county jail and my time wouldn’t begin for my federal case. I don’t go hunting down youngins. That’s not my cup of tea.
The intimidation on a cop happened while I was strapped into a 4 point restraint (this is on video btw) and the cop was hitting me in the head, calling me a punk. I told him to stop, he kept doing it, so I threatened him and his family. Keep in mind I was shitfaced and strapped into a chair while the asshole was hitting me in the fucking head. That’s the American justice system for you though. I served no days in jail for this crime either, makes perfect sense as to why. Judge was like wtf is going on here with these North Ridgeville Cops against this man. North Ridgeville has a bad reputation with me, just about as bad as society thinks of me when they see my record. It’s not always as it appears though. I’m a nice guy, really am, just don't strap me to a chair and hit me in the head and we'll be fine.
Are you on any supervision or probation at this time?
Yes I am. State & Federal.
When are you scheduled to be released off of your supervisions?
When I die probably. Just kidding. Who knows, probably by the time I’m 30 years old. Maybe sooner, only time will tell.
What are some of the things that you do on a daily basis?
I have a pretty solid workout routine going on. I like to workout in the morning and start my day off with some cardio. Then in the afternoon I’ll be sure to do more cardio and hit up the gym and pump some iron. Other than that I don’t really do much. I’m never on a computer anymore, so I watch a lot of TV and movies and sit outside in the sun when the weather is nice.
Where do you live?
Strongsville, Ohio. It’s a nice quaint area in the United States, no complaints from me.
What sites do you run right now?
Technically I’m not running anything, but I do own a lot of different things. I would prefer not to list any of them here at this time.
Do you have any businesses?
I do have several businesses, or interests in several businesses, one of which went out of business during my incarceration and several others that are doing absolutely fine. Again I’m not listing any names for obvious reasons.
Who are some of the most influential people that you have met online?
I would have to say that the most influential person I ever met online would be “Wavez” or “WaveTonez”. He was the first person to teach me how to reverse engineer code and essentially how to self teach myself everything that I do from VB to HTML and so on. I learned a lot from the guy, he showed me the underground channels and got me going in the right direction when it comes to this web stuff. There are a lot of other people out there who were very inspirational influential people to me, but Wavez takes the cake for sure.
Do you have any favorite sites other than your own?
I have a lot of favorite sites but sadly I am unable to visit any of them at this time. My favorite sites outside of news (I love reading the news which is why I absolutely love ScrollDog.com) would be Movie4k, WarezLTD, WJunction, TorrentFreak and CashWhore. CashWhore talks about me all the time like they know who I am, it’s like a celebrity fan site or something. My brother keeps me posted on what they say all the time, it’s fucking hilarious.
Do you or have you ever owned any prominent sites that you never disclosed before?
No comment.
Why did you go back to prison on January 27th, 2014?
I wen’t back for something rather petty. I was hanging out with my brother and a buddy, my brother called me up later on that evening and asked me if I wanted a ride home because I wasn’t driving on that particular night. He wasn’t supposed to pick me up until the following morning, but for some reason he wanted to go home at that time (3am). I told him fine, come and get me. Upon arrival I noticed he was drunk so I told him to give me his keys once we got to the diner we were stopping at for a bite. He refused and began hitting me in the face repeatedly. As a result of this incident I was charged with disorderly conduct, intoxication and a few other things. I was found guilty of most of the sanctions and that’s pretty much what happened. No actual charges were filed in the court of law, these were just parole sanctions.
What happened while you were in there with the copyright situation?
Basically I was in my cell one day looking out the window into the common area and I noticed that Wolf of Wall Street was on. I had just saw the movie before I was locked up in theaters so I knew what it was right away, it’s one of my favorite movies of all time. I also knew that it was impossible for it to be played this early on as it was only just about a month old at the time. Then a few days later I noticed that Ride Along was on and there were people walking back and forth in front of the screen. I already knew it was ripped though, once again, the movie had just made it to theaters so I was well aware of how they were obtaining the movies. I didn’t say anything at the time, because I really couldn’t. They refused to give you kites while you were in the intake pod, so I had to wait until I got to my next housing unit. Once I got there I wrote kites to the Deputy Warden and the head Warden immediately.
How did you find out about the copyright infringement taking place?
Just by watching the movies and seeing what was playing at the time. I could tell by the quality (or lack thereof) and the dates that the movies were released in theater off of memory that they were definitely pirated movies.
Why do you think the prison was bringing in this type of material?
I think the guards were bringing it in for their own enjoyment first and foremost. There really isn’t much for them to do after they lock the doors on everybody and have 3 or 4 hours to burn until the next chow movement. I don’t think that the guards gave much thought to the potential criminal repercussions that it could have on themselves or on any of the inmates that were coming through the door.
What possessed you to kite the Warden, record her in a phone call and record a video of yourself regarding the situation?
I feel passionate about this kind of stuff. I was subjected to very much of the same activity when I was in Elyria’s Juvenile Detention center and I am fairly confident when I tell you that I was so fascinated by pirated movies that were being shown in the Juvenile jail that I started to do the same thing when I got out as a kid. I was never into pirating movies until after I got out of there, it was like I had the wool pulled from over my eyes. So basically I didn’t want the same thing to happen to someone else who was walking through those doors. I don’t think that people realize how easy it is to get confused with the legalities on copyright infringing movies. I also don’t think that the majority of people understand why I did what I did or where I am coming from by doing this. I’m doing this because it is a serious situation that can be breeding new criminal charges for inmates upon their release. I don’t want to see that happen. Lastly, it’s hypocritical and shows a great example of how these copyright laws are ridiculous and should be reduced in severity immediately. The MAFIAA has to make some changes on their end as well, otherwise they should go out of business. Very few companies in the world have the luxury of numerous government agencies hunting down people for every small thing that goes on other than Hollywood. That’s unfair treatment right there if you think about it. Why are we paying for Hollywoods super security team?
You said there was other copyright infringement taking place elsewhere besides Lorain Correctional Institution when we spoke with you the last time, care to elaborate?
Yeah, it happened at Lorain County Juvenile Detention Center when I was there. It happened every time that I was there long enough to watch a movie. It wasn’t like it was a one time thing and done, it happened all the time.
You were recently featured on the Huffington Post, were you nervous at all?
Hell yeah I was nervous. Going on a Live TV show with millions of people watching. I’ve never been on television before, all I kept thinking about was what would happen if I said the wrong thing or a swear word. Or if I choked up and stuttered. You know it’s a good thing that when my brother came over his connection was lagging because in the beginning it helped cover up how nervous I was. I probably was shaking a little bit, but the lag actually helped to hide that. One of those rare moments in life when you actually appreciate a lag lol.
Huffington Post Live: Richard Humphrey Discusses Copyright Laws in the U.S.
In the video you talked about a Hollywood Network, do you see this ever coming into fruition?
Yeah I think so. Well at least I hope so, I mean if it doesn’t happen, then there are some seriously stupid people out there in high business positions that need to be fired. I’m amazed it hasn’t happened yet (the firing and the Hollywood Network). This is a huge business, Hollywood is a huge business, they have all the technology in the world when it comes to making the movies, but when it comes to relating with their customers and maximizing their earning potential they fail miserably. I don’t know if the government is in their pocket or if they are in the governments pocket or both. I don’t know what the real reason is for operating the way that they do. I guess in the end though as I said in the video, everyone still makes money. The government uses their agencies to police the world and to stop individuals from pirating, they receive huge tax payer money for these operations and it helps them justify trying to pass new laws and to peer into our personal lives. On the other hand, Hollywood has an agency that works for them for free, they have but a few copyright enforcing outfits when you really think about it it’s the U.S. government that does all the work for them. Essentially it’s the people of the country who pay to see a movie, pay to protect a movie and pay to be spied on. So maybe this is a good ass reason as to why Hollywood is ultimately content with doing it the way their doing it. They are setting record profits after all… Then again, is this the right thinking to have? They could be blowing these profits out of the water if they changed the way they distributed their works.
See our Hollywood Network Article inspired by Mr. Humphrey
Where is all of this going? What was the purpose of doing what you did and bringing all of this to light?
I don’t know where it’s going, I just wanted to make a point and I think so far the point has gotten out there. This is a serious situation taking place. The draconian laws being enforced on people, the government imposing prison time and harsh fines, the MPAA and Hollywood staying stuck in their ways since the 1900′s. I mean something needs to change and I figure there is nobody else better for the job than me. So I’ll investigate the prisons, I’ll investigate the judges, I’ll investigate the marshals. The Lorain Correctional Institution isn’t the only one that is on the radar for me. I’m trying to prove a point and then some. We all know Hollywood is slow when releasing films, we all know they don’t make it affordable on purpose, we all know this. I want to know why. I think I’m finding out why, I think that it’s becoming apparent as to why. I mean, the government has offices within the movie studios for crying out loud. #1 on speed dial isn’t a director, its the U.S. Navy or the U.S. Marines or the CIA. Do you see what I see?
Do you think that the current copyright laws are fair?
No way, not at all. I think that the government needs to make some changes to the laws immediately and that they need to stop supporting big business the way that they do. In fact I think they need to get out of Hollywood’s affairs almost entirely. There’s no point in sending around dudes in suits on jets and in SUV’s all day everyday costing the tax-paying American more and more money while Hollywood gets richer and richer. They are more than competent to do the job themselves and if not then perhaps they should introduce a better system for their devoted customers. It’s the governments fault for babying Hollywood and allowing them to stay stuck in their ways. That’s part of the problem right there. Hollywood is reluctant to improve upon their business platforms simply because they have multiple forms of the U.S. government at their disposal to take care of their dirty work.
What do you think can be done to change them for the better?
The government needs to back off and asses this situation properly. They need to amend some of the copyright laws, make the crimes non-jailable when referencing digital works and make the fines realistic if not entirely mute. Then, Hollywood needs to get their heads out of the sand and make a Hollywood Network (or something similar) that shows movies relatively quickly in multiple formats with capabilities for their customers to stream, download or share. They need to make this network available world-wide or in as many places as possible. They could really make a ton of money doing this and shut down virtually every file locker/file host in the world if you think about it. There will always be people who copyright, but the fact is, there are over 50 million NetFlix subscribers and over 5 million Hulu subscribers. These two platforms alone don’t have any new releases and are only available in the U.S.A. Imagine if Hollywood were to setup their own Holly Network if you will, take it world-wide, offer new movies in theater after only 2-3 weeks of being in theater and charge a monthly fee of $19.99. They would probably have upwards of 500 million subscribers within the first 5 years and if you do the math your jaw would drop open. Like I said, all of this is ridiculous already.
Do you feel that the government is above the law in this regard?
I don’t think that they should be above the law, but sadly they definitely think they are sometimes. You see cops blowing through red lights with their cop lights flashing only to shut them off as soon as they get to the other side of the intersection. That’s just a small example, but a good one of what is going on here. It puts it in the same light. Copyright infringement is taking place within 75% of American households today and many of them don’t even know that they are doing it. Whether it be movies, games or music. The government never holds itself accountable for these kinds of things because they don’t feel that it’s a serious issue. They think they can just sweep it under the rug. Well, I like to think that with me that’s not going to be so easy. I guess we’ll just have to find out if people with a voice and a mind can still make a difference in this country or not. I’m optimistic and firmly believe that achievements can still be made by someone outside of a political party in this country. Regardless of their background history, color, religious preference or the size of their bank account.
Do you currently run any warez websites that you would like to share with us?
Yeah, be sure to checkout ScrollDog.com ? Breaking Scene News | File Sharing Updates | Money, Tech & The Exposed (USAWarez.com). Oh wait, it redirects back to ScrollDog lol. No, not at this time I don’t have any that I am running
What is your involvement, if any with any websites in the scene?
I don’t have any direct involvement, I’m more of a consultant. I like to advise individuals on the next move to make and help them form a strategy and an understanding of where they need to go and what they need to do to get there. I’m really good with that kind of stuff.
Since you can’t technically use the computer, how are you taking this interview?
Unfortunately as I said I am unable to use the internet at this time so I have to go through other people to do things for me. Like the reason this interview took so long to do is because my brother was typing my responses and he types slow as hell (screw you Rick). Usually my Mom or my Brother will do it for me. Sometimes a friend or I’ll make a phone call and have someone do something. Only time I am on the computer is when I am doing college or reading emails or looking for jobs, etc. Other than that I don’t come on at all.
When will you be able to use the computer on a regular basis?
Probably sometime in the near future. I am able to use the computer, I just haven’t opted to do so really. It’s pretty much all on my end, whenever I want to use it I can. Just haven’t taken the initiative at this time.
What can we expect from you in the future?
I think moving forward you will see some interesting things coming from me. I don’t like to reveal too much, but most of the things that I will be releasing in the future are going to do with things in and around my area so they won’t pertain to the scene really.
What did you think of this interview?
I thought it was well done and gave me the opportunity to speak my mind. Thanks a lot for interviewing me.
Do you have any final comments/remarks?
Yes I do. Firstly, thanks again for interviewing me & sorry for having to go about it so slowly and the way that we did. ScrollDog is really turning into a nice site and I appreciate you guys taking my information and doing really well with it. I wouldn’t have been able to get the coverage that you did, you guys deserve a lot of credit for that. Awesome work, really awesome work.
I want to thank everyone who has always been a supporter and a believer in the things that I do, from USAWarez to the WRZNetwork to USATorrents and many other things that launched into the stratosphere or things that never even got anywhere near. Thanks for believing in me and thanks for being there for the ride. There are a lot of you who worked with me over the years who were inspirations and truly I don’t deserve all the credit for the things that I have done, it was a combined effort in many cases.
The future holds an uncertainty, however the uncertainty is what makes it interesting. Remain optimistic, never give up and always continue fighting for what you believe in. Things always work out for the best if you keep faith and perseverance.
Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t do this or you can’t do that. If you want to do it then you can. It just takes believing in yourself.
Always be genuine and as humble as possible. Don’t be like everyone else, don’t be a follower and don’t poke fingers at people unless it’s your job to do so. Try to think outside of the box, think about what your fans and visitors would want to see or what you yourself would want to see and try to implement that within your own creations.
Until the next time, take care!
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