
We have moved into a brand new year which definitely looks bright and promising for social media. Wizoid team asked renowned social media influencers to share their social media predictions and list of favorite tools-2016!

Here are the predictions. Learn from the pros!!

1. Guy Kawasaki: @GuyKawasaki

Bio: Mantra: I empower people. Chief evangelist of @Canva https://www.canva.com/ . Author of thirteen books. Former chief evangelist of Apple.
Website: guykawasaki.com

Follow me on #Periscope for behind-the-scenes action and technology stuff. https://t.co/KxbhYGVD4X pic.twitter.com/u86kV3pZ9Q

— Guy Kawasaki (@GuyKawasaki) December 8, 2015

# Social Media Prediction 2016:

Social media will to change to “pay to play” media for most brands. Succeeding at content marketing, the last bastion of merit, will become harder and harder.

# Favorite Tools:

The tools that I use the most are:

– Buffer

– Voila

– Facebook Mentions

2. Ian Cleary: @IanCleary

Bio: Award Winning Tech Blogger on RazorSocial, Social Media Tools Guy, Contributor for Social Media Examiner, VentureBeat etc Prof Speaker, Kick Boxer!
Website: razorsocial.com

Got your Digital Marketing Strategy sorted for 2016? Free Master Class Next Tuesday – https://t.co/vbsn8DLaWk pic.twitter.com/HXc14yIbhC

— Ian Cleary (@IanCleary) January 7, 2016

# Social Media Prediction 2016:

We have so many text-based monitoring, filtering and analytics tools but most social content is based around imagery.

Image analysis is hard and not foolproof. But technology is getting better in this area and having image recognition and analysis software is a big plus to brands.

Sysomos recently acquired Gaze. Gaze provides image recognition and analysis software.

You enter a search for your logo and Gaze identifies images that contain your logo.

Smart, eh?

Absolutely, its mega smart and essential.

Social is image- and video-based at his core, and we need the tools to match this and we’ll see more of this in 2016.

# Favorite Tools:

Coschedule – Great editorial calendar too.

Inboundwriter – take the guess work out of creating content that will rank on Google

3. Chris Brogan: @chrisbrogan

Bio: NYT Bestselling author & business advisor. Projects: http://owner.media Contact: http://owner.media/contact
Website: owner.media

If you want to thrive in 2016, it’s important to build these up – https://t.co/mfCmR8ziQG

— Chris Brogan (@chrisbrogan) January 5, 2016

# Social Media Prediction 2016:

I predict people will be less and less interested in talking about social media and more interested in business success, using social as one of a series of tools.

# Favorite Tools:

Email is my favorite social media tool and always will be.

4. Joel Comm: @joelcomm

Bio: Professional Keynote Speaker, NY Times Best-Selling author, Futurist and Social Influencer – For Sales/PR/Promo http://joelcomm.com/contact – #DoGoodStuff
Website: joelcomm.com

I want you to hear this message! Please watch – https://t.co/VeZSeKTWkf https://t.co/WVJaeNVMfo

— Joel Comm (@joelcomm) January 9, 2016

# Social Media Prediction 2016:

I believe we will see an increase in video streaming. However, those who are producing quality content and regular shows with themes will become the new stars of the social space.

# Favorite Tools:

Although I’ve been streaming video online since 2008, this year found us with a number of mobile and desktop solutions that made it easier to stream than ever before. From Meerkat, Periscope and LIVE for Facebook Mentions for one-to-many broadcasts and Blab.im for town-hall like discussions and chats, live-streaming has finally found it’s place in the social media space.

5. Aaron Lee: @AskAaronLee

Bio: Grand Master of Customer Delight @PostPlanner. Trying to perfect the art of making cappuccino while running a business. Introvert with awesome hair.
Website: AskAaronLee.com

Learn how to regain your balance in your life. http://t.co/Y6iExj9mgZ pic.twitter.com/qWQi9jg7QD

— Aaron Lee (@AskAaronLee) July 6, 2015

# Social Media Prediction 2016:

Instagram will give businesses a run for their money. This year was the growth and Instagram, and we’ve all seen how much more of an engagement this platform had. 2016 will also be the year for Instagram as they slowly add more features and other apps to support it.

# Favorite Tools:

My favorite tool is one that can help me save a lot of time and helps me with engagement. With that, Post Planner wins this by a milestone with the discovery and scheduling feature. I probably save more than 4-5 hours a week. With the extra time, I’m able to focus more on engaging with people on social media. I love that.

6. Ted Coine: @tedcoine

Bio: CEO of The Extraordinary #influencer Network. Keynote Speaker. Latest book: A World Gone Social. #socialCEO #FutureofWork #PersonalBranding *EN = sponsored
Website: openfor.business

Influencer Marketing is on track to be #1 in 2016. Here’s what every #CEO needs to know. https://t.co/CvX39zqbOO

— Ted Coiné (@tedcoine) January 7, 2016

# Social Media Prediction 2016:

In 2015, companies finally embraced the fact that content is king. That is largely accepted now, and a few companies are actually doing something about it worthy of note. 2016 will be the year that these companies also tackle influencer marketing. Like content, many have been working with influencers for years. The doing it well part? Paying your influencers, for example? 2016 is the year that we’l move from 2010 practices to something more modern.

# Favorite Tools:

There is a world full of social media tacticians: people who are really good at the minutiae of social. Their work is very important, but that’s not me. If find a tool that works for me I use it for years, until it stops serving my needs. Where I choose to add value instead is by watching and reporting on the mega trends of how social is transforming all aspects of business leadership. The principles of running a company in the Social Age? Enterprise CEOs need to understand those, and they need to hear it from their peers, not some dude living in his mother’s basement hanging out on Facebook all day and night. So I interview social enterprise C-level leaders all week long, as do many of the members of our new company, The Extraordinary influencer Network. The things we learn informs ourkeynotes and, every so often, one of our books.


Bio: Forbes Top 50 Social Media Influencer, Top Retweeted by SM, Consultant, Trainer, Speaker, Photographer, Travel Blogger, Seen Forbes, CNN, Huff Po, Alltop, etc.
Website: ChrisVoss.net

“Feedback is the breakfast of champions.”- Rich Tate

— CHRIS VOSS (@CHRISVOSS) January 9, 2016

# Social Media Prediction 2016:

Lots of 360 degree videos and more VR. More brands using video to market

# Favorite Tools:

Social Oomph.

8. Neal Schaffer: @Neal Schaffer

Bio: Author, Maximize Your Social | Founder @msocialbusiness @socialtoolssmmt @socialmedia_coe | #socialmedia #marketing #socialselling #employeeadvocacy #speaker
Website: maximizeyoursocial.com

How to Be Successful on #Twitter (7-Day Plan I Wish I Had) https://t.co/S8aZhoCotk pic.twitter.com/UVvEUljRth

— Neal Schaffer (@NealSchaffer) January 9, 2016

# Social Media Prediction 2016:

My prediction for the future of social media marketing in 2016 is that companies will become more dependent on seemingly opposite ends of the spectrum: Becoming more dependable on social media tools in order to automate and scale and get the job done effectively and efficiently while at the same time becoming more human, authentic and transparent with their engagement with other users in social media communities.

# Favorite Tools:

Edgar,Tweepi ,GaggleAMP, Oktopost, Tailwind, Nimble, LeadPages, Inoreader, Talkwalker, Socedo, SproutSocial, PostPlanner, Buffer, CoSchedule

9. Mark Schaefer: @markwschaefer

Bio: Chieftain of the blog {grow} & social media bouncer. Consultant, educator, author of five best-selling books including Social Media Explained & The Content Code
Website: businessesgrow.com

The book you MUST read to understand what’s next for social media and content marketing > The Content Code http://t.co/a8dv6JM2bX

— Mark Schaefer (@markwschaefer) March 29, 2015

# Social Media Prediction 2016:

I think we will see a lot of platform innovation. We need new useful ways to deliver and interact with content to stand out in this noisy world. Smart people are going to figure that out and make it happen!

# Favorite Tools:

I’m kind of hooked on Blab right now. It solves a lot of problems. It’s easier that Google Hangouts, more collaborative than Periscope and a lot of fun. Average person is spending an hour a day on Blab. It’s addictive!

10. Dorie Clark: @dorieclark

Bio: Contributor to @forbes & @harvardbiz; marketing strategist & speaker; @dukefuqua prof; author of Stand Out & Reinventing You.
Website: dorieclark.com

Curation is the new black pic.twitter.com/iTVkYb0T20

— Dorie Clark (@dorieclark) January 9, 2016

# Social Media Prediction 2016:

I think the live streaming video phenomenon will be more of a fad than a trend. Blab.im and Periscope are cool, and may be great for certain live events, but I think the mania currently surrounding them is somewhat misplaced.

# Favorite Tools:

I love Edgar (http://meetedgar.com/), which enables you to create an archive of ‘evergreen’ tweets and send them out on a regular schedule. It’s perfect for continuing to draw attention to older blog posts that are still relevant.

Key Trends :

After analyzing all the of predictions we received, we were able to notice a few common trends that were predicted over and over:

1. Live streaming & short videos will continue to grow

2. Real-Time Engagement with human touch will become the key

3. Increase In paid advertising

4. Social Selling & Influencer marketing might pick up the pace

5. Social media will evolve as a greater connecting medium during natural distress like never before.

Snapchat & muscial.ly might go mainstream this year.. Keep a watch on these apps!!

Share your predictions & thoughts in the comment below.

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