
I posted this on an Alchemy forum but I thought I would pose it here because that forum is currently having a slug-fest with guys getting banned. So I'm not sure what response I will get over there. Also they don't talk much about ritual magic, so hope you don't mind me putting here as well:

"The Olympian spirits described in: The Arbatel of Magic have various obvious Alchemical abilities.

for example

"OPHIEL is the ruler of those things which are attributed to Mercury; he gives familiar spirits, teaches all arts, and enables the possessor of his character to change quicksilver immediately into the Philosopher's Stone."

So basically any Magician who can do Evokation to visible appearance (like me) could theoretically put a bowl of mercury in the triangle of art. Evoke Ophiel to visible appearance and instruct him to convert it into the stone..... right?...

I haven't done much work with the Olympian spirits has anyone tried something like this? The other Olympian spirits also posses Alchemical type attributes."

As an aside if this is possible it would solve the' I want to get rich via magic' issue raised on various forums. After I have dealt with the Baptist Xtians that trashed my circle I am thinking I may try a spot of Arbatel has anyone here done any?

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