
Light is the main character in the Bible, the stillness of light is what gives us the effects we see in the world around us.

The characters in the myths have common themes, they all seem to do the same jobs, over and over again. In Jewish and Christian paradigm, the character turns up on the masculine side as ‘el’.

The other side is his twin brother, or his evil opponent, usually has the word ‘mag’ associated with it.

The earth has two spheres, east and west and you also have the northern hemisphere and the southern hemisphere. The equator is right in the middle and above it is the tropic of Cancer and below it is the Tropic of Capricorn.

Cancer is the highest point that the Sun will rise to and Capricorn is the lowest, so the equator will represent the equinoxes and the tropics will represent the solstices, the times in the northern hemisphere that we have maximum and minimum light.

From March 21st, the Sun is moving over the equator into Spring; the Spring equinox, then June 21st is the start of the Summer, the Summer solstice, then September 21st is the autumnal equinox, the start of Autumn (Fall), then December 21st is the start of winter and the winter solstice and we then move back into March 21st to begin the spring.

If you can picture in your mind’s eye, three lines with a sine wave that starts on the middle (March 21st), moves up to the top (June 21st), then back to the middle (September 21st) and then to the bottom (December 21st) and then back to the middle (march 21st), you will see that you have a sine wave that looks like two 180 degree circles, one above the equator and one below, next to one another.

Then I want you to picture that where the sine wave reaches June 21st, we draw a vertical line from that point to the middle, the equator, this will then show two 90 degree sections dividing it in half and we can do the same with the bottom one at December 21st, again dividing it into a 90 degree split.

What I then want you to picture, is we then divide these sections into 30 degree sections, so there will be 3 different sections in each 90 degree split and 6 in each half and 12 in total across it.

Each section starting from March 21st, is a different sign of the zodiac, the first 30 degree section is Aries, then Taurus, then Gemini. This 90 degree section represents the spring.

Then from June 21st we have Cancer, Leo and Virgo. This is the summer.

Then from September 21st we have Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius. This is the autumn (fall).

Finally we go from December 21st to March 21st as Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. This is the winter.

Now I want you to label the 90 degree section on the left at the top going from Aries to Virgo, as the Promised Land, or the land of milk and honey and heaven.

The other 90 degree section on the right at the bottom; from Libra to Pisces as the Red Sea; Hell and death.

The sine wave is the path of the Sun, as it moves through each house. The whole chart is the Kingdom, the Holy Land, it represents different parts of your body, nature and the stars, in ancient sciences like this, the relation is explained as, “As Above, So Below”. This diagram in your mind is the relationship between the Sun and the Earth, it shows the relationship between a primary and its planetary parts of the system. In this case the Sun is the focal point, the ruler of the system, like father and mother.

Aries represents the head and Pisces is the feet, I will explain more as we go on, but this is the general idea.

The sine wave is also called the ‘ecliptic’.

We are going to follow this ecliptic as it moves through the constellations within the Zodiac.

You could also draw this diagram following the above steps, what I would do as well is to draw the top 90 degree section in green and the bottom 90 degree section in red.

The top is the electric component and the red is the magnetic component.

Top is the Spirit, the bottom is the Matter.

Walter Russell explains that magnetism is negative electricity and the other is the positive.

The main objective is to study the science of angles in this system because light comes to us at various angles, beneficent angles, benefique angles and malefique angles, this is the ‘language of angels’, the angels are the angles.

If we picture a sphere and draw 4 90 degree sections making a square within it, this represents ‘bad’ angles, very dynamic and powerful, malefique. Thomas H. Borgoyne calls this the angle of sorrow. These angles cause harm to us in the solar system, when planets are found to be at these aspects toward each other. These are the “Angular Aspects Of Malefique Rays”, which are 45 degrees, 90 degrees, 135 degrees and 180 degrees, these were found to be malefique, another derivation would be ‘malevolent’.

Where as if we have 3 120 degrees making a triangle, these were ‘soft’ angles, benefique. Thomas H. Borgoyne calls this the angle joy. These were the “Angular Aspects Of Benefique Rays”, which were 3 x 120 degrees (Triangle), 6 x 60 degrees, and 12 x 30 degrees (Hexagram). Another derivation is ‘benevolent’ or ‘beneficial’.

A good book for this for reference is by Borgoyne, “The Light Of Egypt”, in it are some good diagrams that will explain the way these angles are implicated in this science, it is easily available, however there will be a lot of references within this topic.

The Light Of Egypt is referring to the original doctrines, all myths are based on this science. The angles above were the angles concerned in this science of light.

Light is the producer of all things. Undivided light is what the cause is called. As the light divides, it produces electricity and magnetism.

This produces a pattern as you will see in the system explained above; a positive pulse of electricity is followed by a negative pulse of electricity.

Each sign for instance, Aries is known to be masculine, Taurus is feminine and this repeats in that order of masculine and feminine, so these are smaller pulses, within a pulse.

So light is a unit, a photon and it reproduces itself to produces all the forms that we see that are only motion, there is no substance to it or any of the things that we see.

The summer also represents photosynthesis, life and is masculine.

The winter represents decay, death and is feminine.

Yin (summer) and yang (winter), without each other, nothing can exist that we see.

As I go along, you may want to expand the above diagram, so you can fit more information into each 30 degree section, this is the quickest way to understand it.

It is philosophy, philosophy means ‘the love of wisdom’ and wisdom is a vibration of light, just as truth is, as love is, electricity and matter and magnetism.

All the sciences and the myths are harmonized by this method of science of light.

Each section that is an equinox and a solstice is a cardinal point, if we overlap the diagram to make a circle; the cardinal points are at Aries, Cancer, Libra and Pisces. If we draw a cross from top to bottom and side to side, this will represent the cardinal cross, the symbol of Christianity, these represent the season changes, cardinal means ‘subject to change.’

Each sign is divided between four elements, Fire (Male), Earth (Feminine), Air (Male) and Water (Feminine), the Plutonic Elements.

Fire corresponds to Tetrahedra, Air to Octrahedra, Water to Icosahedra, Earth to Hexahedra, each are plural to represent the ‘sacred angles’, the angels.

Fire and Air (Tetrahedra and Octahedra) have the benefique angles and Water and Earth (Icosahedra and Hexahedra) have the malefique angles.

There is also ‘Ether’ the Dodecahedron which is ‘being’, Fire is ‘movement’, Air is ‘Identity’, Water is ‘Differentiation’, and Earth is ‘Rest’.

The Hex shows the energy of rest as Tetra is the motion; the motion is electric, electro magnetism which emanates from Dodecahedron, the Ether.

Also note that the Dodecahedron can be a Pentagram, it is also in DNA in Hydrogen Bombs, representing creation and destruction, it incorporates the Febernache ratio, it is the number of mankind, what gives life can take it away.

Ether also represents Space (Dimension, Plasma, Love, Touch and Angel), Fire also represents Light (Temperature, Nitrogen, Spirit, Sight and Human), Air is gas (Motion, Oxygen, Mind, Hearing and Animal), Water is Liquid (Cohesion, Hydrogen, Emotion, Taste and Plant) and Earth is the Solid (Solidity, Carbon, Sense, Smell and Mineral), the base and foundation.

The above are also known as the “Four Rivers Of The Garden Of Eden”.

Now, in Aries, Leo and Sagittarius please label these as “Fire”.

Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are “Earth”.

Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are “Air”.

Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are “Water”.

Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn are “Cardinal”.

Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius are “Fixed”.

Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces are “Mutable”.

Every sign that starts each 90 degree quadrant is a Cardinal sign, this signifies the change in the seasons, think of it as a ‘hinge’, so we open a new door on a hinge to the next season. It is the beginning of everything, the exaltation of the Sun, in the longer days, in shorter days we follow the fall of the Sun. They are the most powerful signs as they open up the new seasons.

Then when the season is in, it becomes Fixed, this represents the firmness, such as in spring, we have the blossoming once into Taurus.

As the season begins to change, it is then Mutable, these are always at the end of the season, it fragments and parts ways for the new season to come along.

Now when we come to the Equinoxes, we call these the ‘pass over’, because the Sun is passing over the equator.

We can also label each Cardinal point as hours on the clock, March 21st is 6AM, then June 21st is 12PM, Sept 21st is 6PM and then we go back to 6AM.

As I explained before, it is all a pulse within a pulse, you can break down everything that is, into this chart, it not only represents the months of the year, but also the hours.

The sine wave is expressing the positive and the negative.

The chart can also express the moon waxing and waning. When it is waxing, it will always be on the right side, which I will explain is the ‘good’ side later on as I explain the mythology, everything right in the Bible and everything East, is good.

By this polarity, we can accept that West and left, is bad.

This all has to do with the right and left hemispheres of the brain. The left is the masculine and logical brain and the right is the feminine and intuitive side, the divine mind, the Garden of Eden. Basically, if you stay in the left, you are in sin and don’t reach the ‘high’ or right mind.

When the moon is waxing that is a blessing, when she is waning that is sinister.

So east is always the blessed place in the myths such as the tree that God planted in Eden was in the East, the doors of the Temple always face east, this is where true living begins.

It is easy to see where the arguements of East vs West is misinterpreted in current extremism.

Waxing is where the moon has influence, so you should plant seeds when she is waning, underground. Another note is that scriptures say you should only cut your hair when the moon is waxing, or it wont grow properly, but if it is done whilst waxing, it will continue to grow as normal.

So on the chart, we can relate the polarity of Sun and Moon to the solstices meaning Full and New Moon and the equinoxes are the first and last quarter.

The Sun will be Sunrise and Sunset at the equinoxes and the solstices are midday and midnight.

All of Astrology is basically working on the waxing and waning of all the planets, their exaltation and their fall, influence and weakness, some rejoice in signs and some are detrimental in others.

So again, a waxing sun, from Capricorn to Gemini is good and a waning Sun from Cancer to Sagittarius is bad. Good and bad aspects.

Positive = Good and Negative = Bad.

In the Spring and Summer, the Sun is in its Kingdom. Think about it, Easter is where we celebrate the Sun being ‘resurrected’ or the “pass over”; the Sun is basically Jesus, or any other Sun God.

I know people on this site know this, but I want to fit in all basics to try to fit in everything and to validate my claims.

This is how God shows itself, God is light, the Bible says there is no need to go past the scripture, as long as we recognize its meaning, that God is light.

Fire represents electricity, so its polarity; or its magnetic and negative aspect is water. The Union Jack has this built into it, Red is fire, blue is water and white is neutral.

Electricity and magnetism and neutral, the cross is the equinoxes and the solstices.

This stuff is in everything. I will also point out later how important the number 12 is in all this. There are 12 signs, 12 months, 12 tribes of Israel, 12 brothers, 12 disciples and so on, you look in any doctrine and see how many times the number 12 appears, it is all about this science.

Now back to the chart and we can now establish the seven planets that have rule in the signs.

The Sun rules in Leo, The Moon in Cancer, Mercury is in Virgo and Gemini, on any astrological chart, Mercury is never more than 28 degrees away from the Sun, Venus is never more than 48 degrees and this rules in Libra and Taurus, Venus and Mercury are ‘friends of the sun’.

Mars is in Aries and Scorpio, Jupiter is in Pisces and Sagittarius and Saturn is in Aquarius and Capricorn.

One thing to note is that in Hebrew, the letter ‘EL’ is the glyph of Saturn, ( ), which in mythologies refers to el, al, Ba’al, Bael etc....

Also, referring to Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable, we can say they mean Birth, Life and Death; Generation, Operation and Dissolution; Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva; The Creator, The Preserver and The Destroyer.

They represent the 3 cycles of life, of Light.

True knowledge is attained in two ways, through intuition and experience; they can never be divided from each other. The purpose of intuition is to reveal certain basic ideas which must be then tested or improved by experience. Experience in turn not only justifies intuition, but contributes certain additional knowledge by which the impulse to further grow is strengthened and developed.

Intuition without experience allows the mind to fall into an abyss of speculation without adequate censorship by practical means. Experience without intuition could never be fruitful because fruitfulness comes not from the doing of things, but from overtones which stimulate creative thought.

Intuition was possible because of the existence in nature of mysterious substance or essence a universal life force, light is the best comparison.

There are two kinds of light, the visible radiance which we can call brightness and the invisible radiance which we call darkness.

From this statement and summary, I personally view this science as a good basis for whatever we need to study anything about life, by breaking everything down to light.

There is no essential difference between light and darkness.

There is a dark light which can appear luminous to the soul but which cannot be sensed by the body, there is a visible radiance which can seem bright to the senses, but may appear dark to the soul.

We must see light as being the nature of being, the total existence from which all separate existences arise. Light not only has the radiance to support visible creatures and the whole broad expanse of creation, but the invisible part of light supports the secret parts of nature and the functions of man, particularly intuition. Intuition therefore relates to the capacity of the individual to become attuned to the hidden side of life.

This implies that light is much more than the radiance that comes from the Sun, or a lantern or a candle, light is the perfect symbol of total wellbeing, even if it is not visible it is the cause of wisdom.

As light gives energy sustaining growth and development, so the light of the soul bestows understanding, the light of the mind makes wisdom possible.

What health is to the body, morality is to the emotions and wisdom to the mind and reality to the spirit.

Continued tomorrow.................!!!!!!!

The light of the physical Sun warms and reveals the bodies of things, the light of the psychic Sun nourishes and reveals the structure of the soul, the light of the spiritual or root Sun sustains and nourishes the human spirit.

We are a star species, harvesting star light. The Sun is a physical, spiritual and psychic body. This is where we get the Holy Trinity from, the father, the son and the holy spirit.

Pythagorean theory describes a deity as an ‘infinite body’ and being whose body is composed entirely by the substance of light and whose soul is composed of the substance of truth.

Truth is therefore a kind of light and when it shines, a kind of darkness is dissipated. Truth is to the darkness of ignorance as what the physical Sun is to the darkness of nature, there is also a spiritual Sun and the total energy of this Sun dissipates total illusion that is morality or materiality.

The spiritual Sun is forever dispelling the kind of darkness we call death, the psychic Sun is forever dissipating the kind of darkness which we call ignorance and the physical Sun is forever dissipating crystallisation.

Light is very powerful, light is like water, it can be solid, liquid or gas and light has the same nature. This why Jesus says “I am the light of the world and none comes from the father except from me”, this is referring to the divided light (fire), as you will see later, Jesus always takes the character of ‘el’, in Matthew 21:23 it says “The Virgin shall give birth to a child, and they shall call him Emmanuel”.

Walter Russell wrote a book called “A new concept on the Universe” it contains a lot about light and electricity, I will be using sections from this work, but you can obtain the book yourself from this post if you wish to delve deeper. Russell claims that his Pineal Gland was opened and activated from a very early age and gained great insights into the workings of nature and electricity.

His wife in the introduction explains “Man can come to reason with his senses but he cannot know with them. Reason does sensed thinking not mind knowing. He has also produced effects without actually knowing the cause the senses have not revealed to man that this is a motionless universe of substance only, neither have they told him the principle of polarity which divides the universal equilibrium into pairs of oppositely conditioned mates to create a sex divided electric, two way universe.”

Russell had his own table of elements which is available in this post as a PDF, he discovered the importance of angles, the elements were tabulated in accordance to their vibration from light. Carbon is the middle vibration of all his whole system, simply put ‘el’ revolves around carbon.

Thus it is that man has ever been transformed by the "renewing of his mind" with new knowledge

given to him since his early beginnings, through the Mahabharata and Bhagavad-Gita of the early

Brahmic days, through such ancient mystics as Laotze, Confucius, Zoroaster, Buddha, Plato,

Aristotle, Socrates, Epictetus, Euclid, Mohammed, Moses, Isaiah, and Jesus, whose cosmic

knowledge utterly transformed the practice of human relations of their day.

Then dawned a new day of the gathering of so-called "empirical knowledge," which is gained

through the senses by research and observation of effects of matter-in-motion rather than through

the Consciousness of inspired Mind in meditation, which is the way that mystics and geniuses

acquire their knowledge.

This the root of how Churches control what you read and what you think.

Since the days of Galileo this undependable method of gaining knowledge through the senses has

served to multiply man's reasoning powers by teaching him HOW to do marvelous things with

electricity and the elements of matter, but not one great savant of science can tell the WHY--or the

CAUSE--of his familiar effects.

If asked what electricity, light, magnetism, matter or energy is, he frankly answers: "I do not


If science actually does not know the WHY--or WHAT--or CAUSE--of these essentials, it

necessarily follows that it is, admittedly, without knowledge.

It is merely informed--but information gathered through the senses is not knowledge. The senses

sense only EFFECTS. Knowledge is confined to the CAUSE of EFFECTS.

The senses are limited to but a small range of perception of the EFFECTS which they sense, and

even that small range is saturated with the deceptions and distortions created by the illusion of


Referring to the hemispheres of the brain, the right is unity and the left is duality.

It is impossible for the senses to penetrate any EFFECT to ascertain its CAUSE for the cause of

illusion is not within effect. For this reason the entire mass of so-called empirical knowledge which

science has gained by reasoning through the senses is invalid.

Let us examine some of these conclusions which form the basis of scientific theory and see why

all present theory is invalid, and why its entire structure has no resemblance to either Nature's laws

or its processes. I will now enumerate some of these unnatural theories.

This one basic error topples the whole structure, for out of it all of the other misconceptions of light,

matter, energy, electricity, magnetism and atomic structure have grown.

If science knew what LIGHT actually IS, instead of the waves and corpuscles of incandescent suns

which science now thinks it is, a new civilization would arise from that one fact alone.

Light is not waves which travel at 186,000 miles per second, which science says it is, nor does light

travel at all.

The light of incandescent suns is but an effect of one of the two equally-opposed electric pressure

conditions which interweave this universe into visible solids and liquids surrounded by invisible

gases of space.

These two opposite electric conditions which form the basis of the constitution of matter are the

compressed condition of gravity pressure and the expanded condition of radiation pressure. These

two electric conditions are the equal-and-opposite pressures which make motion imperative and

without which motion is impossible.

Electricity is the only substance of the universe that God uses to create the universe.

That’s it.

On YouTube there are a couple of Videos, “Remembering the end of the world” and “Symbols of an alien sky”. I didn’t want to post them here, in case I am accused of spamming. They are by David Talbot and Wallace Thornhill and they teach plasma cosmology and electric universe theory.

They have studied the myths and discovered that mythologies like Immanuel Velikovsky, described scenarios on this planet, he discovered that the myths were talking about the instability of our solar system 1000’s of years ago, for instance Venus was known as a “terrible comet”, the solar system hasn’t been studied that well over the years, for obvious reasons and Velikovsky shows how Venus is only a newcomer into our solar system and the Saturn was in a different position.

What is taught is that Saturn was at the top of a coaxial system and the earth was at the bottom and Venus and Mars were in between, so Saturn was actually the Sun, 15000 years ago and the Sun we have now came into our system and created the system we have today, this theory harmonizes with mythologies from the Golden Ages because Saturn ruled the Golden Age.

When Jupiter takes over from his father Saturn (aka Kronos, or Time), the mythologies say that Jupiter introduces the four seasons, so the change in our system allows for angles to be incorporated from then on, as a coaxial relationship is a straight line, you can’t incorporate angles with the primary as Saturn, so there can never be a bad aspect, hence why it was called, the Golden Age.

That which science calls magnetism, and believes to be a force which has the power of lifting tons

of steel, is God's still Light which balances and controls the equality of electric division, but

electricity alone performs all of the work of this universe. The magnetic Light which controls the

universal balance performs no work whatsoever.

A bar magnet picks up nails because of the electric current which divided that steel into its activated

polarized conditions, and not because of its focal poles of silliness which center its two activities.

Even though the electric current has been withdrawn. the steel retains its electric activity for long

periods and acts as though the current still remained.

The positive electric condition compresses large volumes of light-waves into small volumes by

winding them up centripetally into spiral vortices by thrusting inward from without. That is what

gravitation is.

The negative electric condition expands small volumes of light-waves into large volumes by

unwinding them centrifugally into voiding equators where matter disappears. That is what radiation

is. Radiation thrusts outwardly from within to depolarize matter and void motion.

There are illustrations in the book that show this contraction and expansion, just like the positive and negative.

Ecclesiastes 11:7 “The light is all so sweet and it is good for the eyes, to see the Sun.”

It is recommended that we all watch the Sun for 10 minutes a day, this will promote soul gazing, the light will activate the electric current required to activate the pineal gland, we should also walk bare foot on the ground, to dissipate unwanted toxins from negative radiation.

Electricity vitalizes and devitalizes--charges and discharges--gravitates and radiates

--inbreathes and outbreathes--lives and dies--appears and disappears—compresses and expands--

heats and cools--grows and decays--integrates and disintegrates--and solidifies and vaporizes by its

electric actions-reactions which divide the ONE into countless pairs of separate ones under polar


When man breathes in he polarizes his body. He vitalizes it into wakeful action and an awareness

of sensation. He charges his body with higher electrical potential.

He manifests life.

When man breathes out he depolarizes his body. He devitalizes it into sleepy inaction and

lessening awareness of sensation. He discharges his body by lowering its potential. He manifests


Science has for years been searching for some simple underlying basic principle of motivation

which is present in every effect of motion. Mathematicians have hoped to find it and reduce it to a

basic formula. Physicists have sought for it in the hope of thus discovering the life principle.

Science has never found it, and never will find it so long as it is sought for in either matter or


That elusive secret is to be found only in the zero Light of the universal equilibrium, which is the

Fulcrum of the sex-divided electrical universe of thought-waves of two-way motion.

Everything starts from Spring, it should start from the true time, not from January.

This system dooesn’t belong as intellectual property, it can’t be invented. This science trumps everything, that’s why they can’t let you know it.

They can’t tell you that the Bible is just talking about light, electricity and magnetism, so they keep us in this slave state of reason and promote the idea that we can’t reach enlightenment without their help, and their help involves prison and tax, in exchange for “forgiveness”.

For instance Jes in Hebrew means “yes”, “sun” or “fire”, which is where the prefix to Christ, or anointed one and light, comes from, the anointed fire, “He who walks with me shall not fear darkness”.

Every wave is a compression-expansion pump. The whole universe is a giant pump. The two-way

piston of the universal pump constitutes the universal heartbeat. A one-way universe is as impossible

as a one-way pump is impossible.

Electricity is an effect of strain, tension and resistance caused by the energy of desire in the Light

of Mind to divide and extend the balanced unity of the ONE still Light of Universal Mind into pairs

of many divided units of thinking-Mind.

This science is all about mind thinking.

When electric strains and tensions cease to oppose each other, electricity ceases to be. Electricity

is dual action-reaction. When dual actions-reactions cease to vibrate, electric effect is voided by the

one universal condition of rest.

Sound vibrations of a harp string are an electrical effect. The electrical vibrations of sound are a

division of undivided silence. When sound vibrations cease, silence has "swallowed them up" by

voiding them.

So sound is also light, the Bible refers to it as “The Word”, the sound can be labelled as “Ohm”, which is used in prayers.

ALL of it, is light. We are light species, harvesting light.

Note that L and el are masculine, phallic in their appearance, God is defined as “light, love, life”, “L”, L for “Light”. When Saturn fell from its place into Hell, in its place on the chart explained, also known as “infernal” or “invernal”, winter, the infernal regions all mean the same thing, this is why Saturn is known as the oppose, or great oppose, he was cast out of the Kingdom by the Sun, the Son, God.

Hell, or the very depths of it, are categorized as being cold, not with flames, because of the proximity away from the Sun.

Saturn is also Satan, it’s just a play on language. So when the Sun falls in autumn, it is crucified in Capricorn, the goat and waiting is Saturn, “he fell from his rocky position”. This is what the wars in the heavens are all about, the recorded data of the unstable universe and all it is, is a 15,000,000,000,000 year record of astrological phenomena, from which we get ethics, logic and physics, soul, mind and body, which are the three branches of philosophy.

That’s all it is, the love of wisdom and wisdom is a vibration of light.

Scriptures in the Bible that define God – Psalm 84:11 “For the Lord God is a Sun and a Shield”, John 1:5 “This then is the message which we have heard of him and declare unto you, that God is light and with him, is no darkness at all”, John 4:8 “He that does not love has not come to know God because God is love”.

Continued tomorrow.............!!!!!

God is the Light of Mind. God's thinking Mind is all there is. Mind is universal. Mind of God and

Mind of man are ONE.

This eternally-creating universe, which is God's eternally-renewing body, is the product of Mind knowing expressed through Mind-thinking.

In the Light of God's Mind is all knowledge. All knowledge means full knowing of The Creator's

ONE IDEA which is manifested in His Creation.

Mind thinking is electric, so the mind is the chart we discussed in the first part, how it operates, as above, so below. It incorporates the oneness of 12 different parts or pulses, the dodecahedron or the ether.

Seven are the seven planets, in alchemy Saturn is lead, Jupiter is tin, Mars is Iron, Venus is Copper, Mercury is mercury or quicksilver, the Moon is silver and the Sun is Gold, this completes the Philosopher’s Stone, if you look at the chart and follow it around from Leo, you can see that the Sun is turning Lead into Gold, all the time.

This is the Holy Grail.

Remember at the beginning, I said we were going to be looking for two characters, ‘el’ and ‘mag’?

Electricity radiates, ‘Ra’ and when ‘Ra’ is divided, ‘Ra’ becomes ‘Gra’, as in gravity, remember, everything is light, as God is light.

God can be explained in an acronym:




This can also say Generation, Operation, Dissolution; Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva; Creator, Preserver, Destroyer; Birth, Growth, Decay.

So all in all, there is a oneness, with the whole system, a twoness, with Heaven and Hell (on the chart), a fourness, with the seasons and a sixthness, with the divide in the months and signs of the Zodiac.

2, 4, 6 – all feminine numbers, even numbers – Eve, in the Garden Of Eden.

2 was the number that Pythagoras spat on the ground because it destroyed unity. Cause is one, effect is two. Cause is undivided light, as it divides and polarizes, we get positive electricity and negative magnetism and that is all there is.

For instance Jesus was to be called EmmanuEL and they made his feminine partner Mary MAGdeline.

This is all solar knowledge, all religion is solar knowledge. I have no qualms with people’s belief in demons and practicing rituals to summon them, but when I break down that everything in scripture is to do with pure science, lost in interpretation, it makes me wonder if what is called ‘occult’ and ‘devil worship’, was actually put there by the church as the ultimate distraction and slap in the face.

How can you possibly be calling to anything other than light or magnetism? You can’t, all names, divine or infernal, are just positive and negative pulses of light.

Check out “Bible Mystery Series”, a book you can obtain online, it shows how the entire Shintu religion, is pure Hebrew. The Japanese are Hermeticists, as Buddha is Hermes.

It was all just one system.

Israel – break it down IS – RA- EL, do you think that they knew anything about light? Lol

Isis, the Sun will be born from the virgin =Magnetism RA the light=Light the seed of light EL=Light, they come from each other. Isis gives you the radiating electricity.

At this point I recommend you get familiar with Bill Donahue, he is on the net @ hiddenmeanings.com if you want the best Astrotheology, then this is the place to go, he will go through the whole system I have explained and who the characters are in the mythologies.

Mercury is Gabriel, Gabriel is always the messenger of the Gods, gabby for instance means ‘talker’, he is always close to the Sun in angular aspects, never more than 28 degrees from the Sun.

If you do your own star charts or obtain them, you will see that angles change, they are never the same, red usually indicates the bad aspects, Saturn usually has the most.

A perfect or coaxial system, will not do that, this system is chaos, influence and times change.

Blue aspects on charts are good aspects and mercury will always have those aspects, hence why it is called a ‘friend’.

It is sacred geometry, for instance the ‘Star of David’ could be a ‘perfect’ set of angles, equilateral triangles in a rare configuration, which may have came into our skies and had effect on March 2nd 2012.

Maybe that was what the prophecies were talking about, instead of waiting for a long haired man to come to destroy a horned goat man.

The cycle of precession is 24 – 26,000 years long and it is the backward motion of the Sun through the signs and constellations, at the end of this year it will be transitioning into Aquarius from Pisces.

Daily, monthly and yearly it goes clockwise from sunrise to sunset to sunrise.

There is not just one or two translations and meanings, exoteric and esoteric, this is what all commercial churches keep people in, the left mind, denying entry to the right or high mind, this is done with abuse. Emotional, physical and spiritual abuse, you are a sinner a dog and you need something like a hippie from the Bible to come and save you because you sure as hell can’t do it, you need a redeemer to give you salvation, you cannot do it yourself, so go to prison and give me money, don’t worry though, Jesus will save you!

This is why when you go out shopping in supermarkets, it appears to be a sleeping dreamworld of left sided thinkers! I don’t think i’m alone on this one, I stand there thinking “What is going on? How much crap are they feeding themselves on, thinking it is a good diet?”

McDonalds for instance is just recycled body parts, check it out, it is disgusting. Immunisations and vaccines have them too! It is all to stop the body and mind getting what it needs and they are doing a damn good job.

We need to keep ourselves clean and charged, walk on dirt barefoot for 45 minutes a day, this gets rid of all the free radicals and toxins that are in your body because the earth will just take them all.

Also soul gazing is important to open the pineal gland, make sure the Sun and its UV index is low (below 1 or 2) enough to look straight at it for 10 seconds and keep adding 10 seconds a day until you reach 10 minutes.

It’s electric.

Back to myths and you will always see that ‘el’ is the good guy and ‘mag’ is the feminine or feminine bad opponent or just opposer, spirit vs matter, matter is mother.

This is something worth going through before I continue, I just like to promote soul gazing as this is what will help us all become better occultists.

If you place the alphabet around the circles of the system we discussed, start with “A” at June 21st (12 midday) and the middle letter “M”, which will be invariably be there in all major languages of the world.

M is always in the middle, it’s the mother, the matter, it’s Mary, it’s Magdelin, Marine, Maritime it’s always something to do with water, which is feminine, magnetic, gravity, the rivers below as opposed to levity in the rivers above, fire and air, masculine.

The word grave is obviously GRAVity, as Mary Magdelin is the first one to go to the grave for Jesus’s resurrection. Matter, Mother, Death. Light, radiance, resurrect.

You will always see this use of language throughout Holy Scriptures, it is just glyphs, which can be personified and made Gods with deification.

You will see from reading the book I posted the configuration of A as father and M as mother, fire and water, levity and gravity and from Q,R,S,T and U will reveal the father the mother and the son, say it.


It is the hidden one.

Referring back to Walter Russell, now we have established that th top of the system is Hot and the bottom is Cold, Heaven and Hell, we come out of winter and into spring where Aries is the generator of life, the placing of the alphabet of QRSTU is in between this transition, so cold generates, generation contracts, contraction heats in summer, heat radiates, radiation expands in fall, expansion cools in winter and then cold generates and so on.

This is how the system works, as separate but whole parts.

All mythologies, it doesn’t matter which, is all dealing with this science and is harmonized by it.


This is a good book by John Fiske, called “Myths and Myth Makers”.


“The predominance of solar legends in most systems of mythology is

not due to the lack of "that Titanic assurance with which we

say, the sun MUST rise";[127] nor again to the fact that the

phenomena of day and night are the most striking phenomena in

nature. Eclipses and earthquakes and floods are phenomena of

the most terrible and astounding kind, and they have all

generated myths; yet their contributions to folk-lore are

scanty compared with those furnished by the strife between the

day-god and his enemies.”

All the constellations are conveniently in place to remind us of this science.

It all gets interpreted in art too, Leonard DiVinci – The Last Supper shows the Sun (Jesus) in Libra, the 12 apostles are the 12 signs, if you study the hand gestures and the feminine and masculine polarities, you will see the quadrant divide in the system we are working with.

You can’t invent it, it just is.

In Genesis 1:14 it says “He has made the luminaries to shine by night as SIGNS for men”, this is what it is talking about.

“The sun-myths have been so prolific

because the dramatic types to which they have given rise are

of surpassing human interest. The dragon who swallows the sun

is no doubt a fearful personage; but the hero who toils for

others, who slays hydra-headed monsters, and dries the tears

of fair-haired damsels, and achieves success in spite of

incredible obstacles, is a being with whom we can all

sympathize, and of whom we never weary of hearing.”

The greatest stories are about the Sun.


This book is called “Fairy Tales : Their Origins and Meanings” by John Thackray Bunce.

“the meaning of these stories, and of the lessons they teach--lessons

of history, and religious belief, and customs, and morals and ways of thought, and poetic fancies, and of

well-nigh all things, heavenly and human-- stretching back to the very spring and cradle of our race, older

than the oldest writings, and yet so ever fresh and new that while great scholars ponder over them for their

deep meaning, little children in the nursery or by the fire-side in winter listen to them with delight for their

wonder and their beauty. Else, if there were time and space we might tell the story of Jason, and show how it

springs from the changes of day and night, and how the hero, in his good ship Argo, our mother Earth,

searches for and bears away in triumph the Golden Fleece,”

This is referring to Aries, the Golden fleece, Argo is in Cancer and he rides the boat with his 50 oarsmen and they look for the Golden Fleece, which is in Aries, the Lamb.

“... in triumph the Golden Fleece, the beams of the radiant sun. Or we might fly with

Perseus on his weary, endless journey--the light pursuing and scattering the darkness; the glittering hero,

borne by the mystic sandals of Hermes, bearing the sword of the sunlight, piercing the twilight or gloaming in

the land of the mystic Graiae; slaying Medusa, the solemn star-lit night; destroying the dark dragon, and

setting free Andromeda the dawn-maiden; and doing many wonders more.”

When the Sun comes up at 6AM, Perseus slays Medusa, Andromeda is in Pisces, he slays the star lit night and comes up in the morning and all the stars flee and frees Andromeda the dawn.

Everything that is above, is below. We can arrange the ecliptic of the Sun to go straight down the centre of our bodies, Aries at the top and Pisces in the feet. To the right are the Northern Stars and to the left are the Southern Stars. All 48 constellations are in our bodies, so as above, so below, the myths are also referring to how our body works and how to look after it, with the word of God.

Man is the measure of the Universe, we really are at one with it.

“Or in Hermes we might trace out

the Master Thief of Teutonic, and Scandinavian, and Hindu legends; or in Herakles, the type of the heroes

who are god-like in their strength, yet who do the bidding of others, and who suffer toil and wrong, and die

glorious deaths, and leave great names for men to wonder at: heroes such as Odysseus, and Theseus, and

Phoebus, and Achilles, and Sigurd, and Arthur, and all of whom represent, in one form or another, the great

mystery of Nature, and the conflict of light and darkness; and so, if we look to their deeper meaning, the

constant triumph of good over evil, and of right over wrong.”

Light does all of this!

Continued tomorrow..................!!!!!!!!

I will be posting the rest in a few days......need a break!

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